screen space in Android emulator in visual studio for mac is very small - android-emulator

I have got the project up and running on android. But the problem with emulator is I cannot expand it to a bigger screen. Even if I expand the same amount of screen is visible.
The emulator I created is nexus 5 device running android 5.0.1 and uses a intel atom image x86


How can I fix this Unreadable fonts in Android emulator?

I have a react native application run in android emulator. The emulator's UI fonts are not readable at all.
My laptop resolution is 1366 x 768.
The emulator is using pixel_3_xl skin.

Android apps worked in usb debugging but not in android emulator (white screen)

I run "ionic cordova run android" using visual studio code.. but the apps shows white screen in the emulator.. it display properly if using USB debugging.. the device also display properly if install using the apk.. the reason why I want to use emulator because I want to debug "".. this is my emulator setting..
Emulator setting
Things that I have done is as per below
Choose ANGLE (D3D11) for OpenGL ES Renderer at the emulator advance setting
Choose Software - GLES 2.0 graphic for the Emulated Performance during create emulator
Try both R and Q for the system image during create the virtual device
Update the SDK based on the system image set at the emulator
System image selection
I compile the source code at different laptop (Laptop A) and it manage to display error at the web console using google inspect
it display "newtrustedfunctionforjit fn.bind is not a function"..
the issue is related to the chrome version 83 and the browser need an upgrade to solve the issue
The emulator is not using a browser (it using web view) hence I cannot update the google version
download new skin for newer android model into laptop A
download same skin on the laptop B (the laptop that I initially come with this post)
Below is the explanation from GitHub for angular
Explanation about the chrome issue
Below is my new System Image
Release Name S
API Level 31
ABI x86_64
Target Android 12 (Google APIs)
New System Image

Virtual Emulator Freeze in android studio on windows 10

I am doing my first project on android studio but Virtual emulator is freezing every time I run, it start to get black screen and showing 'no device selected' even I have open virtual emulator and its up working fine but when I run code virtual emulator wont respond.
Try running a cold boot for your android emulator. You can do this by navigating to the emulator files on your OS. If you are using Windows OS, this terminal command would look something like this:
cd C:\Users\your-account\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator>
Once you have navigated to the emulator directory, you can force a cold boot by running the following command:
.\emulator.exe -avd Your_Device_Name -no-snapshot-load
It is not clear from your question what code editor you are using, but this is effective in Visual Studio Code, especially if you have installed the Android iOS Emulator extension.

Visual Studio Code - Flutter : "Device emulator-5554 is offline"

I have just spent an hour reading through similar questions on Stack Overflow, and they are all for Android Studio, not Visual Studio Code. Also, I am doing Flutter development, so don't have access to adb commands, such as adb kill-server.
Everything was fine, unlike I clicked the power button on my emulated Android. Now, when I run/start debug and select active device, I get Failed to launch Nexus 5X API 29 x86: Error: Emulator didn't connect within 60 seconds.
How can I restart the emulated device? When it appears, clicking the power button does not seem to do anything. Is there a flutter terminal command?
Or can I somehow use a different emulator (if so, how)?
I faced the same issue with Android Virtual Device and Memu emulator so I switched to Genymotion.
I am using Genymotion personal edition which works amazingly and it's very light on resources too as compared to AVD and Memu.
You can download Genymotion Personal edition from Genymotion Personal Edition
Apart from Installing emulator Image you should also consider installing the GAPPS bundle in the emulator as it does not comes with it preinstalled. GAPPS will be needed in many apps requiring Google Play Services.
Here are the docs on how to install GAPPS in Genymotion emulator: GAAPS Docs
GAAPS Website
My Genymotion Emulator is Google Pixel 3a, 9.0 API 28.

Ubuntu crash when design Android layout by mouse

I have a problem with android emulator here My Android emulator cannot start. Error in load OpenGL lib but I have corrected it. But my Windows continuously crash BSOD critical structure corruption so I've moved to Ubuntu that I installed with alongside Windows before. But this time I met a very confusing error. Every time I use the mouse to drag and drop the item in the preview panet to layout xml then Ubuntu automatic logout immediately. And that is android > 4.0 layout. Android 2.2 layout everything work fine.
And the GNOME image viewer of Ubuntu have same crash like that if I use mouse to scroll/drag my image.
I spent almost time to find out my problem on internet but no one have that problem like me. Please help me.
My Ubuntu: 13.04 Raring 64bit
JDK: 64 bit
Android SDK: r22.01
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7600M