Comparing multiple HTTP responses in OWASP ZAP - owasp

I am doing an authentication lab on portswigger which requires me to compare multiple HTTP requests and find a subtle difference between them in order to find a valid username. However, I dont know how to do this using OWASP ZAP. By any chance could someone help me with this? Thanks!
The lab im trying to do:
What I am trying to do in ZAP:

When you setup ZAP's fuzzer setup the username payloads, goto the "Message Processors" tab. Remove "Payload Reflection Detector". Add "Tag Creator", set it to "Extract" set the "Regex" as warning>(Invalid.*)<. Run the fuzzer. Sort the results by the "State" column. Note one of the results is subtly different.


Bitbucket REST API does not handle second query parameter

I want to find out the changed files between two given commits/branches/tags using the Bitbucket Rest API.
I tried to use the diff command from here
curl -u USER:PASSWORD https://REPO-URL/rest/api/latest/projects/PROJECT/repos/REPO/compare/diff?from=COMMITHASH1&to=COMMITHASH2
where CAPITAL words are place holders for actual values I cannot post here.
The result of the request is always something like
The command "to" is spelled wrong or cannot be found
(the original result is in German, so that might be the translation).
However, if I switch the query parameters like .../diff?to=...&from=..., it says that the command from is unknown. I also tried other similar diff queries like .../compare/changes?from=...&to=... or .../diff?since=...&until=..., but the result was similar as mentioned above. Also giving branch names instead of commit-hashs showed no result.
Therefore, my assumption was that the second query parameter cannot be handled correctly by the API.
Other basic queries on the API like .../branches work fine, so authentication or whatever is no problem.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to wrap the commit-hashs into "" or something like that?
Thank you very much!
PS: As the repository is commercially used, I cannot give you the actual url, user or password to try for yourself.

Apache ManifoldCF: Get a history report for a repository connection over REST API

I'm trying to get a history report for a repository connection over ManifoldCF REST API. According to the documentation:
It should be possible with the following URL (connection name: myConnection):
I have also tried to use some of the history query parameters:
But I am not sure if I am using them correctly or how they should be attached to the URL, because it is not mentioned in the documentation.
The problem is also that I don't receive any error, but an empty object, so it is difficult to debug. The API returns an empty object even for a non-existing connection.
However it works for resources, which doesn't have any attributes, e.g.:
Thanks in advace for any help.
I also wrote a message to ManifoldCF team and they gave me an answer. So I summed up it for you below.
Query parameters go after the fixed "path" part of the URL and are of the form ?parameter=value&parameter2=value2...
So in the same way as in any other URL.
The problem was that I didn't supply the activity(s) that I wanted to match. Possible activities are e.g. fetch, process. My example:
Finally, the reason why I didn't get an error when I used a connection name that is bogus is because the underlying implementation is merely doing a dumb query and not checking for the legality/existence of the connection name.

OAUTH - Authorization URL "state" parameter is too long

I'm using the Actions on Google OAUTH authorization flow. In the authorization URL, Google passes along a very long "state" parameter (500+ char) in the URL, yielding an error on the OAauth client/server (Bunq to be precise).
I've seen more cases where this is an issue, also including Amazon Skills.
If I manually shorten the length of the 'state' parameter, the error disappears. But since Google is using the 'state' parameter as a "bookmarking value", they do not allow for any alterations. There seems to be no way to resolve this issue on my side.
Here is an example of the Authorization URL that is generated by Actions on Google:[MY PROJECT NUMBER]&client_id=[CLIENT ID]&response_type=code&state=[567 CHARACTERS]
Is there a way to shorten the state parameter, or to resolve this issue otherwise?
While there is no specified limit on the characters forming a URL specified by the Network Working Group in RFC 2616, the defacto convention used by many internet systems and browsers is up to 2k characters. You should check with the internal codebase as well if there is any limit on the number of characters that can be included in a query string.

Does Ping support multiple Audience restriction values in SAML?

Using PING as my identity provider do I have an option to set multiple audience values (in the service provider configuration I add for my application) so they will be returned within AudienceRestriction element of the SAML assertion?
As I see PING adds issuer value as audience and nothing else.
Example condition element
<ns2:Conditions NotBefore="2011-01-10T20:52:56Z" NotOnOrAfter="2011-01-10T20:54:56Z">
You'll have to be running PingFed 8.0+ for this to work, which is where Ping began allowing the customization of request and response XML. You should read more on that subject in their documentation.
Using this:
will give you something like the following element:
<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2017-03-24T20:23:55.341Z" NotOnOrAfter="2017-03-24T20:38:55.341Z">
However, SAML spec (SAML-CORE-2.0, states:
Note that multiple elements MAY be included in a
single assertion, and each MUST be evaluated independently. The effect
of this requirement and the preceding definition is that within a
given condition, the audiences form a disjunction (an "OR") while
multiple conditions form a conjunction (an "AND").
So, in that format that you are talking about, you will get an "AND". It's highly unlikely that your partner will be able to fulfill both, so I think you may be looking for an "OR". If that's the case, you'll want to use the following:
Which should produce something like:
<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2017-03-24T20:20:37.046Z" NotOnOrAfter="2017-03-24T20:35:37.046Z">

CalDAV protocol synchronization and behavior of different clients

i am currently trying to implement a „simple“ readonly CALDAV-interface for a system. But the synchronization protocol and the CALDAV-clients give me some headaches.
The main test client i use is the macos-calendar (sierra).
The initial handshake (DAV principle, calendar lookup) and inital load of data is working. I get some REPORT:calendar-query requests.
The issue is the incremental sync after initial load. There are two approaches:
Via WebSync-extension (REPORT:sync-collection and sync-token prop)
my main issue here is that provisioning the sync-token from the server is not trivial in my system. Changes and New data is not an issue, but physical deletion (not yet logged in the user context) and changes in the scope of group- and/or role-assignments. Maybe i need to consider to invalidate in complex cases the sync-token and let the client resetup without sync-collection?
A nasty workaround could be to retain the calendar item IDs send to the client and check on each request for their existence and responds if necessary with a not found per deleted/out of scope calendar item. But this would mean i store client-state on the server which doesnt sound right and might be error prone.
Via basic protocal synchronization (respond to REPORT:calendar-query and propfind (depth=1) requests no webdav-sync active)
this is also working already in principle for new and changed data. But the macos-calendar doesnt remove items which are not part the collection response (propfind with depth=1). According to the protocol the client should determine the deleted items and remove them, but it doesnt do it in my case. Any ideas here?
For my system currently it would be ideal to use this approach though the performance might be not the ideal one.
With ios-Calendar i face another issue:
Initial handshake is somehow working as the requests in the network are coming and are answered.
But than a MKCALENDAR request is coming (instead of a calendar-query or propfind for items) which answer with 403 as i also dont provide it in the Allow-header of the options response. the request looks like this:
MKCALENDAR /services/cal/_userid/220EDB4A-F00C-41C9-B78F-10781BBA77E4/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml
User-Agent: iOS/10.0.1 (14A403) dataaccessd/1.0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<B:mkcalendar xmlns:B="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav">
<A:set xmlns:A="DAV:">
<D:calendar-order xmlns:D="">1</D:calendar-order>
<B:comp name="VEVENT"/>
Nothing is happening afterwards.
Anyone experiencing this as well? Why ios-calendar tries to do a mkcalendar though i have a calendar-collection as resource-type?
With Thunderbird Lightning:
Initial handshake with the calendar-collection is working
A propfind-and multiget request for items is answered with iCal-Items.
But they are not displayed and in the error log i receive:
Warnung: CalDAV: Get failed: CalDAV: Error: got status 200 fetching calendar data for Debug Proxy, null
(text in german: error code: 0x80004005) Warnung: Fehler beim Lesen von Daten für Kalender: Debug Proxy. Allerdings ist dieser Fehler wahrscheinlich vernachlässigbar, daher versucht das Programm fortzufahren. Fehlercode: 0x80004005. Beschreibung: CalDAV: Error: got status 200 fetching calendar data for Debug Proxy, null
(text in german: error code: READ_FAILED) Warnung: Fehler beim Lesen von Daten für Kalender: Debug Proxy. Allerdings ist dieser Fehler wahrscheinlich vernachlässigbar, daher versucht das Programm fortzufahren. Fehlercode: READ_FAILED. Beschreibung:
http channel Listener OnDataAvailable contract violation
a similiar response is though working in macos-calendar – could it be some encoding issue?
Any hints are highly appreciated!
This is indeed a pretty broad question. But let me try to address some stuff:
Via WebSync-extension (REPORT:sync-collection and sync-token prop) my main issue here is that provisioning the sync-token from the server is not trivial in my system
Even if it is hard for you, you should really try to come up with something here. Even if this means storing some extra info on the server. Sync-collection is way more efficient.
(Idea: Maybe you can at least set a flag when something actually got deleted and only then expire the sync-token?)
Via basic protocal synchronization (respond to REPORT:calendar-query and propfind (depth=1))
Which one, calendar-range-query or PROPFIND? Completely different things ...
this is also working already in principle for new and changed data. But the macos-calendar doesnt remove items which are not part the collection response (propfind with depth=1).
If we are talking about a calendar-range-query, the client cannot proactively delete items since it doesn't know whether they just left the range (vs being deleted).
With PROPFIND it should do this. If you have proof it doesn't, maybe create another question with all the relevant details.
With ios-Calendar i face another issue: ... a MKCALENDAR request is coming ...
This probably means that it can't find the default scheduling calendar, no calendar at all, none with a proper component-type property. Or all the same for todos (Reminders app, same account). What is the payload of the MKCALENDAR?
Hard to diagnose w/o details, if you can't figure it out, ask a specific question on this with all the relevant details included (e.g. the XML you send in response to the home query).
Thunderbird Lightning
Can't say much about this, probably depends a lot on the version and what extensions you are using. AFAIK many people use the ScalableOGo Thunderbird extensions to get proper Cal/CardDAV with Thunderbird.
For Thunderbird/Lightning you may want to turn on calendar.debug.log and calendar.debug.log.verbose in the advanced config editor and restart. You can find it in Options > Advanced > General > Config Editor. This will get you more detailed http requests and information about what failed. You can also hook up the remote debugger and look at the network monitor, or set breakpoints in the code.
With Thunderbird/Lightning please note that we are using a mix of previous and current versions of the webdav-sync draft. I can't say much from the error message as is given it is very general, but it does look like there is something unexpected in the results.
Maybe it makes sense to compare the handshake between an existing server (like sabre/dav) and the client, then see where the difference between your communication and theirs is.
Also, you may be interested in the CalDAVTester from Apple, which checks server interoperability. Note however that it does contain various apple specific tests. The folks at CalConnect are working together with Apple to make it more generally usable and to split out the Apple-specific tests. Given your server is read-only, don't expect everything to work, but you can hunt for fixing specific tests.