Does Ping support multiple Audience restriction values in SAML? - single-sign-on

Using PING as my identity provider do I have an option to set multiple audience values (in the service provider configuration I add for my application) so they will be returned within AudienceRestriction element of the SAML assertion?
As I see PING adds issuer value as audience and nothing else.
Example condition element
<ns2:Conditions NotBefore="2011-01-10T20:52:56Z" NotOnOrAfter="2011-01-10T20:54:56Z">

You'll have to be running PingFed 8.0+ for this to work, which is where Ping began allowing the customization of request and response XML. You should read more on that subject in their documentation.
Using this:
will give you something like the following element:
<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2017-03-24T20:23:55.341Z" NotOnOrAfter="2017-03-24T20:38:55.341Z">
However, SAML spec (SAML-CORE-2.0, states:
Note that multiple elements MAY be included in a
single assertion, and each MUST be evaluated independently. The effect
of this requirement and the preceding definition is that within a
given condition, the audiences form a disjunction (an "OR") while
multiple conditions form a conjunction (an "AND").
So, in that format that you are talking about, you will get an "AND". It's highly unlikely that your partner will be able to fulfill both, so I think you may be looking for an "OR". If that's the case, you'll want to use the following:
Which should produce something like:
<saml:Conditions NotBefore="2017-03-24T20:20:37.046Z" NotOnOrAfter="2017-03-24T20:35:37.046Z">


What is the "Restful" way to command a server?

I have a REST endpoint to create an application configuration as such
POST /applications
With a body
"appName" : "my-new-app"
I returns a newly created application configuration:
"appName": "my-new-app",
"appId": "2ed17ff700664dad9bb32e400d39dc68",
"apiKey": "$2a$10$",
"masterKey": "$2a$10$XVDH9F3Ix4lx2LdxeJ4ZOeSZLR1hVSXk2We/DqQahyOFFY6nOfbHS",
"dateCreated": "2021-03-28T11:00:07.340+00:00",
"dateUpdated": "2021-03-28T11:00:07.340+00:00"
Note: The keys are auto-generated in the server and not passed from the client.
My question here is, what's the RESTful way to command the server to reset the keys for example:
PUT /applications/my-new-app/update_keys is not noun-based and thus, not restful, also passing a command as query parameter does not also seem to be restful since this is not a GET method rather it's a PUT (update) method.
Here's one way to send a command that is as much as possible RESTful:
POST /application/:appName/actions
Example Payload:
"actions" : [
"action" : "name_of_command",
"arguments" : {
"arg1" : "param1"
"action" : "reset_keys",
"arguments" : {
Actions would be nouns that are part of the endpoint, and the server will process actions that are submitted (or posted) within the endpoint. And an array of actions would be best suited to allow multiple actions to be sent. And each action having arguments would also be desirable for future actions that would need arguments.
what's the RESTful way to command the server to reset the keys for example:
How would you do it with a web site?
You would be looking at some web page like /www/applications/my-new-app; within the data or the metadata you would find a link. Following that link would bring you to a form; the form would have input controls describing what fields you need to provide to send the message, in addition to any "hidden" inputs. When you click the submit button, your user agent would collect your inputs, construct from them the appropriate message body, then use the form metadata to determine what request method and uri to use.
The client never has to guess what URI to use, because the server is providing links to guide the way.
Hypertext is at the heart of the uniform interface
REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources; manipulation of resources through representations; self-descriptive messages; and, hypermedia as the engine of application state.
Because the server is providing the URI for each of the links, you've got some freedom ot choose which resource "handles" which message.
One interesting way to resolve this to look at HTTP's rules for cache invalidation. The short version is that successful unsafe requests (PATCH/POST/PUT) invalidate the representations of the target-uri.
In other words, we take advantage of cache-invalidation by sending the command to the resource that we are trying to change.
So, assuming that retrieving the representation of the app occurred via a request like:
GET /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Then we would ask the server to change that resource by sending a request with that same target-uri. Something analogous to:
POST /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: text/plain
Please rotate the keys
Form submissions on the web are usually a representation of key/value pairs, so a more likely spelling would be:
POST /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: applications/x-www-form-urlencoded
Your form that describes this request my have an "action" input control, that accepts text from the client, or more likely in this case action would be a hidden control with a pre-defined value.
Note: if we have multiple actions that should invalidate the /applications/my-new-app representations, we would probably use POST for all of them, and resolve the ambiguity at the server based on the request-body (if our routing framework gives us the degree of control we need, we can use that - but more common would be to have a single POST handler for each Content-Type, and parse the request body "by hand".
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding 2009
PUT /applications/my-new-app/update_keys is not noun-based and thus, not restful,
That's not true: REST doesn't care what spelling conventions you use for your resource identifiers. For example
These all work fine, just like every other resource on the web.
You absolutely can design your resource model so that editing the update_keys document also modifies the my-new-app document.
The potential difficulty is that general purpose components are not going to know what is going on. HTTP PUT means "update the representation of the target resource", and every general purpose component knows that; the origin server is allowed to modify other resources as a consequence of the changes to the "update-keys" resource.
But we don't have a great language for communicating the general purpose components all of the side effects that may have happened. Without some special magic, previously cached copies of my-new-app, with the original, unrotated, keys, will be left lying around. So the client may be left with a stale copy of the document that describes the app.
(An example of "some special magic" would be Linked Cache Invalidation, which affords describing caching relationships between resources using web linking. Unforunately, LCI has not been adopted as a standard, and you won't find the described link relations in the IANA registry.)

REST endpoint: how to proper design an action on a resource?

I have the resource /contracts with the following structure:
name: "Contract name",
signedAt: 123213231,
// etc.
While basic CRUD operations are well clear (GET /contracts, GET /contracts/{id}, POST /contracts, etc.) some doubts come when I have to do some concrete actions on the resource.
One of these actions is the following:
sign: means the contract is signed, so the signedAt date will need to be updated with the moment (date-time) the contract was signed.
So far I've been thinking about these different approaches:
PATCH-ing the resource
This approach will mean having the following endpoint method:
PATCH /contracts/{id}
and just posting the signedAt date { signedAt: 123213231 } meaning that after this the contract will be signed.
What I don't like about this approach is that the signature date comes from the client, I was thinking that having this date initialized on the backend side whenever a contract is signed could be better and more consistent.
Totally discarded, as the signedAt date should be set on the server
side exactly at the moment the sign is done.
POST-ing a new resource
This approach will mean having the signature action as a resource:
POST /contracts/{id}/sign
with an empty body in this case as we don't need to pass anything else so, once it is posted, the backend side would be the responsible for having the signature date initialized.
POST-ing the resource using 'action'
Similar to the previous approach, in this case I would use a query parameter called action on the contract resource:
POST /contracts/{idContract}?action=sign
also with an empty body where ?action=sign. Like in the previous approach, once posted the backend side would be the responsible for having the signature date initialized.
What would be the proper way to have this designed at a REST API level?
Is any of the approaches above close to a good design or not?
Would I need to modify any of the approaches?
Is there any better alternative?
I have designed a few rest APIs myself but I am not a restful evangelist so my answer might not be the best. I would suggest some of the following:
Create a custom converter for date values in your rest service that accepts date AND other specific fields. If you checkGoogle reporting APIs for example they allow you to use specific date range and also CURRENT_WEEK, CURRENT_MONTH etc. So you can add such specific value and use it. For example PATCH signedAt=CURRENT_DATE and the API handles that properly.
Add a boolean signed field to the resource. Do a POST or PATCH with signed=true. This way you will be able to eventually query only signed resources easily ;) Also it might be the case that people care only about if it is signed than when it was signed
I wouldn't use ?action=sign or /contracts/{id}/sign because these are not RESTFUL and even if you do use GET and POST you would use them in a way to create a workaround in order to implement actions in your design which shouldn't have actions
just posting the signedAt date { signedAt: 123213231 } meaning that after this the contract will be signed.
On HTTP Patch
The set of changes is represented in a format called a "patch document" identified by a media type.
Rather than rolling your own bespoke media type, you might want to consider whether one of the standard formats is suitable.
For example: JSON Patch.
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json
[ { "op": "replace", "path": "signedAt", "value": 123213231 }
JSON Merge Patch is another reasonable option
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
{ signedAt: 123213231 }
From what I can see, the primary difference is that JSON Patch provides a test operation which gives you finer grain control than simply relying upon validators
But you are absolutely right - PATCH gives the client code authority to specify the time value. If that's not appropriate for your use case, then PATCH is the wrong tool in the box.
POST /contracts/{id}/sign
POST /contracts/{idContract}?action=sign
As far as REST/HTTP are concerned, these two choices are equivalent -- you are updating the state of one resource by sending an unsafe request to a different resource. There are some mild differences in how these spellings act when resolving references, but as request-targets, it doesn't make a difference to the client.
An option that you seem to have overlooked:
POST /contracts/{id}
This has the advantage that, when successful, you get cache invalidation for free.
In a hypermedia API, the flow might go something like this: the client would GET the resource; because the resource hasn't been signed yet, the representation could include a form, with a "sign" button on it. The action on the form would be /contracts/{id}. The consumer "signs" the contract by submitting the form -- the agent gathers up the information described by the form, encodes it into the request body, and then posts the request to the server. The server responds success, and the client's cache knows to invalidate the previously fetched copy of the resource.

PingFederate IdP How to pass data to be placed into SAML attributes?

I have a need to pass data from one system to another, during SSO using PingFederate.
Currently my link looks like this:
TargetResource, decoded, looks like this:
After pingfederate processes the request, it ends up making a post to othercompany, copying the entire TargetResource into RelayState, params and all:
SAMLResponse: {paramOne: valueOne; paramTwo: valueTwo} //(in actual saml format)
My goal is to pass paramOne and paramTwo into SAML attributes somehow, but NOT carry those params over onto RelayState, keeping only keepParam=keepThisOnURL:
SAMLResponse: {paramOne: valueOne; paramTwo: valueTwo} //(in actual saml format)
Is this possible to do with PingFederate?
E.g., is there any other way to pass data into from a browser request besides sneaking them into TargetResource?
Or if they can only be appended to TargetResource, can the value be modified (strip off most params) before copying into RelayState?
The reason that the parameters were tacked into the Relay State is because you URLEncoded them, So PingFed thought they were just part of the TargetResource.
Instead, you would do something like this:
I should point out two things, the first being a showstopper:
fulfilling attributes via parameters passed in the calls is not supported and won't work properly until at least one of two current feature requests are fulfilled, PPQ-1141 and PPQ-2815. Neither of these are currently scheduled (low request volume) in the development trains, so if this is critical to your work, get in touch with your Ping account executive to have your needs communicated.
I should point out that this overall methodology probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense from an operational standpoint, simply because it means that you will be dependent on an IdP initiated transaction because you have no way of fulfilling this with an SP-initiated transaction.
Based on those, I would recommend trying to architect another solution by which you could set those attributes, which I recognize may be difficult - especially if they are only derived at runtime, rather than via query to a datastore.

Is it possible to use wildcards or catch-all paths in AWS API Gateway

I am trying to redirect all traffic for one domain to another. Rather than running a server specifically for this job I was trying to use AWS API Gateway with lambda to perform the redirect.
I have this working ok for the root path "/" but any requests for sub-paths e.g. /a are not handled. Is there a way to define a "catch all" resource or wildcard path handler?
As of last week, API Gateway now supports what they call “Catch-all Path Variables”.
Full details and a walk-through here: API Gateway Update – New Features Simplify API Development
You can create a resource with path like /{thepath+}. Plus sign is important.
Then in your lambda function you can access the value with both
event.path - always contains the full path
or event.pathParameters.thepath - contains the part defined by you. Other possible use case: define resource like /images/{imagepath+} to only match pathes with certain prefix. The variable will contain only the subpath.
You can debug all the values passed to your function with: JSON.stringify(event)
Full documentation
Update: As of last week, API Gateway now supports what they call “Catch-all Path Variables”. See API Gateway Update – New Features Simplify API Development.
You will need to create a resource for each level unfortunately. The reason for this is API Gateway allows you to access those params via an object.
For example: method.request.path.XXXX
So if you did just /{param} you could access that with: method.request.path.param but if you had a nested path (params with slashes), it wouldn't work. You'd also get a 404 for the entire request.
If method.request.path.param was an array instead...then it could get params by position when not named. For example method.request.path.param[] ...Named params could even be handled under there, but accessing them wouldn't really be easy. It would require using something some sort of JSON path mapping (think like what you can do with their mapping templates). Sadly this is not how it's handled in API Gateway.
I think it's ok though because this might make configuring API Gateway even more complex. However, it does also limit API Gateway and to handle this situation you will ultimately end up with a more confusing configuration anyway.
So, you can go the long way here. Create the same method for multiple resources and do something like: /{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6}/{7} and so on. Then you can handle each path parameter level if need be.
IF the number of parameters is always the same, then you're a bit luckier and only need to set up a bunch of resources, but one method at the end.
Related to HTTPAPI that AWS introduced recently, $default is used a wildcard for catching all routes that don't match a defined pattern.
For more details, refer to: aws blogs
You can create a resource with path variable /{param}, and you can treat this as wildcard path handler.
- Ka Hou

Is it possible to pass different url parameters to the individual endpoints in Camel Multicast EIP?

Here is the use case that I m trying solve - So this is an extension to the my earlier thread, Apache camel to aggregate multiple REST service responses
I've used a Multicast component with custom aggregation strategy to fork the incoming request to sub requests and aggregate their responses. Everything works fine till this.
Now for one of the use case I want the incoming URL parameters to be passes selectively to some of the sub services. ex:
Incoming request - http://[host]/my-service/scan?foo=a&bar=b&baz=c
My Multicast component looks like this -
<multicast strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" parallelProcessing="true">
<to REST_service_1"/>
<to REST_service_2"/>
I want to pass only foo=a to service_1 endpoint and bar=b&baz=c to service_2 endpoint.
Now, with Multicast the same set of request query parameters are getting passed to both service_1 and service_2. i.e. both service_1 and service_2 will receive foo=a&bar=b&baz=c (entire query params)
Option I m thinking (on high level) -
-to break the incoming url parameters and stick them as a headers then i can selectively use these headers to build CamelHttpQuery header for each individual "to service_call"
-But at the end, the Exchange is going to be shared among all the Multicast endpoints, so will this approach work at all?
-Or should I step back and think about different EIP altogether for this particular use case?
-Or I m thinking in a wrong direction :)
Appreciate the inputs! Thanks!
You can use the recipient list EIP instead, then you can have 2 different uris for the REST services to call, but sending the same message as the multicast would do.
Recipient list also supports parallel and aggregation.
To compute the 2 uris for the rest services you can use a java bean and do a method call expresison, and just return a String with the 2 endpoints separated by comma (or a String[], or a List etc.)
<recipientList strategyRef="myAggregationStrategy" parallelProcessing="true">
<method ref="myBean" method="whereToSend"/>