Multiple PayPal Buttons on One Page - paypal

I am trying to add multiple PayPal buttons to my sales page for the same product. The idea is that as the customer scrolls, they reach several different places where they could check out.
For example, if the customer reaches Checkout Point #1 and decides not to purchase, he/she can keep scrolling down the sales page to get more information on the product. Eventually the customer will reach Chekout Point #2 where they will again be presented with the buttons to purchase. The product and price are the same at every checkout point.
I found my checkout code by going to Pay & Get Paid > PayPal Checkout > Get Started > Choose a Ready to Go Option. I copied the code provided to me on that page and added it to my website. Right now, only my first button is working when I embed the code from PayPal. The PayPal buttons do not appear at any of the other three checkout points.
I need to have four checkout points - two on the desktop version of my site and two on the mobile version. I don't know if the first code is cancelling out the other three or how to fix it. Can somebody please help me figure out how what"m doing wrong? I'm not the best tech person! Thank you very much!


Paypal buttons integration

Good morning, i have to create a landing page that gives the possibility to the user to book an pay with paypal buttons a limited training course.
Is the a way to make the paypal button interact?
I know that it is the possibility to set a stocking for the single product, but what i need to know is if it is possible to create a grouped product that change the stocking values of the others.
(example: if i buy the product a that has a 25 pieces stock, it will low the stock of the product b too)
Yes, you can track your inventory with PayPal buttons. Refer to the link below for the guidelines on creating Yes, you can track your inventory with PayPal buttons.
Refer to the link below for the guidelines on creating a button on your account.
a button on your account.

PayPal API no longer showing the credit card form first with SetExpressCheckout

I have the following variables defined in my SetExpressCheckout API code:
Previously, this worked so that the shopper is first shown a form where he can enter his credit card details, followed by an option to log into his existing PayPal account. Since about a week however, everyone gets this screen:
Yes, I tested it from several machines, several countries, with cookies cleared, etc. And the sandbox is giving me the same issue.
Unfortunately, not all of our users are tech savvy and we've heard from several of them that they found no way to pay with credit card, even though the PayPal button to pay with a card is there - just not very visible because it's grey.
Is anyone experiencing the same thing lately? Have you found a way around it to display the credit card form first?
Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about this.
PayPal is split testing those checkout pages. I've seen 3 different versions pop up lately. The old/original one where the full form is displayed by default, this new page design/style with the button only, and I've also seen another new page design that does display the full form as well by default.
They are letting their split tests run their course, though, and in theory will choose the one that performs the best over all.

Paypal Express Checkout - multiple price options to choose from during payment on Paypal page?

I am wondering if there is such thing :
when a vistor clicks "Pay" button (placed on my site) - on Paypal site during payment there will be several options to choose from. Something like three radio buttons
Pay for one month
Pay for three months
Pay for one year
so in order to pay a user should first select which option to pay first.
Again - I just would like to know if such posisbility exists. I know how to set this up on my own site.
Thank you
That wouldn't happen on the PayPal site, but you can certainly get that done on your own site/application. Build in the logic and interface for them to choose what they want to pay and what schedule to do it on, and then you can use the corresponding PayPal API to get it done. Specifically, I would recommend the Express Checkout API.

Where's the documentation for integration?

Sounds an odd question since there's a whole PayPal developer section...
About a decade ago I wrote the code to integrate our e-com solution with PayPal.
Customer on merchant site > basket > login or register > checkout > pay using PayPal button > user goes to PayPal site and pays > e-com solution receives background post ("IPN?") to notify it of payment received > customer sent back to merchant site which then shows result.
Was a long time ago. E-com codebase was completely reworked. We didn't include PayPal at that time.
Looking for the documentation for same to do same. PayPal is never used by any of our merchants as the primary payment provider so this is an additional option to be provided at the checkout. So, not interested in the customer leaving the merchant's site at the basket, nor any of the more advanced features, nor uploading the cart contents.
I've spent ages trying to hunt this down. It looks like it's called "PayPal Payments Standard". The documentation argues with itself about whether this is for single items or multiple (e.g. a basket). Not interested in passing across the items, just the amount to pay.
From what I can see, the methodology is the same as it ever was except that I need to create a "button" labelled "Pay Now" - amount is the entire cart, the item is "cart contents" by calling the API to get me back the button code and thus the link that takes the user to PayPal. Every button created this way will say "Pay Now" and a new button is needed for every single transaction. There is however something nagging at me that this is not quite right.
I thought I'd found the documentation - the PDF integration guide. That just comes up with a link saying it's moved. Click that and I get a link saying it's moved. Click that and I'm back at the PayPal site again - no PDF. Round and round we go.
I must just be getting old or going blind.
Can anyone point me at the right solution and where the documentation is. Am an experienced coder so ideally I just want a PDF and sample code.

Custom banner image in Paypal express checkout

I need to implement Paypal express checkout and client needs the Paypal checkout to have their own theme (at least the header). Paypal facilitates that by providing an option to upload banner image and a logo. That works fine for me, but I have a different scenario here.
Paypal checkout has 3 (abstract) steps, first where Paypal asks for login, second where it asks you to review shipping address and final the payment confirmation page. I need Paypal checkout to have three different banner images for three different steps. The reason I want to do this is because I want to give a feel of navigation to the user, each banner image will have a tab selected for each step. It might sound confusing, look at the screenshot attached and you'll understand. Its a shot from a checkout on
Is this possible at all? If not, how have the guys at done this? Is there any other way to implement tab/navigation like the header in Paypal Checkout? Any suggestions?
Etsy uses a fixed header as well, specifically
However, the same header is used when you're returned to Etsy's website for order review and order completion.
To answer your question directly; in PayPal itself, you can't set up three different 'headers' for each step in the process.