OSMnx osm_net_download function - openstreetmap

I have noticed a lot of code using the ox.osm_net_download function but it seems to have been a function of a past version. I was wondering what exactly the purpose of this function was and if there was an equivalent code in the 1.2.1 version of OSMnx.


What version of Matlab should I install to make dsearch() work?

I have a code in MATLAB that I need to run once to get some quick reference results. This code uses dsearch(), and I relized that this function has become deprecated and has been substituted by dsearchn(). I tried to follow some suggestions to make it work but I didn't succeed (it's my absolute first time with MATLAB) and I just need to run this code once to get some numbers. Which MATLAB versione should I install to make it work?
dsearch was removed in MATLAB R2012a, therefore you may use any version of MATLAB before R2012a.
If you have an active MathWorks account, you may access the documentation archive here.
According to MathWork's release notes, this function started printing a warning on release 2010a. So you should be fine either using it or a previous version.

One script using packages that are incompatible with one version of R

I am currently analysing movement data using the script provided by Lascelles et al (2016) in their paper "Applying global criteria to tracking data to define important areas for marine conservation". I have made some changes and additions to the script and now face the problem that the different packages needed do not work within the same version of R.
I am using the package "trip" which from what I can see works with >=3.2.5 but depends on spatstat which works with >=3.3.0. The script also uses the overlay function from the "sp" package, however this function has been deprecated, thus in order to run needs an older version of R (I have previously used version 3.0.3.
Is there a way to use multiple versions of R within the same project, or would I have to rewrite the script to avoid using functions that do not work within the same R version?
If you don't need any of the new functions/features introduced in the later versions of trip and spatstat I think you can just use the checkpoint package and install the versions from an earlier date. There is a nice vignette you can have a look at, but basically you just do something like:

How does Server.call work in elixir-mongo?

I'm learning Elixir and attempting to use the elixir-mongo library. During the auth/1 command, A the function uses Server.call, piping in the MongoDB request string. looking at the Mongo.Server class, it does not appear to be an actual genserver, nor have a method to match call/1. How is this working?
With high probability it doesn't work. Mongo.Server module doesn't export call function. There are no macros that generate it magically. My guess is that master branch is currently broken. If you are using the library and want to dig into the sources make sure you are looking at the same tag as the version you are using in your project.
Also, there are no classes and methods in Elixir. There are modules and functions :)

Calling MATLAB functions in C++ unit test using MATLAB Engine API

I have a C++ unit test where I need to call a Matlab member function of Matlab class(prototype) which returns an array of complex-doubles which is used as reference to assert against the return value of equivalent C++ implementation. I went through the documentation of the engOpen Matlab API. I am not sure how to get started with using this API in the CPP unit test, so a step by step procedure with an example to set this up would be helpful.

GWT compiled code optimization

My compiled js gets bigger and bigger these days. When I took a look at the GWT output cache.html, I was surprised seeing the first hundreds of lines in the form:
function it(){}
function ht(){}
function tt(){}
function It(){}
function Gt(){}
function Lt(){}
And then hundreds of
function Qy(b){this.b=b}
function QR(b){this.b=b}
function iR(b){this.b=b}
function tR(b){this.b=b}
function GM(b){this.b=b}
Is this something that can be easily optimized, or if I am missing some switches on the compiler?
As far as I can tell, most (if not all) of these functions are constructors; their .prototype will be assigned later; so there's no way to merge them together.
Note that the compiler groups them together so that GZip produces smaller compressed files, see http://timepedia.blogspot.com/2009/08/on-reducing-size-of-compressed.html
The GWT team is also continuously working on optimizing the generated JS code, so always stick to the latest GWT version and you'll see improvements coming (for instance, there's work in progress for using the Closure Compiler to further optimize the generated JS, in addition to changing the way Java is transformed to JS, e.g. r10441, r10480, r10825, etc.)