One script using packages that are incompatible with one version of R - overlay

I am currently analysing movement data using the script provided by Lascelles et al (2016) in their paper "Applying global criteria to tracking data to define important areas for marine conservation". I have made some changes and additions to the script and now face the problem that the different packages needed do not work within the same version of R.
I am using the package "trip" which from what I can see works with >=3.2.5 but depends on spatstat which works with >=3.3.0. The script also uses the overlay function from the "sp" package, however this function has been deprecated, thus in order to run needs an older version of R (I have previously used version 3.0.3.
Is there a way to use multiple versions of R within the same project, or would I have to rewrite the script to avoid using functions that do not work within the same R version?

If you don't need any of the new functions/features introduced in the later versions of trip and spatstat I think you can just use the checkpoint package and install the versions from an earlier date. There is a nice vignette you can have a look at, but basically you just do something like:


music21 getElementsByClass not showing any output for class stream.Voice

I am struggling to understand why the below code is throwing an error when it ran seamlessly about a year back. The code snippet is from a popular Coursera course. Does the Music21 package has some recent changes around stream.Voice?
data_fn = 'data/original_metheny.mid'
midi_data = converter.parse(data_fn)
melody_stream = midi_data[5] # For Metheny piece, Melody is Part #5.
melody1, melody2 = melody_stream.getElementsByClass(stream.Voice)
The error thrown is ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0), which means there is no output for stream.Voice class when previously there were outputs for the same data (midi file). melody_stream.getElementsByClass('Measure') does show outputs.
Can you guide how to debug this?
Yes, one of the improvements in music21 v.7 is that files imported from MIDI now have a similar representation to files imported from MusicXML and other formats. Specifically, Parts now have Measures, which may or may not have Voices, rather than Parts directly containing Voices. Code should not depend on finding Voices directly contained in Parts, which is what this example was doing.
Instead, use this code to find all the measure-voices:
Or, equivalently, use the shortcut syntax in v.7:
Or, if you don't want the measures at all, call flatten() or chordify() depending on your use case.
What worked for me was downgrading music21 package to a version older than 7.x. So if you already have a newer version of music21 package installed, remove it using pip uninstall music21, Then install the 6.7.0 version using pip install music21==6.7.0.

iemmatrix [mtx_*] couldn't create in PureData

I am working on an old internal project. I am working on windows. The puredata I am using is on 32bit.
There are some objects like [mtx_*~] [mtx_:] [mtx_.^] [mtx_circular_harmonics] have "couldn't create" error.
I have iemmatrix installed through "find external".
I tried older versions of Puredata extended or several versions of vanilla. I can't create mtx_, either.
From pd/externals/iemmatrix, I can find a file called "mtx_0x2a0x7e.dll", which I think is "mtx_~" after decoding.
There is not much information on the internet about it anymore.
The "official" version (not the one with the 'extended' suffix) is compiled as a multi-object library. So you have to load the library first, either with a command line flag '-lib iemmatrix' or with a [declare -lib iemmatrix] object in your patch (The latter is much preferred as it makes your patch more portable). When loaded, iemmatrix prints a greeter to the Pd console window:
iemmatrix 0.3.2
objects for manipulating 2d-matrices
(c) 2001-2015 iem
IOhannes m zmölnig
Thomas Musil
Franz Zotter
compiled Sep 6 2019 : 12:07:54
After that you can create objects like [mtx_*~]
The version 'v0.0-extended' was added to facilitate the migration away from now retired Pd-extended. Since it is compiled as a one-object-per-file library and many of the those objects have names that cannot easily be used in filenames, Pd-extended used a trick with an additional hexloader library that translates hex encoded filenames to the actual name of the objects. For being able to load objects from the extended version, you would have to install and load 'hexloader' first.
Having said that, it is highly recommended to use the official version which is actively maintained while the extended version is not and is there for historical reasons.

`#babel/runtime` and `#babel/plugin-transform-runtime` versions

Are #babel/runtime and #babel/plugin-transform-runtime supposed to be on the same version (e.g. both 7.2.0 exactly)? Or can I (as a library author) specify #babel/runtime dependency as ^7.0.0, whilst having the latest #babel/plugin-transform-runtime?
I'm aware that during the beta versions of Babel 7, there was a breaking change in beta.56 (see, but I'm guessing this should no longer be the case with the current stable version?
The reason I ask this is I'd ideally want the helpers from #babel/runtime to be shared across different packages, and to me leaving the version range open seems like a good idea. But at the same time, I'm not sure how low I should go (^7.0.0 or ^7.2.0), and whether there's an implicit contract between #babel/runtime and #babel/plugin-transform-runtime with regards to version numbers.
By default, #babel/plugin-transform-runtime is only allowed to output references to #babel/runtime that work on ^7.0.0 because it does not know what version you'd otherwise want to use, and doing anything else would cause lots of issues for users. This means that what you want to do is safe. The downside of this is that, if we add new helpers moving forward, your code would not be able to take advantage of the #babel/runtime version of them (because you might still be using a #babel/runtime version that doesn't have them.
Users can specify the version in the arguments for the transform, if you want to specifically make use of helpers that may have been added to Babel since 7.0.0, e.g.
"plugins": [
["#babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { version: "^7.2.0" }],
would then require you to have "#babel/runtime": "^7.2.0" in your package.json.
For instance, since support for the newer decorators proposal didn't land until Babel 7.1.5, if you use transform-runtime and non-legacy decorators, the decorators helper will still be inserted into every file where you use decorators, instead of importing it from #babel/runtime. To get the shared helper, you need to specify version: "^7.1.5" in your options for transform-runtime.
Can I (as a library author) specify #babel/runtime dependency as ^7.0.0, whilst having the latest #babel/plugin-transform-runtime?
Yes, this is safe.
I'm guessing this should no longer be the case with the current stable version?
Correct, that issue was because people failed to take the beta versioning into account.

For handling recursive function definition in CVC4 need to enable finite model finding mode for recursive functions

I have found the following information in paper by Andrew Reynolds and co -authors "Model Finding for Recursive Functions in SMT"
"If CVC4’s finite model finding mode for recursive functions is enabled (using the command-line option
But I have install current version of CVC4, --fmf-fun is not available in CVC4?Can you please guide me in this.
The option --fmf-fun is not available in the latest stable release (1.4), however, it is available in the latest development release.
You can download the latest development version of CVC4 at (on the right of the page).

Using classes in TCL using Simple Agent Pro

I am using this software called Simple Agent Pro, and it primarily uses TCL code. I was wondering anybody familiar with TCL or Sapro would be kind enough to tell me how to import the modules into the .tel file for Sapro.
When I try this:
package require tclOO.h
The program stops working.
Any help would be appreciated.
I don't know Simple Agent Pro at all, but if you're doing a “guerilla install” of TclOO then you need a few things:
Make sure you're using Tcl 8.5 (see what package require Tcl returns).
If you're using 8.4 (note: 8.4 EOLed this month), TclOO will not work at all (and it cannot be backported).
If you're using 8.6, it already provides the TclOO package and you shouldn't need to fuss around with all this.
Do a build of TclOO and install it to a location you prefer.
This will require Tcl's internal source files; TclOO explicitly pokes its nose into places where most code shouldn't.
You probably don't need to have a custom build of 8.5; just the configured sources somewhere will do. (You might need to hack the configure scripts a little bit.)
Add the location that you installed TclOO to to the search path inside your Tcl 8.5 program.
lappend auto_path /the_dir/you_put/it_in
If you're using Windows, it's probably easiest to use forward slashes for this path anyway (this is a directory name that is always highly protected before it hits the OS, so that's OK).
Now you should be able to require/use the package.
package require TclOO
oo::class create Foo {
# etc.
Note that the case and exactly how you write it matters. The version you get ought to be at least 1.0 (earlier versions were for development only) which corresponds exactly with the API as supported in Tcl 8.6 (modulo a few things that require 8.6 for other reasons, such as being able to yield inside a method which only works in 8.6 because that's where yield was first defined).
You probably mean
package require TclOO
Case and other stuff is important there.
Next time you should also include the stack trace. If the program stops working, it should display that either as dialog or on stdout.