Calling MATLAB functions in C++ unit test using MATLAB Engine API - matlab

I have a C++ unit test where I need to call a Matlab member function of Matlab class(prototype) which returns an array of complex-doubles which is used as reference to assert against the return value of equivalent C++ implementation. I went through the documentation of the engOpen Matlab API. I am not sure how to get started with using this API in the CPP unit test, so a step by step procedure with an example to set this up would be helpful.


What's the purpose of 'coder' in matlab?

I was seeing the built-in function estimateFundamentalMatrix and it looks like as follows
function r = checkOutputClassStrings(list, value)
potentialMatch = validatestring(value, list, ...
'estimateFundamentalMatrix', 'OutputClass');
coder.internal.errorIf(~strcmpi(value, potentialMatch), ...
r = 1;
I was curious about the coder.internal.errorIf function. I guessed that coder is a system object that shows internal states of a function, but I don't know exactly.
coder is a package that is part of the MATLAB Coder product.
MATLAB Coder allows you to convert a subset of the MATLAB language into C code - the C code can then subsequently be incorporated into wider C applications, or brought back into MATLAB via the MEX interface, or delivered to an embedded device. When using MATLAB Coder, you will include commands from the coder package within your MATLAB code - they typically have no effect on the code when it is run within MATLAB, but when converting to C code they help you to control the way it is converted, by adding additional information necessary to help with the conversion (for example, by controlling the inlining of a function, or specifying that a for-loop should be unrolled).
Some toolboxes, including the Computer Vision Toolbox that contains the code snippet you refer to, explicitly support the use of MATLAB Coder to generate C code from them, in that they make sure to only use the subset of the MATLAB language that is convertible into C, and they include coder commands to help optimise their conversion into C.
The command you're seeing here says that, when converting the MATLAB code into C, it should include an explicit check in the C code to compare value with potentialMatch, and exit with an error if they don't match.
(I'll be honest - I'm not entirely sure why this is necessary. As far as I can see, if the code has got past the validatestrings statement, then by definition it should always pass the test in the subsequent statement. Seems a bit redundant to me, but maybe I'm overlooking some detail).
I'm just formalising the answer I gave in the comments...
The coder.internal.errorIf is exactly what the name suggests. It's an internal command to conditionally issue an error.
The strcmpi function performs a case insensitive string compare, and returns a Boolean (true/false) value.
The tilde (~) negates the result of the call to strcmpi.
So the line you're curious about is somewhat equivalent to this on the surface:
% Use strcmpi for case insensitive string comparison
if ~strcmpi(value, potentialMatch)
% When using 'error', the string must be specified along with the message identifier.
% The errorIf command was leveraging the in-built 'message' catalog.
% In this case I've lifted the error message from calling the original errorIf command.
error('vision:estimateFundamentalMatrix:invalidOutputClassString', ...
'Expected OutputClass to be ''double'' or ''single''');
The code.internal.errorIf command is, as pointed out in other answers and comments, a different construct than the common error command, which allows MATLAB to optimise C code generation (hence why it is in the coder package).
For more coder-specific details, see Sam's answer.

How can you use scalacheck to verify if some generated code from a function is correct?

Hi so im completely new to scalacheck.
So im building an obfuscator, and I want to check if the obfuscated code which i generate is correct. My function changes a while loop to a switch, so is there some way i can check if the structure of the switch is how i wanted it to be made?
For all valid inputs, check if the generated function generates the same output as the obfuscated function. For an arbitrary function, you'll have to write your own generator.

Matlab compiler indicator flag

Hi I use Matlab code that sometimes is compiled.
Can I check that inside the code?
for example
if compiled_with_mcr
You can use the function isdeployed. This returns true when called within an application compiled with MATLAB Compiler, and false when called from within live MATLAB.

running compiled matlab from matlab

I am trying to run compiled MATLAB code (by mcc) from inside MATLAB in a way that I can avoid using another license that is required by the compiled code. We need this because we run this same specific code part again and again and execution is stuck due to license waiting. We don't want to buy tons of this specific license just to mass run the same part. Is there any way to do this? tutorial?
Is it possible to compile a .m file to dll/so and wrap it like a mex and call it from MATLAB on the fly? How would I pass and retrieve complex arguments?
According to
creating shared libraries should well be possible.
Concerning passing and retrieving complex arguments:
If you plan to use mex, I'd assume you should be able to call the shared-library "main"-function with any arguments you'd like, using the mxArray type that you'll have to use anyway.
To run the MATLAB-compiled code in MATLAB, you want codegen, part of the MATLAB Coder. See this blog post on generating C code from MATLAB. The alternative, deploying code with mcc/mbuild and then reloading it into MATLAB with loadlibrary is rather contorted, and I wouldn't advice it.

Using a dll file in matlab code

I need to use a function in Matlab that is defined by a dll file. I got an example that guy converted a dll to mexw32 file but i have known how I do this. I tried use loadlibrary but it didn't create any file.
How I can do this?
loadlibrary is MATLAB's implementation of FFI services, a mechanism of calling functions in external shared libraries. It involves converting between C-types and their equivalent MATLAB data types to pass data around.
MEX-files are also a kind of dynamically linked libraries (with .mex* extension), that can be run directly in MATLAB as a regular function without any special syntax.
The difference is that it has a specific gateway routine called mexFunction, which receives both input and output as mxArray type. mxArray is an opaque type defined in mex.h header file, which is the fundamental type underlying all MATLAB data. You usually manipulate this data using functions in the MEX library API.