How to validate using oneOf with yup - yup

I have what I thought was a simple validation using oneOf that isn't working for me with yup:
const schema = Yup.mixed()
error: `EmailOrPasswordInvalid`,
... later...
const isValid = schema.isValidSync({ error: `EmailOrPasswordInvalid` });
console.log(isValid); // false
I'm sure I'm missing something simple but can't put my finger on it. Thanks!

I believe you may have misunderstood how the oneOf function works.
Here is an example pulled from a Grepper post (credit to Fustinato):
// mixed.oneOf(arrayOfValues: Array<any>, message?: string | function): Schema Alias: equals
// Whitelist a set of values. Values added are automatically removed from any blacklist if they are in it. The ${values} interpolation can be used in the message argument.
// Note that undefined does not fail this validator, even when undefined is not included in arrayOfValues. If you don't want undefined to be a valid value, you can use mixed.required.
let schema = yup.mixed().oneOf(['jimmy', 42]);
await schema.isValid(42); // => true
await schema.isValid('jimmy'); // => true
await schema.isValid(new Date()); // => false
In further response and lookup, it seems as though what you are trying to do may not be possible? Src:
Would it be possible for you to just de-structure your error and pass it through as the String and then check for that String in the oneOf function?


How to import type definition from react-query to set type of options for useQuery hook?

I'm adding react-query to my automations pipe and need generating wrapper around the useQuery for various API calls. I want to expose all options of useQuery to developer using this wrapper. How to correctly define options type to get all the benefits of ts for those?
:any works but not giving autocomplete/checks then:
const usePosts = ({ page, perPage, workspaceId }: payload, ___options?: any) => {
If I add :UseQueryOptions, just to see the error of mismatch, error message is quite big and has a lot inside. Would love to find way to import that type definition from react-query and reuse it.
Just found it, sometimes all needed is to write a question 😅 Maybe someone else will benefit from this:
import { useQuery, QueryOptions } from "#tanstack/react-query";
import sdk from "../sdks/demo";
type payload = {
page?: number;
perPage?: number;
workspaceId: string;
const usePosts = (
{ page, perPage, workspaceId }: payload,
___options?: QueryOptions
) => {
let key = `posts-list-${workspaceId}-${page}-${perPage}`;
return useQuery(
() =>
export default usePosts;

How to manage self created error message instead of using default celebrate #hapi/joi code

I have two files, one is api.js and other one is handler.js. For schema handling I am using celebrate module #hapi/joi
On api.js I wrote only the API name
On handler.js I wrote the API functionality.
//JOI Schema Validator Middleware.
body: Joi.object().keys({
post: Joi.string().max(10),
userid: Joi.string(),
const handler = require('./handler');'/createpost', handler.createPost);
module.exports = router;
By this if error happens then i got the Response like this
{"statusCode":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"child \"post\" fails because [\"post\" length must be less than or equal to 10 characters long]","validation":{"source":"body","keys":["post"]}}
I just want to Convert this error into my own format error i.e something like this
{error: true, status: 500, message: 'validation error', version: x.x.2}
The default joi error is generated through router.use(errors()); this module. How I modify this?
Any help or suggestion is really appreciated.
TL;DR: Create your own 'errors()' function.
You have probably managed to change it by now, but just like me, I had the exact same issue and found this answerless thread.
Well, for future readers, celebrate errors() is nothing else than a function, more exactly, this one:
(err, req, res, next) => {
// If this isn't a Celebrate error, send it to the next error handler
if (!isCelebrate(err)) {
return next(err);
const {
} = err;
const result = {
statusCode: 400,
error: 'Bad Request',
message: joi.message,
validation: {
source: meta.source,
keys: [],
if (joi.details) {
for (let i = 0; i < joi.details.length; i += 1) {
const path = joi.details[i].path.join('.');
return res.status(400).send(result);
There, you can see the response object 'result' being declared and how it's done. So, to change the output of it, you have to not use errors() and create your own function to handle it.
So, I declared a new function:
private errorHandling = (err, req, res, next) => {
if (isCelebrate(err)) {
return res.send({
statusCode: 400,
message: err.joi.message
return next(err);
You can obviously change the above to suit your needs.
Celebrate changed their error structure to a CelebrateError, now you need access the error details using:
const errorBody = err.details.get('body'); // 'details' is a Map()
const { details: [errorDetails] } = errorBody;
instead of the err.joi. The message property remains the same.
Then, instead of using app.use(errors()) I used app.use(this.errorHandling), and now I get the celebrate response formatted as I want to.
After some research, I found out it can be solved 2 ways:
[Segments.BODY]: Joi.object().keys({
value: Joi.string().required().error(new Error('Value is required and has to be a text!')),
[Segments.BODY]: Joi.object().keys({
password: Joi.string().required().pattern(new RegExp('^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}$')).min(8).label('Password').messages({
'string.pattern.base': 'Your {#label} does not matche the suggested pattern',
'string.base': `Your {#label} should match the suggested pattern`,
'string.empty': `Your {#label} can not be empty`,
'string.min': `Your {#label} has to be at least {#limit} chars`,
'any.required': `Your {#label} is required`,

Protractor: how to store the text value of a component and re-use it in a spec?

I have a string displayed in a page and I want to store this string in a variable so I can use this variable for a check further in the test process.
Here is what it looks like:
let storedValue: string;
element('myElement')).getText().then((elementValue: string) => {
storedValue = elementValue;
console.log('stored value: ' + storedValue);
// Some unrelated code will go here in the future
browser.wait(() => storedValue !== null, 5000, 'browser.wait timeout');
If the string in the page is hello, the test fails with the log Expected 'Hello' to equal undefined.
Why is it still undefined ?
I thought that Protractor would queue the last two instructions synchronously in the ControlFlow.
Maybe there is another way to store this variable, or to wait for the storedValue to be defined ?
browser.wait(() => storedValue !== null, 5000, 'browser.wait timeout').then(function(){
Setting up the expect inside the wait will solve your problem. However, I don't know enough about the specifics of ControlFlow to explain exactly why yours doesn't work. Hopefully someone else can come along and do that.
You can force expect to run inside control flow by doing a => expect(element('myElement')).getText()).toEqual(storedValue));
But you shouldn't have to do this. Could be a bug.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined in protractor-cucumber

I am using cucumber 3 with protractor 5.2.2. and i have given the url in my config file as baseUrl: '' and i have to check whether navigated to the home page after clicking login.Instead of passing URL "" ,i have pass "feed" and given split method in my step.js file.
my feature file is given below
When I enter "qwerty" in ".username"
And I enter "Passw0rd" in ".password"
And I click on ".login"
Then I should be at the "feed"
and in my step.js
Then(/^I should be at the "(.*)"$/, function (url) {
var geturl=browser.getCurrentUrl() + '';
var res=geturl.split("/");
var result=res[1];
return expect(result).to.eventually.equal(url);
My fourth step failed and getting error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined".where i am going wrong in my step.js file.Or how can i check the remaining part of base url when i am on inner page which having a url format of "".Thanks in advance.
Explain your code issue inline at below.
Then(/^I should be at the "(.*)"$/, function (url) {
var geturl=browser.getCurrentUrl() + '';
// browser.getCurrentUrl() return a pomise which it's also a javascript object
// in javascript claculate `an object + ''`, will convert the object
// to string firstly by toString() function,
// if the object not overwrite the supper toString() function,
// it will return an string "[object Object]"
// So geturl = "[object Object]"
var res=geturl.split("/");
// there is no "/" in geturl, so the array length of res is 1
var result=res[1];
// res[1] exceed array length, so result = undefined
return expect(result).to.eventually.equal(url);
// because you used eventually at here, so chai will regard result is a promise,
// chai will check the argument of expect(xxx) is a promise or not
// by detect xxx has property: then via calling xxx.then in chai's inside code,
// but result is undefined, of course has no property: 'then'.
You have to consume promise eventual value in then()
Then(/^I should be at the "(.*)"$/, function (url) {
return browser.getCurrentUrl().then(function(cururl){
var parts = cururl.split("/");
return expect(parts[parts.length-1]).to.equal(url);
// dont't use eventually at here, because parts[parts.length-1] is not promise

Bluebird Promise each in mocha/chai test not working

I would like some help to determine why my unit test in a sails.js app is not working as expected.
I am using mocha, chai and bluebird promise library on a sails.js app.
What I want to achieve:
Create a test for TagsService.create(name) method, which accepts a name
Test that this method will not create a new tag record based on invalid names I pass
The name parameter is required and should be less than 121 characters long
What I currently have:
// Test the 'create' method
describe('Method \'create\' test result: \n', function () {
// Test that name is required and less than 121 chars long
it('Must receive the name parameter and be less than 121 chars long', function(done) {
// It should not accept any of the following names
var names = ['',' ','thisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthema',[],[{}],[{test: 'test'}],'wrongchars*[]$£%fsf','$%#~}[','£$%jkdfi',' $%"£asdwdFDE','hD8U £$&{DS ds'];
assert.propertyVal(data,'status','err','An error was NOT returned - even though names provided should be invalid');
What happens is it seems to pass, even if I pass in a valid name or return null from the method.
Well, looks like I managed to solve it, after much trial and error.
Turns out I need to catch the done() callback from the Promise after the each method executed. Also needed to return the result of the tests done from the TagsService promise object. (Still not 100% sure this is the correct way to think about it..). Anyway the test seems to function properly now.
Here is my result:
var names = ['',' ','thisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthema',[],[{}],[{test: 'test'}],'wrongchars*[]$%fsf','$%#~}[','�$%jkdfi',' $%"�asdwdFDE','hD8U �$&{DS ds'];
sails.bluebird.each(names, function(name){
return TagsService.create(name).then(function(data) {, 'status', 'create method did not return a status property');
assert(data.status === 'err', 'even with an invalid name parameter passed - it did not return an err status, which it must do with an invalid name.');