Bluebird Promise each in mocha/chai test not working - sails.js

I would like some help to determine why my unit test in a sails.js app is not working as expected.
I am using mocha, chai and bluebird promise library on a sails.js app.
What I want to achieve:
Create a test for TagsService.create(name) method, which accepts a name
Test that this method will not create a new tag record based on invalid names I pass
The name parameter is required and should be less than 121 characters long
What I currently have:
// Test the 'create' method
describe('Method \'create\' test result: \n', function () {
// Test that name is required and less than 121 chars long
it('Must receive the name parameter and be less than 121 chars long', function(done) {
// It should not accept any of the following names
var names = ['',' ','thisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthema',[],[{}],[{test: 'test'}],'wrongchars*[]$£%fsf','$%#~}[','£$%jkdfi',' $%"£asdwdFDE','hD8U £$&{DS ds'];
assert.propertyVal(data,'status','err','An error was NOT returned - even though names provided should be invalid');
What happens is it seems to pass, even if I pass in a valid name or return null from the method.

Well, looks like I managed to solve it, after much trial and error.
Turns out I need to catch the done() callback from the Promise after the each method executed. Also needed to return the result of the tests done from the TagsService promise object. (Still not 100% sure this is the correct way to think about it..). Anyway the test seems to function properly now.
Here is my result:
var names = ['',' ','thisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthemaxof121characterslongthisstringislongerthanthema',[],[{}],[{test: 'test'}],'wrongchars*[]$%fsf','$%#~}[','�$%jkdfi',' $%"�asdwdFDE','hD8U �$&{DS ds'];
sails.bluebird.each(names, function(name){
return TagsService.create(name).then(function(data) {, 'status', 'create method did not return a status property');
assert(data.status === 'err', 'even with an invalid name parameter passed - it did not return an err status, which it must do with an invalid name.');


Workbox - NetworkOnly executes even if I return false

Using Workbox, I am trying to deal with graphql.
Anyone know why I am getting this error message from NetworkOnly? I am returning false in the route matcher, so I don't know why new NetworkOnly() is even executing. This only happens in offline mode (no network available).
The strategy could not generate a response for ... The underlying error is TypeError: Failed to fetch.
at NetworkOnly._handle (webpack://service-workers/./node_modules/workbox-strategies/NetworkOnly.js?:101:19)
at async NetworkOnly._getResponse (webpack://service-workers/./node_modules/workbox-strategies/Strategy.js?:155:24)
const bgSyncPlugin = new BackgroundSyncPlugin('myQueueName', {
maxRetentionTime: 24 * 60
const isGraphqlSubmitForm = async(event) => {
const clonedRequest = event.request.clone();
const body = await clonedRequest.json();
if (body?.operationName === 'submitForm') {
return true;
new NetworkOnly({
plugins: [bgSyncPlugin]
Sorry about that—you're seeing that behavior because the truthiness of the return value from this function is used to determine whether a route matches, and an async function always returns a Promise, which is a "truthy" value.
There's a log message that warns about this if you're in Workbox's development mode.
If it's possible for you to add in a header on the requests you want to match, that would probably be the easiest way to synchronously trigger your route, since any attempt to access a request body needs to be async. Failing that, the cleanest approach would be to just match all of your GraphQL requests with a given route, and then inside of that route's handler, use whatever async logic you need to trigger different strategies for different types of traffic.

when running expres programme get an load error page

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var bodyparser = require('body-parser');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
books = require('./models/books.js');
var db = mongoose.connection;
app.get('/api/authors', function (req, res) {
books.getBooks(function (books,err) {
throw err;
Why we cannot use the function(err, books) as function(books, error).
I want to know what principle it violates.
When query is executed, results are passed as parameters to callback function. If If there is any error in executing the query, the error is passed as first argument and the results are passed as second parameter to the callback function. And this is how it works.
So, you can't use it interchangeably.
In your case books.getBooks(function (books,err) {.. if there is any error books will be the one containing in it. And if not, there will be results in err params.
And I assume your query is working OK and you are throwing error checking on err value that's why you see the error.
May be you are getting confused with the names of the params. Remember, they are just the variable names, results are there according to the position of variables in callback.
To answer your question on:
Why we cannot use the function(err, books) as function(books,
Most npm modules follow the Continuation-passing style(CPS) design pattern, which uses:
cb(null, data) to pass on a successful result.
cb(err) to pass on an error and exit the function.
and, the function has only one outcome.
For example:
function getBooks(cb) {
let books, error;
// .... Perform the operations
// .... If all goes well store
// .... the results in books
if (books) {
cb(null, result);
} else {
error = "There was an error loading books"
This is not a complete example, but shows the essence of it.
TL;DR: That, my friend, is convention.
The only thing that I can think of without knowing the error is that you might want to use:
let books = mongoose.model ('Books');
And your model should be called Books.
Is it possible to include the Error message and Model so we could have some more info about the problem?

Meteor - no more callbacks for "findOne" function

i'm working on a Meteor project, and I must say that isn't easy at all, especially for one thing: callbacks !
Everything is async, so I wonder how do I must do to get results from my mongodb.
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({username: "john"});
return (user); // sometimes returns "undefined"
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({username: "john"});
if (user) // so ok, I check if it exists!
return (user); // Cool, I got my user!
return (); // Ok and what should I return here? I want my user!
I don't want to be dirty and put like setTimeout everywhere.
Anybody has a solution for this ?
I noticed in router.js with console.log that my data is returned 4 times. 2 times with an undefined value and 2 other times with the expected value. In the view, it's still undefined.
Why the router passes like 4 times in this route ? Does it display the first result of the return value in the router ?
What should I return if the find() doesn't find anything ?
EDIT 2: Here is some code to understand.
this.route('profilePage', {
path: 'profil/:_id?',
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe('article', { prop: this.params._id}), // id can be id or username
Meteor.subscribe('article', { userId: this.params._id}), // id can be id or username
Meteor.subscribe('profil', (this.params._id ? this.params._id : Meteor.userId()))
data: function() {
if (this.params._id) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.params._id);
if (!user)
user = Meteor.users.findOne({username: this.params._id});
return user;
else if (Meteor.userId())
return Meteor.user();
I get this on the console:
(text version following)
Object_id: "o3mgLcechYTtHPELh"addresses: (....)
Object_id: "o3mgLcechYTtHPELh"addresses: (....)
findOne(yourId) is a sync method which is equivalent to find({ _id: yourId}, callback). The difference is that find() allows you to define a callback. If you don't pass a callback to find() this method will be sync.
check wrapAsync:
It allows you to code in a sync style with a async operations.
Free lesson on EventedMind:
My experience thus far is that the Meteor Mongodb package is that the functions do not generally provide callbacks (for some reason insert does...), the functions are atomic (thus sync).
There are meteor packages that can make Mongodb async if you want (I havn't tried any).
I guess this sync approach is in line with the simple maintenance goal of Mongodb. Thinking about it, one of my pet peeves using Node is working with async callback waterfalls/nests, they are a pain to create and maintain... and hopefully this will make my code easier to read and understand and change...
var future = new Future();
var _h = Hunts.findOne({huntId});
if(_h) {
} else {
return future.wait();
on server/startup.js you need:
Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');

Get a server method result before executing a Collection transform

Working on CoinsManager, I have a model directory with a class per file, and I want to read and list all those files in my collection transform method, to initialize my doc with the correct class.
implemented_coins: ->
Returns a list of coins that have been implemented
files = fs.readdirSync './app/models/cryptos/'
file.replace(".coffee.js", "") for file in files.filter (file) ->"(base_crypto*)|(") == -1
if Meteor.isReady
#implementedCoins = "implemented_coins"
#Addresses = new Meteor.Collection "addresses",
transform: (doc) ->
# Retrieve class from code, and pass it the address
if doc.code in #implementedCoins
new #[doc.code] doc.address
else doc
userAddresses: ->
addresses = Addresses.find
userId: Meteor.user()._id
address.set_balance() for address in addresses
return addresses
Right now, I'm getting the following error on the client console:
Exception from Deps recompute: TypeError: Array.prototype.indexOf called on null or undefined
at indexOf (native)
at Addresses.Meteor.Collection.transform
Which means that in my collection transform, the #implementedCoins variable is undefined, because I didn't implement it correctly.
Any idea how to solve this problem ?
I'm pretty sure that this is wrong:
if Meteor.isReady
#implementedCoins = "implemented_coins"
I don't think there is a field in Meteor with that name, and even if it was, then it would get executed on startup, but at that time isReady is probably false and so your variable doesn't get set. Did you mean Meteor.startup? Secondly, on the client you need to use a callback for call, since there are no fibers on the client.
Would this work instead?
Meteor.startup(function () {"implemented_coins", function(err, res) {
implementedCoins = res;

What changed in jQuery 1.9 to cause a $.ajax call to fail with syntax error

I'm making a REST DELETE call, which returns a 204. In jQuery 1.8.3 this works, and hits the request.done callback. But if I use 1.9 it goes to with a parsererror in the textStatus and a 'SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input' in the errorThrown.
remove = function (complete) {
var self = this;
var request = $.ajax({
context: self,
url: "/v1/item/" + itemId,
dataType: "json",
type: "DELETE"
request.done(removeCallback); (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
Anyone know what has changed in 1.9 that would cause this to fail, and what needs to change in order to fix it?
So, answering my own question it looks like this is in fact the problem:
From the jQuery upgrade guide
jQuery.ajax returning a JSON result of an empty string
Prior to 1.9, an ajax call that expected a return data type of JSON or JSONP would consider a return value of an empty string to be a success case, but return a null to the success handler or promise. As of 1.9, an empty string returned for JSON data is considered to be malformed JSON (because it is); this will now throw an error. Use the error handler to catch such cases.
So, if remove the dataType
dataType: "json",
It works in jQuery 1.8.3 and 1.9.
An HTTP 204 response is not an empty string: it means there is no data. This is a valid response for delete and update operations.
This looks like a bug introduced in JQuery 1.9.
The reason removing the dataType property fixes this is because when it's set to "json" JQuery attempts to parse the content using JSON.parse and failing as a result. From the ticket:
This won't fail with any other dataType than "json" because the
regression is due to the re-alignment of parseJSON with native
JSON.parse (throwing an exception for null/undefined values).
Don't try the workaround suggested in the ticket of adding a handler for the 204 via the statusCode property, because both that handler and the error handler will be triggered. A possible solution is the following:
$.ajax(url, {
type: "DELETE",
dataType: "json",
error: function (error) {
if (error.status === 204) {
// Success stuff
else {
// fail
I was having a very similar problem, and you helped my find my answer - so thank you. My solution, however is slightly different, so I figured I would share it.
As stated in the question, on the JQuery website it says:
Prior to 1.9, an ajax call that expected a return data type of JSON or JSONP would consider a return value of an empty string to be a success case, but return a null to the success handler or promise. As of 1.9, an empty string returned for JSON data is considered to be malformed JSON (because it is); this will now throw an error. Use the error handler to catch such cases.
I was passing JSON data to a method on my server with "void" as a return type because I did not need to do anything with returned data in the success function. You can no longer return null when passing JSON in an AJAX request in JQuery 1.9 +. This was possible in previous versions of JQuery however.
To stop getting an error and get the success function to fire instead, you must simply return valid JSON in your AJAX request. It doesn't matter what you pass, as long as it's valid, because (in my case anyways) you are not using the returned data.
The problem seems to be that jQuery treats the empty body (where Content-Length is 0) of a 204 response as "". Which is one interpretation, but the downside is that "" gets treated like any other response string. So if you have called jQuery.ajax() with the dataType:json option, jQuery tries to convert "" to an object and throws an exception ("" is invalid JSON).
jQuery catches the exception and recovers, but if you prefer to avoid the exception altogether (in your development environment) you might do something like the following. Add in the "converters" option to jQuery.ajax() and use it to change "" responses to nulls (I do this when dataType is json). Something like :
var ajax_options =
/* ... other options here */
"converters" :
"text json" :
function( result )
if ( result === "" ) result = null;
return jQuery.parseJSON( result );
var dfd = jQuery.ajax( ajax_options );