Dotnetbar scheduler with access - scheduler

has anyone used the Devcomponents scheduler control with access to store appointments
if so, how to show appointments on calendar
I am able to save the data using a custom form, but unable to show them??
Thanks for your help!


how to send notification to user on data change in realtime database

the problem is if there is any change in notification/154578/0 or in notification/154580/0 (and more child with different id) I need a firebase cloud function (index.js) that will be triggered on data change and fetch the id from notification ether data changed in 154578 id or in 154580, get that particular id and move to eg: fcm-token/154578/value : sldal9854dfas (<- it also in realtime database shibling of notification) get this value and send notification to this token.
Actually I'm a beginner I don't know how to do this if anyone can help me, it would be great help for me
thank you.

I can't register a user in matrix-synapse

Im trying to set up a synapse homeserver.
It runs, and I can run register_new_matrix_user and get SUCCESS
but I cant login with the new user.
So I looked into homeserver.db and theres no entry in the users table.
Does anyone have a idea where the problem could lie?

Angular2 How to get specific data that users choose after selecting choices from dropdown option.

Hi I am really new to Angular2 (I know most of the concepts that angular2 provides tho) and I am having problems with getting specific data after choosing some options.
Currently, I have fake database and created some profiles of random people in the database.
And I have components with dropdown options. I want users to choose one of the options and once they are done with choosing, I want them to click 'Complete' button.
Once they do, they will be redirected to another component that shows data corresponding to their choice.
I am guessing I need to store data that users choose into a service and communication between these two components(one components with options, the other with lists of information based on users' choice) should utilize the service.
But I've got no idea how to do so. Help will be appreciated! Thank you!
First,Define you routes with an parameter like '/anotherRouter:option'
Then, keep the selected option in you component.
<select id="option" name="option" required [(ngModel)]="selectedOption" #address="ngModel">
Then, By click the Complete button, goto another component like this.
<button (click)="go()">Complete</button>
And at your component, define a function go like this(let guess you have inject Router from #angular/router):
go() {
this.router.navigate(['anotherRouter', selectedOption]);
Then get the selectedOption in your new component from the Params of #angular/router like +params['option'](the parameter passed while navigate).

Alfresco Data Lists and E-Mail notification

I have created a custom Data List and now I would like to send a notification every time that a record is created or updated. The thing is that I would like to include the information inside the record in the e-mail body and I have no idea how. I tried with rules but I can not add the information of the record to the e-mail. Some ideas about it?
Thanks in advance!
You can create policy which will fired when you user is creating node of particular type of datalist.
Take below example
Node inside data list is of type "dl:customNode" Than create policy which implements OnCreateNodePolicy(This will be only called when user is creating node of type "dl:customNode")
Inside Write your code to send mail notification.You can inject your required services in same.

How can i get Last login user date time and update in user form in online CRM 2011

Hello i have created on field in user(systemuser) i need to show Last Login Date time in that i have to write PlugIn/script or basically my question is i get the information from Audit View.but how can i write Plugin and on which entity.because i cant find the Entity Audit in Plugin Registration tool.if so then may be i can write the plugin on Create Audit and update it on User Form.
I have just tried in one sample like below but i cant find date field.but my question is where can i write plugin and update user form.
var query = from a in orgContext.CreateQuery("audit")
where (int)a["operation"] == 4 &&
a["objectid"] == "E39383B6-AFBB-45DD-9F4A-C140A03F1871"
select a;
how can i get that field from audit.
In short i want last login date and time for Login User..
Is there any way?
CRM 2011 doesn't support tracking when users login / logout. If you're running locally you'd have to hack together some sort of system that read IIS logs and then updates a custom field on the User entity itself...