I can't register a user in matrix-synapse - matrix-synapse

Im trying to set up a synapse homeserver.
It runs, and I can run register_new_matrix_user and get SUCCESS
but I cant login with the new user.
So I looked into homeserver.db and theres no entry in the users table.
Does anyone have a idea where the problem could lie?


Do I need to generate new token to see new smart sheet data

I am using smart sheet API to pull data from smart sheet. it is working fine. Recently new smart sheet was added. Access was given to user for this new smart sheet but when I call smart sheet API it returns "not found" response.
All other existing sheets works.
Do I need to generate new token every time we add new sheet?
You shouldn't have to generate a new token, though it's possible that the token you have doesn't have the correct user permissions for the new sheet (although I think this would generate a 403 error instead of a 404). Assuming the permissions are correct, you might run into a latency problem (under 1 minute) while the new sheet is mirrored into all databases. Please try again to see if the problem resolves itself.
If that doesn't work, please reply here.

error: Failed to run the post merge process

I'm trying to generate documents using conga composer 8 from apex code but its failing with error Failed to run the post-merge process. I have looked into url and its same as the one I used initially in another salesforce org. I couldn't find any help online or on conga-composer form.
Here is my conga endpoint URL:
https://composer.congamerge.com/Composer8/Index.Html? sessionId=00D41000000dorw!ARQAQKbinH5TXMR_70s3XCShQh5GuSVdrFcq0Fg9OidZLo9MLxzWSby8QY1B4xM8e72DPawVziclnXBjTzpG41RiCAPKQqOt
&ESRecipient3=003410000078zVhAAI, Method=GET]
Any insight what might be causing this issue.
I had the same problem and was able to solve it using permissions. In this case make sure the user id whose sessionID is passing to Conga has the correct CRUD access to the primary object in your conga call (id=a1J410000012BwS). My guess is that this is something to do with Conga not being able to write the attachment back to salesforce.
Apart from what Greg has mentioned, there are 2 more observations for this error:
Under Email Administration -> Deliverability -> Access to Send Email (All Email Services) should be set to All email.
In case you are using the EmailTemplateId parameter then the classic email template must be available for use.
Also mostly this error is also because of some discrepancy in the URL.

Backand- Sign in error with facebook and google

Im developing an app with ionic framework and im using Backand as BaaS, im using the sign in with social accounts service that provides me, but when im trying to sign in with facebook, return this error.
The user is not signed up to 'name-of-my-app'.(signing in with facebook).
And when im trying to sign in with google, return this error:
Object reference is not set to an instance of an object.
Also im create my own apps in facebook and google and i set the AppId and AppSecret to Backand.
I dont know why im receiving this error, actually im ussing almost the same code that the starter's Backand provides.
I have met this kind of error "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object" too, after pressing "Validate & Update" button, after editing database json model several times in the backand control panel. I could save the new model and continue, but that red error was appearing on top right at each save. My hypothesis is that also in your case the issue is related to a bug in the database model editor. I personally got rid of that kind of error by deleting the project (I had no data in it yet) and creating a new one, re-pasting and saving all at once the exact same database model json I created in the previous project.

a coupon (unique code) for a like clicked. what is the best way

The unique code is given to whoever clicked like (only the first time he clicks)
in order to make sure that he is not going to have a unique code again. I have to have his fb id in my database, but I read that it is impossible to know the fb id of someone who clicks like. Is there a solution?
If the like button will be on my fun page, is it possible then?
I have already all the process of generating the unique code, and checking in my db if the code was used or know, I only have to keep in my db also the fb id to make sure he will not get more then once.
Create fangate (differentiate likers non-likers).
Is is_liker get user id with basic permissions.
On return after accepting the permission request check if user already got code.
If user never got code give him. Else display error message.

zend_auth causing application to error

i have been following some online screencasts and tutorials about zend_auth.
i have a basic zend application created by the zf tool.
within the index controller index action i place a little code to test if a user is authenticated.
now as far as i'm aware this should check to see if the current session has been authorised with an identity if it hasnt (ie returns false)
it will redirect the screen to the login controller index action.
all i get is the default error action page stating
An error occurred
Application error
does anyone have an idea wtf is going on.
i have a suspicion it has something to do with needing to set up an autoloader but i have already set an include path to the library folder . (plus i have no issues with accessing controller actions and the likes.
i had another issue with a form stopping my application from rendering anything but i will create another question about that.
thanks keyne setting the error reporting on was a good idea
for some reason i thought i had my app sent to development but it was production.
after looking at the error report i found i had forgotten to create a data folder on my test server to hold the session information.
so zend_auth creating a session failed to location the directory.