Is there a way to press a button 1000times a second in AHk - autohotkey

Hi i need to find out how to press a button for example b 1000times or more in a second
can someone help me please thank you.

This will make your script send keys as fast as it can; use with caution. Hold F1 to spam.
SetBatchLines, -1
#KeyHistory 0
ListLines, Off
SetKeyDelay, -1
; Windows Explorer ignores SendInput's simulation of certain navigational hotkeys such as Alt + ←
SendMode Input
while GetKeyState("F1", "P")
Send, A


How to map a letter key like('w') to a function key like('F6')?

My 'w'key on my keyboard is not working so I wanted to remap it to the 'F6'. But when I write
in the .ahk file and run it. Still no results are to be found.
Can anyone please help me to fix this issue?(Its literally to time wasting to use onscreen keyboard just to type w key)
Thank you
SetKeyDelay -1 ; If the destination key is a mouse button, SetMouseDelay is used instead.
Send {Blind}{F6 DownR} ; DownR is like Down except that other Send commands in the script won't assume "F6" should stay down during their Send.
*w up::
SetKeyDelay -1 ;
Send {Blind}{F6 up}

How to use two keys as trigger AutoHotKey?

I would like to use ctrl + w + x as a hotkey, but of course ^wx:: is an invalid hotkey.
here the ressources I've found, I tried them but they didn't worked for me, (though english isn't my native language so I may have misreaded??)
the AutoHotKey documentation for the list of keys
An AutoHotKey topic named "Press 2 buttons at the same time?" from 2018
Another Autohotkey topic named "Trying to activate a key press using 2 keys" from 2014
thanks in advance for helping me :)
Here is one solution based on the first example from the Input command in the Documentation:
delay := 3.0 ;number of seconds to wait for additional input
Input, SingleKey, L1T%delay%, {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{CapsLock}{NumLock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
if (SingleKey = "x"){
MsgBox Put Hotkey here
Send ctrl + w + x was pressed
Send {Ctrl Down}{w}{Ctrl Up}
Send %SingleKey%
Explanation of Code:
Declare a variable to hold the amount of time you want the hotkey to wait for an 'x' input after Ctrl+w is pressed, called delay
Hotkey Declaration: When Ctrl+w is pressed
Wait delay number of seconds for the user to press another key
If that key was x, then send your custom hotkey
Otherwise, send Ctrl+w, followed by whatever key was pressed by the user.
Other Notes:
Using the $ hotkey modifier to prevent an infinite recursive loop
If it doesn't work properly, feel free to let me know and I can try to help you

How to send a key repeatedly in Autohotkey

I want to write an AutoHotkey script which loop a key X number of times.
For example, here's is a script which overwrites the function of ENTER key with function of F2 key in File Explorer.
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
Send, {F2}
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
Send, {ENTER}
The goal is to press ENTER to rename a select file, and then press ENTER to confirm the rename. Pressing ENTER on the same file that have just been renamed should send F2 key again (In case there is typo error).
Currently the second block doesn't work as I'm sending the same key, how to fix this?
The KeyWait command is your friend in this case.
There is still room to improve on how you handle the second Enter
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
sleep,100 ; giving time to detect the first Enter
Send, {F2}
Keywait, Enter, T5 D ; wait 5 seconds for the Enter to be pressed down
If (ErrorLevel == 0)
Send, {Enter}
sleep 200
Send, {F2}
traytip, , timeout ; Enter was not pressed down in 5 seconds
Basically, it appears you're trying to assign different tasks to the same hotkey and due to this being done seperately ahk is selecting one of the tasks and running with that task and only that task. If loops can be used within hotkeys, so I would suggest using this to rotate between the two expected outcomes. Please see example below:
temp:= 1
Send, {ENTER}
else if(temp==2)
Send, {F2}
I also added in hotkeys for 1/2 to allow you to manually decide the outcome rather than it being specifically assigned in the case of any issues.
Oh, and ctrl+x to close the macro.
You're trying to rebind the enter key twice.
Rebinding a key is like saying "When I press this key, do this:" - in this case it's under an #IfWinActive so it's more like "When this window is open and I press this key..."
When you break that down you have "When I press enter - press F2" as well as "When I press enter, press enter"
What you're wanting to achieve is make the rebind conditional - i.e. it only sends F2 under certain conditions.
It's hard to know how to help without more context. Is there any reason you can't use a different key combination? Like Ctrl + Shift + Enter?
Something like:
+^Enter::send, {F2}

AutoHotKey code to receive ctrl+x while pressing ctrl+c twice

AutoHotKey code to receive CTRL+X while pressing CTRL+V twice
Can anyone help with this?
Many thanks!
Assuming we are talking about Ctrl+C, not V, and assuming you want to keep the original Ctrl+C function but also use it for Ctrl+X when pressing twice in a short time:
Transform, cC, Chr, 3 ; store the value of ctrlC into cC.
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, ON ; this is basically the same as if to say $^c::..., but only deactivable
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, OFF
input, key, M L1 T0.2
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, ON
if errorlevel = timeout
send ^c
else if key = %cC%
send ^x
send %key%
should do..
also see Input for further information. I used this little hotkey-command-trick in order to temporarily disable the Ctrl+C-Hotkey, because otherwise input would not recognize the second c
In this example, I set timeout to 0.2 seconds. Change it to your convenience.
About your capslock idea - sounds like a good idea to me, but anyways, we're not a code-provider network. The command getKeyState should help you started.

How to not send hotkey text to open editor

I use this hotkey to close the current Window :
Send, {Alt Down}{Sleep 100}{f4 Down}{Alt Up}{f4 Up}
return ;
How can the script be amended so that the characters xx are not sent to display but are still registered by autohotkeys ? In other words if focus is within open editor do not display the xx characters but still fire the commands associated with the xx keys.
You can't do it with a Hotstring but you would have have to use a Hotkey and check for a double key press. A regular key like x might not be the most useful as it will most likely always get in the way of your regular typing as you want to block the x being sent. An example with Ctrl:
KeyWait, Ctrl ; wait for Ctrl to be released
KeyWait, Ctrl, D T0.2 ; and pressed again within 0.2 seconds
if ErrorLevel ; timed-out (only a single press)
MsgBox single
MsgBox double
The above code comes from here and you will also find an example (no 4) on the KeyWait doc