How to not send hotkey text to open editor - autohotkey

I use this hotkey to close the current Window :
Send, {Alt Down}{Sleep 100}{f4 Down}{Alt Up}{f4 Up}
return ;
How can the script be amended so that the characters xx are not sent to display but are still registered by autohotkeys ? In other words if focus is within open editor do not display the xx characters but still fire the commands associated with the xx keys.

You can't do it with a Hotstring but you would have have to use a Hotkey and check for a double key press. A regular key like x might not be the most useful as it will most likely always get in the way of your regular typing as you want to block the x being sent. An example with Ctrl:
KeyWait, Ctrl ; wait for Ctrl to be released
KeyWait, Ctrl, D T0.2 ; and pressed again within 0.2 seconds
if ErrorLevel ; timed-out (only a single press)
MsgBox single
MsgBox double
The above code comes from here and you will also find an example (no 4) on the KeyWait doc


Making two AutoHotkey key remapping scripts work together correctly

I have two AutoHotkey scripts that enable the use of the Ctrl key on both sides of my laptop's keyboard:
Map Caps Lock to (left) Ctrl:
SetCapsLockState, Off
Map Enter to (right) Ctrl when pressed down; otherwise (if no timeout) send Enter:
~Enter Up::Send % "{RCtrl up}" (A_PriorKey = "Enter" ? "{Enter}" : "")
The two scripts work perfectly with almost no edge cases.
However, I'm unable to trigger Ctrl + Enter, which is a shortcut that I usually use to open a new line on my text editor. Pressing down Caps Lock and hitting Enter, nothing happens. Even if I press down (left)Ctrl (the real key) and hit Enter, nothing happens as well.
What should I do to enable both scripts to work together in order to enable Ctrl + Enter?
I managed to solve the problem in two steps:
Natively map CapsLock to Control. AutoHotkey thinks my CapsLock key is indeed the Control key, which exempts me from handling weird CapsLock on/off edge cases within AutoHotkey.
Use the following script to map Enter as dual-function RCtrl/Enter:
LShift & Enter Up::
GetKeyState, state, Shift
if (A_PriorKey = "Enter" and state = "D") {
Send +{Enter}
Send {LCtrl Up}{RCtrl Up}
LCtrl & Enter Up::
GetKeyState, state, Control
if (A_PriorKey = "Enter" and state = "D") {
Send ^{Enter}
Send {LCtrl Up}{RCtrl Up}
LAlt & Enter Up::
GetKeyState, state, Alt
if (A_PriorKey = "Enter" and state = "D") {
Send !{Enter}
Send {LCtrl Up}{RCtrl Up}
Send {LAlt Up}{RAlt Up}
~Enter Up::
Send % "{RCtrl up}" ((A_PriorKey = "Enter") ? "{Enter}" : "")
It's super exciting because it works very well! The modifier dance between CapsLock and Enter as symmetric control keys is perfect and I can seamlessly alternate between both sides without nasty edge cases, unexpected modifier presses, releases, or {Enter} presses. The order of the declarations is very important for that to work; the edge cases must come first.
However, as you can see, it is necessary to explicitly handle Alt + Enter, Ctrl + Enter, and Shift + Enter. If I ever need Ctrl + Alt + Enter, I will need to handle that as well.
I wonder if there's a better way to make that work without having to define these additional mappings.
I've tryied on Libreoffice Writter, where CTRL+ENTER go to the next page..
The above code worked fine.
Just added ~ before Enter::RCtrl to not block native function from Enter key.
SetCapsLockState, Off
~Enter Up:: Send % "{RCtrl up}" (A_PriorKey = "Enter" ? "{Enter}" : "")
And i think you may use only one script with both instructions, instead of using one script for each..

How to send a key repeatedly in Autohotkey

I want to write an AutoHotkey script which loop a key X number of times.
For example, here's is a script which overwrites the function of ENTER key with function of F2 key in File Explorer.
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
Send, {F2}
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
Send, {ENTER}
The goal is to press ENTER to rename a select file, and then press ENTER to confirm the rename. Pressing ENTER on the same file that have just been renamed should send F2 key again (In case there is typo error).
Currently the second block doesn't work as I'm sending the same key, how to fix this?
The KeyWait command is your friend in this case.
There is still room to improve on how you handle the second Enter
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass
sleep,100 ; giving time to detect the first Enter
Send, {F2}
Keywait, Enter, T5 D ; wait 5 seconds for the Enter to be pressed down
If (ErrorLevel == 0)
Send, {Enter}
sleep 200
Send, {F2}
traytip, , timeout ; Enter was not pressed down in 5 seconds
Basically, it appears you're trying to assign different tasks to the same hotkey and due to this being done seperately ahk is selecting one of the tasks and running with that task and only that task. If loops can be used within hotkeys, so I would suggest using this to rotate between the two expected outcomes. Please see example below:
temp:= 1
Send, {ENTER}
else if(temp==2)
Send, {F2}
I also added in hotkeys for 1/2 to allow you to manually decide the outcome rather than it being specifically assigned in the case of any issues.
Oh, and ctrl+x to close the macro.
You're trying to rebind the enter key twice.
Rebinding a key is like saying "When I press this key, do this:" - in this case it's under an #IfWinActive so it's more like "When this window is open and I press this key..."
When you break that down you have "When I press enter - press F2" as well as "When I press enter, press enter"
What you're wanting to achieve is make the rebind conditional - i.e. it only sends F2 under certain conditions.
It's hard to know how to help without more context. Is there any reason you can't use a different key combination? Like Ctrl + Shift + Enter?
Something like:
+^Enter::send, {F2}

Autohotkey script to send space when tapped and shift when held. It is affecting other mappings

I wrote this script to make my space-bar button act as a space-bar when tapped and a shift button when held. However, it affects mappings such as
::btw::by the way
when I tapped space-bar after typing "btw" to convert "btw" into "by the way ", the conversion did not take place.
Is there anyway that I can change my script below to ensure that conversion in the above scenario happens?
now := A_TickCount
while GetKeyState("Space", "P") ; to find out whether space-bar is held
if (A_TickCount-now > 180) ; this time is tested on asker's computer
SendInput {Shift Down}
KeyWait, Space
SendInput {Shift Up}
SendInput {Space} ; if key detected to be tapped, send space as per normal
Thanks :)
Hotstrings ignore events generate by Autothotkey if their send level is equal or lower than the send level of the event.
This means that the send level of Space, must be set to a higher level than the level of hostrings you wish to trigger with it:
#InputLevel, 10 ;set send level for the following code to 10
#InputLevel ;set it back to default value of 0 for any remaining code
now := A_TickCount
while GetKeyState("Space", "P") ; to find out whether space-bar is held
if (A_TickCount-now > 180) ; this time is tested on asker's computer
SendInput {Shift Down}
KeyWait, Space
SendInput {Shift Up}
SendInput {Space} ; if key detected to be tapped, send space as per normal
you have to change the auto-replace code for btw to
:*:btw::by the way
instead of
::btw::by the way
this will auto-replace btw to by the way even if you have the mentioned hotkey for space
#Neo Ding Yue Is it working? Initially I did it like you, but it had many flaws. Finally I found a solution which I am using since two years: 1. registry remap space to behave like LShift and use this code:
~*LShift:: ;tilde so it gets triggered already on down, in combination with any key, hence can be used as modifier key
Keywait,LShift, L ; just to deactivate autofire
~LShift up::
IF(A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 150 && A_PriorKey = "LShift") {
SendInput {Space}
If you have question, just ask (I have other versions).

AutoHotKey code to receive ctrl+x while pressing ctrl+c twice

AutoHotKey code to receive CTRL+X while pressing CTRL+V twice
Can anyone help with this?
Many thanks!
Assuming we are talking about Ctrl+C, not V, and assuming you want to keep the original Ctrl+C function but also use it for Ctrl+X when pressing twice in a short time:
Transform, cC, Chr, 3 ; store the value of ctrlC into cC.
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, ON ; this is basically the same as if to say $^c::..., but only deactivable
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, OFF
input, key, M L1 T0.2
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, ON
if errorlevel = timeout
send ^c
else if key = %cC%
send ^x
send %key%
should do..
also see Input for further information. I used this little hotkey-command-trick in order to temporarily disable the Ctrl+C-Hotkey, because otherwise input would not recognize the second c
In this example, I set timeout to 0.2 seconds. Change it to your convenience.
About your capslock idea - sounds like a good idea to me, but anyways, we're not a code-provider network. The command getKeyState should help you started.

script to use Left Click as Left Shift does not work correctly

I've search AHK forums but couldn't solution.
The script I found on AHK to use LShift as LButton does not work correctly..when press & hold left shift and move the mouse pointer, it can't copy text exactly like as if click and hold left mouse. What I mean by exactly is.. press & hold left shift and move the mouse pointer copies the whole paragraph or section of text..not just the few words I wanted.
My first time here & newbie w/ AHK. Your time is appreciated.
Send {LButton}
you could try:
Send {LButton Down} ; Press the LButton key Down
KeyWait, LShift ; Wait for the LShift key to be lifted
Send {LButton Up} ; Release the LButton key