How to use two keys as trigger AutoHotKey? - autohotkey

I would like to use ctrl + w + x as a hotkey, but of course ^wx:: is an invalid hotkey.
here the ressources I've found, I tried them but they didn't worked for me, (though english isn't my native language so I may have misreaded??)
the AutoHotKey documentation for the list of keys
An AutoHotKey topic named "Press 2 buttons at the same time?" from 2018
Another Autohotkey topic named "Trying to activate a key press using 2 keys" from 2014
thanks in advance for helping me :)

Here is one solution based on the first example from the Input command in the Documentation:
delay := 3.0 ;number of seconds to wait for additional input
Input, SingleKey, L1T%delay%, {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{CapsLock}{NumLock}{PrintScreen}{Pause}
if (SingleKey = "x"){
MsgBox Put Hotkey here
Send ctrl + w + x was pressed
Send {Ctrl Down}{w}{Ctrl Up}
Send %SingleKey%
Explanation of Code:
Declare a variable to hold the amount of time you want the hotkey to wait for an 'x' input after Ctrl+w is pressed, called delay
Hotkey Declaration: When Ctrl+w is pressed
Wait delay number of seconds for the user to press another key
If that key was x, then send your custom hotkey
Otherwise, send Ctrl+w, followed by whatever key was pressed by the user.
Other Notes:
Using the $ hotkey modifier to prevent an infinite recursive loop
If it doesn't work properly, feel free to let me know and I can try to help you


Autohotkey. Hold two buttons and tap another to increase volume

I got stuck building an ahk shortcut script to increase / decrease Volume. The idea was to hold down LAlt+LShift and tap F12 to increase one step per tap.
The order in which LAlt and LShift are pressed shouldn't matter.
I came up with this so far:
While (GetKeyState("LShift","P")) and (GetKeyState("LAlt","P"))
F12::Send {Volume_Up}
But somehow it increases the volume on holding LAlt and taping F12. LShift gets igronred..
What's wrong with that...
F12::Send {Volume_Up}
isn't a command, it's a hotkey assignment. You cannot use it within executable context. It is actually the short form for:
send {volume_up}
You wouldn't wanna have a return somewhere in between the lines which should be executed, would you.
As can be read in the documentation, you can only combine two Hotkeys for an action easily, like a & b::msgbox, you pressed a and b. E.g. for a,b AND c, you'd need some workaround like the crossed out, old answer below.
BUT you can add as many modifiers to your hotkey as you want. Modifiers are ! alt, + shift, # win and so on (please have a look #
So you can simply use
<!+F12::send {volume_up}
So, your aim is simply to have volume_up be fired when three Hotkeys are being pressed. You can achieve it like this:
#if getKeyState("LShift", "P")
*<!F12::send {volume_up}
send {volume_up}
For the meaning of * and < and other possible modifiers, see
Your approach wasn't too bad. It would have worked if you had used the Hotkey command instead of an actual hotkey assignment. Still that would have been unneeded work

AutoHotKey code to receive ctrl+x while pressing ctrl+c twice

AutoHotKey code to receive CTRL+X while pressing CTRL+V twice
Can anyone help with this?
Many thanks!
Assuming we are talking about Ctrl+C, not V, and assuming you want to keep the original Ctrl+C function but also use it for Ctrl+X when pressing twice in a short time:
Transform, cC, Chr, 3 ; store the value of ctrlC into cC.
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, ON ; this is basically the same as if to say $^c::..., but only deactivable
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, OFF
input, key, M L1 T0.2
hotkey, $^c, ctrlC, ON
if errorlevel = timeout
send ^c
else if key = %cC%
send ^x
send %key%
should do..
also see Input for further information. I used this little hotkey-command-trick in order to temporarily disable the Ctrl+C-Hotkey, because otherwise input would not recognize the second c
In this example, I set timeout to 0.2 seconds. Change it to your convenience.
About your capslock idea - sounds like a good idea to me, but anyways, we're not a code-provider network. The command getKeyState should help you started.

Emulating Ctrl + Spacebar + AlphabeticalKey with Autohotkey

My problem :
^space & c::
send {F2}
send {Escape}
but it didn't work, how do I emulate Ctrl+Space + AlphabeticaklKey ?
As my previous speakers said, it can't be done easily. Here's my suggestion, it seems to work fine:
Loop {
if(GetKeyState("c")) {
if(!GetKeyState("CTRL") || !GetKeyState("SPACE")) {
Sleep, 50
msgbox, You have pressed CTRL+SPACE+C
The code is pretty self-explanatory. When CTRL + SPACE is pressed, it waits until either one of both is released or C is pressed. The latter triggers the actual functionality, otherwise it will return.
I actually don't like it very much, because theoretically it may fail in some cases (e.g. when CTRL + SPACE + C is pressed and released before the execution reaches the check for the state of C; although that seems very unlikely).
There's also a way using #If. I recommend using that since it's more sophisticated and reliable. This is due to the fact that it doesn't need any loops:
#If GetKeyState("SPACE")
^c::Msgbox, You have pressed CTRL+SPACE+C
#If GetKeyState("c")
^space::Msgbox, You have pressed CTRL+SPACE+C
As far as I know, you can only combine two non-hotkey keys with the syntax:
space & c:: msgbox space and c
You can read it here
You can define a custom combination of two keys (except joystick
buttons) by using & between them. In the below example, you would hold
down Numpad0 then press the second key to trigger the hotkey:
Numpad0 & Numpad1::MsgBox You pressed Numpad1 while holding down
Numpad0. Numpad0 & Numpad2::Run Notepad
Trying to use control as well like in: space & c & control or space & ^c or any other combination will result in compile error.
My recommendation is that you don't combine that three keys together. Look for a pure hotkey combination or use another more or less useless key.
#!c:: windows + alt + c
AppsKey & c::
Remember that if you use a normal key as modificator, you have to remap it to itself to keep the original functionality, for example with the menu key (appskey):
AppsKey:: Send {Appskey}
AppsKey & c:: ;do what you want
There are actually a couple ways to get help. First of all the authors of this language have moved to a new domain It is always welcome to ask questions like these in our forum. I just happened to be digging through this site today and saw this by accident.
When you have more than one line of code after a hotkey you need to have a return follow it:
^space & c::
send {F2}
send {Escape}
Hope that helps

Avoiding loop when Double pressing same shortcut key without changing original 1 press shortcut key function (Autohotkey)

I want to produce something like this :
1. When i press Esc 2 times (double) i want to produce my "made-up custom action"
2. When i press Esc 1 time i want to produce the original Escape
ok, here is the explanation of my question :
This code should apply as global, means when i start the script it will work on all windows
%ALAT1% is variable the Active Windows title , abbreviation "Anime Land Akui Transform" some kind of silly anime game
If i press Esc one time . it will "pause" the game, but when i press Esc 2 times, it will "exit" the game"
I want to do a custom action when i press Esc 2 times, but i also don't want the original Esc key function got override when i press 1 time.
if (A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotKey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < 400)
WinActivate, %ALAT1%
IfWinActive, ahk_class TscShellContainerClass
Send {F5} ; F5 contains another action
*Do original function of Escape i.e Send {Escape} ; Now this is the problem
after i try the code above : suppose i press "Escape" button it will loop the Escape as if i press Escape 2 times. So my real question is how to make "original 1 times press Esc key function" won't loop to "our custom 2 times press Esc key function" ?
Change the first line of your code to;
This will set it so that the hotkey is only triggered by real keystrokes not simulated ones.

autohotkey: 3 keys pressed together = hotkey?

language: Autohotkey on Win7
"Shift" plus "right mouse button" plus "mouse wheel up"
I want my hotkey to be holding those three keys simultaneously. I have tried the following without any success
+ & rbutton & wheelup::
send 6
+rbutton & wheelup::
send 6
shift & rbutton & wheelup::
send 6
I always get an error when I try to make this hotkey does anyone know how to do it?
I'm still a newbie but I'll try and help =].
It doesn't seem to work when you use a modifier key with two mouse buttons, so this is a way that kind of works:
KeyWait, RButton, D ; Waits for RButton to be pressed down.
MsgBox, This works!
The problem is it clicks (or releases) the right mouse button once the hotkey has run. If you instead put it like so:
KeyWait, WheelUp, D
There will be another problem in that it will work fine for the first use of the hotkey, it will from then on work with only Shift + Right Mouse Button, because it's already waited for WheelUp to be pressed down (or rather scrolled up).
I mucked around for a little bit with GetKeyState and the like but still being new I can't find a way around it xD. These may be sufficient for what you need for now, otherwise better to wait for someone more knowledgeable to post.
With the information from your comment (hold Shift+right and spam WheelUp) following solution works fine. Use Shift + WheelUp and check if the right mosue button is down.
if (GetKeyState("RButton", "P"))
send 6
send +{WheelUp}
You could remove the else part and add a ~ modifier, but then Shift + WheelUp will be catched and blocked by AHK even if you dont press the right mouse button.