Where in the last version of unity grid and snap settings and how to change grid size? - unity3d

I don't have grid and snap settings in the edit
I have this little tab, but scale here do nothing
Greed Visual same useless to me
Searching same do nothing, with search of "snap" i have same result
Sorry for bad English <3

I think what you are looking for is a dropdown in the top bar in "scene view". It looks like a ruler.
Here's a picture of it: picture of button in SceneView


Chrome dev tools : what is the scrolling bar at the bottom of the elements pane and how do I turn it off?

The image below shows what I'm talking about. It's the red text at the bottom and it scrolls right to left. It's distracting and I want to remove it, but I don't see how.
Thanks in advance.

scene is gray color and skybox disappear on unity game engine

In my project scenen window look like gray or black, but game window is normal! Please help me! Thank you!
ps:The same as create new project!
At the top of the Scene window there is a little button, looks like a series of 'layers' with a plus sign. There's a down facing arrow to the right of this. Click that and you should see a load of checkboxes. Click the one that says 'Skybox' - that'll turn it back on again.
Disable PostProcesing by uncheck it

How to find grid badge when debugging gird layout in google chrome browser developer tools?

I'm learning to debug grid layout. Here is the article about it: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/chrome-devtools/css/grid
Here what says Chrome DevTools guide.
The issues comes on the very first stage - I cannot find grid badge on my Elements panel in DevTools.
I've already checked on Windows and MacOS, I seems like it's not connected to OS.
Does anybody know how to turn it on?
Maybe I need to change my browser settings?
I had the same problem and fixed it by chance by doing this:
Open DevTools settings
On Preferences go to the Elements section
I had all selected, except Show rulers and Show agent shadow DOM so I selected them too.
It worked! The Grid label started to appear on grid elements and could on Elements
The thing is that I deselected again Show rulers and Show agent shadow DOM to discard which of them was the one that activated the Grid label but then the Grid label didn't disappear. That's why I said I fixed it by chance.

need to move intellisense popup window in visual studio code

I want to move the intellisense popup window to the left side.
How can I do this?
I tried this solution but it did not help me.
How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider
change width
For adjusting the width, you can drag the right side of the window now, see this SO post for an old animation.
On mac the right of the popup will turn blue when hovered (cursor isn't captured in screenshot) and can be resized. You can also resize vertically by hovering the bottom. It looks like this on mac (not sure about other OS):
change position
The new version (October 2021 (version 1.62)) makes it easy to move the position... sort of. You can now choose to have the editor above or below what you hover. So glad they added it as a feature. This wasn't exactly the problem you had, but when I first searched for moving the intellisense menu, it led me here, so figured I'd add this for others Google sends here.
Simply add the following to settings.json file:
"editor.hover.above": false
Add a comma after it if you have more settings below it:
"editor.hover.above": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
You can try to configure intellisense within VScode using the steps in https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/intellisense#_customizing-intellisense, though I am not sure if your particular issue could be solved this way.

VSCode: hiding some default menu items

Simple question: is there a way to hide some default menu items in VSCode? For instance, I would like to hide the Zoom In, Zoom Out and Reset Zoom items in the View menu.
The problem is that I have a laptop with a HiDPI screen: 13 inch, 1920x1080. On this screen, the View menu does not fit completely and looks ugly (see screenshot). I am a recent convert to VSCode, love the Command Palette but would still like to browse the menus occasionally.
I have tried searching on Stack Overflow and googling but cannot seem to find anything related.
This is not possible as of VS Code 1.21.
This feature request tracks something similar for context menus. Not sure if we have an issue tracking this for menu bar items