How to find grid badge when debugging gird layout in google chrome browser developer tools? - google-chrome-devtools

I'm learning to debug grid layout. Here is the article about it:
Here what says Chrome DevTools guide.
The issues comes on the very first stage - I cannot find grid badge on my Elements panel in DevTools.
I've already checked on Windows and MacOS, I seems like it's not connected to OS.
Does anybody know how to turn it on?
Maybe I need to change my browser settings?

I had the same problem and fixed it by chance by doing this:
Open DevTools settings
On Preferences go to the Elements section
I had all selected, except Show rulers and Show agent shadow DOM so I selected them too.
It worked! The Grid label started to appear on grid elements and could on Elements
The thing is that I deselected again Show rulers and Show agent shadow DOM to discard which of them was the one that activated the Grid label but then the Grid label didn't disappear. That's why I said I fixed it by chance.


How to disable the new inspector tooltip in the devtools?

In the latest Chrome version (73.0.3683.86) there is a new feature which adds a tooltip to the Inspector tool which shows information about the hovered element. (see screenshot)
The question now is whether someone has already found out if this function can be disabled.
Very annoying. I don't believe you can disable it at the moment but if you hold down Ctrl/Cmd you can move around the page without it showing up.

Google Chrome color picker isn't responding

Google Chrome color picker isn't responding. I tried re-installing and resetting Chrome. How can this be resolved?
"Reset devtools" doesn't fix the issue. I am not entirely sure what the exact cause of this bug is, but the only fix available will need to be done in an update. I could not find it in the code itself, although I didn't spend much time looking.
The main issue is that when your dev tools are docked to the bottom of the window, then the color picker will not show. It will load though, but the interface wont show. More than likely it is either in the wrong layer, or has some issue with its actual display, as no errors are thrown.
Anyway, the reason resetting dev tools works is because the default setting is to dock the dev tools to the right side of the screen (presumably, their testing showed most users use a wide screen, multiple screen, setup; as a result, there is room on the side of the screen).
If you, like me, use dev tools docked to the bottom, then in order to see the color picker, you need to change the dev tool temporarily to be docked to the right side of the screen. This does not require the settings to be reset, just simply change the docking position.
if your color picker not working on your mouse pointer, then you have to change your display settings, if your display settings are at scale 125 or more then your color picker won't work in any of the browsers, if you change your display setting to 100% your color picker will automatically start working
Changing the window size brings back the color picker. If the window is full screen size, get out of full screen size.
The solution that worked for me is:
Get out of full screen mode (Un-maximize window).
Reduce the window size, specially the width.
Docking the dev-tools to right side, Scaling the display, Lowering display resolution also brings the color-picker back as all of these affects the browser window size. Hopefully this bug will be addressed soon.
Open the inspect elements -> go to settings -> Preferences -> scroll down to the end you will see button "Restore defaults and reload" -> click on it and it will work
I had the same issue on Chrome 108.0.5359.98 on Arch for a long time now.
The problem was fixed by simply unchecking one of the experiments in DevTools - Settings - Experimets - Enable color picking outside the browser window.
scale your display settings to 100 % and again re scale to 125%(recommended).
For me chaning the Devtools zoom size worked not the webpage size.
Ctrl + Mouse wheel zooms in or out on the dev tools dock.
The problem is quite simple. You are unable to use the color picker because you have enabled the mobile view or any other device view
and, you got the answer, you just need to close the device toolbar and you are good to go.
Hope that works 😃

How to use color picker (eye dropper)?

There is a very useful tool built in chrome dev tool, that I have just discovered. I even don't know its name, and I am not able to find it on google. I would say it is a pixel inspector tool.
I find the following method how to use it:
1a. Inspect an html element with background color.
1b. Define background color of an element.
Click on the color picker.
Move your mouse over any element on the page (not on the dev tool)
My questions:
What is this tool name?
How to use it easily? Most of the time I don't care the color, but I want to inspect the pixels of an icon.
Is there a hotkey of this tool?
To open the Eye Dropper simply:
Open DevTools F12
Go to Elements tab
Under Styles side bar click on any color preview box
Its main functionality is to inspect pixel color values by clicking them though with its new features you can also see your page's existing colors palette or material design palette by clicking on the two arrows icon at the bottom. It can get quite handy when designing your page.
It is just called the eyedropper tool. There is no shortcut key for it that I'm aware of. The only way you can use it now is by clicking on the color picker box in styles sidebar and then clicking on the page as you have already been doing.
Currently, the eyedropper tool is not working in my version of Chrome (as described above), though it worked for me in the past. I hear it is being updated in the latest version of Chrome.
However, I'm able to grab colors easily in Firefox.
Open page in Firefox
Hamburger Menu -> Web Developer -> Eyedropper
Drag eyedropper tool over the image... Click.
Color is copied to your clipboard, and eyedropper tool goes away.
Paste color code
In case you cannot get the eyedropper tool to work in Chrome, this is a good work around.
I also find it easier to access :-)

Is there a way to search/filter properties in Styles pane of Google Devtools?

On the Elements tab 'Find' functionality (cmd+F/ctrl+F) doesn't search through styles pane. Is there a way to type CSS property with HTML element selected and find it quickly in the Styles panel?
Bottom right corner, light gray text says "Find in styles". Click there and enter your search.
Unfortunately, such functionality does not exist in current Chrome Dev Tools.
But its present in Opera Dragonfly and its very handy, so, probably Chrome will copy it, eventually (but no such feature request exists in bug tracker now).
On the latest Chrome on Mac, I'm getting the filter at the top of the styles pane. I can't believe that I never noticed it given that I've needed it so many times!
Try using CTRL+Shif+F on the Elements tab

How do I use Chrome Web Developer to examine tipsy hover overs?

I am trying to inspect the div element that appears for Tipsy hover-overs on this page in order to change the width of the popup.
However, when I press Shift+Ctrl+C, and then move my mouse to the Developer Elements panel, the Tipsy hover-over disappears, so I can't examine it any more.
How do I examine an element that only appears upon a hover-over effect in Chrome Web Developer?
I am using Win 7. I used firebug & it showed that tooltips were using the tipsy.css try to navigate to your tipsy css & change the width attrib though i couldnt get the bottom part of the tooltip in right shape. Hope it helps