VSCode: hiding some default menu items - visual-studio-code

Simple question: is there a way to hide some default menu items in VSCode? For instance, I would like to hide the Zoom In, Zoom Out and Reset Zoom items in the View menu.
The problem is that I have a laptop with a HiDPI screen: 13 inch, 1920x1080. On this screen, the View menu does not fit completely and looks ugly (see screenshot). I am a recent convert to VSCode, love the Command Palette but would still like to browse the menus occasionally.
I have tried searching on Stack Overflow and googling but cannot seem to find anything related.

This is not possible as of VS Code 1.21.
This feature request tracks something similar for context menus. Not sure if we have an issue tracking this for menu bar items


How to move Output or Terminal back into the panel in the window layout?

Recently in VS Code, somewhere around v1.42 or v1.43, we gained the ability to move around the following windows/panels that used to be stuck in the panel:
Debug Console
They could be split into multiple items in the panel itself (side-by-side or top/bottom, depending on whether the panel was at the bottom or left/right), and even dragged into the side-bar.
This was great, but after moving all of these windows to the side-bar while experimenting, I can't find any way to move them back into the panel. The panel is now empty, except for 3 dots (an ellipsis) in the upper left corner. You can still hide/show the panel, and move it left, bottom, or right, but there is nothing in it, and you can't drag anything to it. Dragging the terminal into the panel shows an icon that looks like it will successfully move (it's not the icon with the circle/cross-out you get other places it won't drop), but when releasing the click-drag, nothing happens.
I had just upgraded to v1.45.0 when this happened. It appears to be a defect, unless I'm missing something. Does anyone have a way to put the terminal or one of these other windows back in the panel, or reset their position? I combed the settings, and tried to find default setting's files (system or user) that might hold info on what is in the panel vs. the sidebar, etc., but couldn't find anything via search or on my PC. Any ideas?
Note: This is NOT about moving the panel between the left/right/bottom positions, or selecting the terminal/output/etc. in the panel itself. That's "old news", this is a recent feature.
Here is a view with the Terminal, Output, Debug Console, and Problems put at the top of the sidebar toolbar, and Terminal focused. The Panel is just to the right of the sidebar window, set to the "left" position, completely blank and useless. The "welcome" window on the far right side:
And here are my current settings:
See this issue https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/96117 (Empty panel behaves weird)
Suggested fix:
Run the command View: Reset View Locations in the command palette.
Please see: https://www.technipages.com/visual-studio-reset-window-layout
Menu Window / Reset Window Layout worked for me in VS 2019

How to hide or dock result grid panel/toolbar in MySQL Workbench 6.3?

I am seeing the following panel in the result grid.
Based on the research I've done, for many people this panel is docked. However, in my application it's hidden then displayed upon hovering in that area. This has become very annoying because it's hard to use the scrollbar there.
I've looked all over in the preferences and toolbars but can't find a way to disable it.
Does anyone know how I can get rid of it altogether or make it static?
You probably activated the "hidden" mode. Klick on the small icon right beside the bar:

Visual Studio Code: How to have both Debug window and Explorer window open together?

I'm new to Visual Code and I have a small question.
You have two buttons circled in red line. The first button opens the Explorer window and the second circled button opens the Debug window.
I want to have both of these windows open. Do you know how to do it?
This is not possible as of VSCode 1.13
A feature request for showing multiple panels was tracked here but the issue has been closed as as-designed. If you are passionate about the problem, please file a new issue to see if thinking on this has changed in the past year
V1.43 will have the ability to move various views, like Variables, Watch and Callstack from the sidebar to the panel (it works nicely in the Insiders' Build v.1.43). Demo:
See v1.43 release notes: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#easier-moving-of-even-more-views with a demo gif of dragging views to and from the panel.
and this setting:
We've introduced a new command to make moving views easier
with the keyboard: View: Move Focused View
And finally, this is a preview feature. So, in case you get into a
state that you can't fix, there is a command to reset all views to
their original locations: View: Reset View Locations

VS Code find result panel

Is there any way to print search results (Ctrl+Shift+F) to horizontal panel?
Current vertical view is really inconvenient for me as I see only small part of line. Thanks
Update: see Visual studio code - how to copy search results? The new search editor makes seeing and copying the results much more user-friendly.
And now you can just drag the Search view into the Panel.
v1.21 has helped this problem. See Horizontal panel search
// Preview: controls if the search will be shown as a view in the
sidebar or as a panel in the panel area for more horizontal space.
Next release search in panel will have improved horizontal layout and
this will no longer be a preview.
"search.location": "panel",
I don't think you can print those results yet but at least the view is much improved. I don't think you meant actually "print" but nevertheless...
EDIT: Functionality added after the original answer:::
You can now right-click anywhere in the search results and select "Copy All" to get all the search results into the clipboard. That context menu has some other options as well.
As of May 2020, the accepted answer is marked by VSCode as a deprecated setting, and no longer works.
Instead, use the Command Palette to find for "Open New Search Editor" to get a full-screen search experience. This option is not bound to a keyboard shortcut by default, and you'll have to do that separately (would be nice to have it as the default, IMO).

Horizontal scrolling with the scrollwheel in Eclipse

I've been trying to find a way to scroll the text horizontally with my scrollwheel in Eclipse, similar to the way you can do it in Textpad. In Textpad if you hold ctrl while you scroll vertically it will scroll horizontally. Does anybody know if there is a configurable setting somewhere in Eclipse that will allow this? I've looked all over the "keys" setting page without being able to find it, and Google/Stack Overflow searches haven't turned anything up for me.
I guess this depends more on your OS than on Eclipse. For instance on Mac OS it's Shift + Scrolling.
#Daniel Sokolowski's answer was almost working. I have been using X-Mouse Button Control for over a year now and didn't know how to get the Horizontal Scrolling to work on certain programs (like Eclipse and Chrome) until I read Sokolowski's answer which pointed me in the right direction.
For the sake of brevity, and not to duplicate what has already been written clearly by Sokolowski, follow his directions, and in addition do the following:
Add Eclipse to your Applications list in X-Mouse by clicking Add and finding javaw.exe in the "Choose Application" popup and clicking OK.
Now click on the "Eclipse" profile and choose the "Scrolling & Navigation" tab
Under the "Advanced Window Scrolling" choose Method 1(SCROLL Msg) option for Scroll Method
Click Apply
If you correctly followed Sokolowski's and my instructions together you should be able to press Shift while scrolling up or down to trigger a horizontal scroll.
On a Windows machine this worked for me:
Download X-Mouse Button Control
In the main window go to 'Layer 2' and change 'Wheel Up' and 'Wheel Down' to 'Scroll Windows Right' and 'Scroll Window Left'
Go into the 'Settings > Modifier Keys Tab' and select 'Shift' for the 'Activate Layer 2' setting.
Now in whatever active window, including Eclipse pressing shift and then scrolling up and down will scroll horizontally.
Update: I have been using this approach for a few days now and noticed that not all windows are horizontal scroll enabled, for example 'Package Explorer' is not but 'Navigator' is - this appears to be a limitation of Eclipse IDE rather than this approach. Please take a moment and upvote this Eclipse Bug #201984
You have a plugin supposed (not tested) to support horizontal scrolling.
But without plugin, SWT does not support horizontal scrolling on Windows.
Its support is planed for 3.6 though. (since 3.6M2, actually -- September 18, 2009)
New event constants have been added for horizontal mouse wheels.
See SWT.MouseHorizontalWheel and SWT.MouseVerticalWheel.
For me the best way while using eclipse or for that matter any IDE, is to have a new line char at the end of screen. I feel that to use horizontal scrolling to view data becomes bit difficult while going back and forth and I would like all code to be visible to me always. If the code you are trying to view requires you to use horizontal scroll bar then try to format it by using Ctrl+Shift+F.
The bug has been fixed in the latest update of Eclipse.
In your Eclipse menu bar, simply:
1. Click Help>Check for Updates.. (and wait for the progress bar at the bottom to finish checking)
2. Install all updates.
Once Eclipse IDE gets restarted, you are now able to scroll horizontally.
(Save yourself from having to install additional mouse softwares to create new configurations. Phew, I'm so glad I figured this one out for myself)