creating coupon in paypal - paypal

In stripe we can create coupon in the screen below for online payment, is there a corresponding way of doing that in paypal?

Coupons are not implemented within PayPal itself.
You can create a payment with a discount applied, if you wish. Details are in the v2/checkout/orders API reference for creating an order.
Any coupon code that might exist and apply a discount, needs to be created and managed by you. PayPal is only interested in processing the final payment, for whatever amount you indicate when creating the order.


Paypal, 2Checkout IPN received parameters

What are the parameters which PAYPAL and 2Checkout sends for IPN in case for buy without subscription, subscription first payment, subscription not first payment and refund.
I need understand the workflow so I can implement correct. I already checked the documentation and I already build the form for payment with/without subscription.
The full parameter list is located there for a non-recurring sale, use the sidebar nav on the left to find the recurring INS messages. Each INS link has a description as to when the event is triggered:
e.g. Order creation is a new order placed online by a buyer. You may want to automate inventory management, fulfillment or setup of login credentials based on this message.
Recurring order creation is a special case of order creation; if any item ordered is recurring, the recurring parameter will be set to 1, otherwise, it will be set to 0.
Please note the initial installment billed often differs in price from the installments due to startup fees.
Order Created is an invoice level message; it will be sent once for each new sale and will contain information about all items ordered.

Xero API - Payments

I am trying to integrate the Xero API into an application I am working on. I have the ability to get the invoices as well as set up new payment.
I want to make it so that customers can come online and pay their invoice using Go Cardless and then mark the invoice as paid once the payment has gone through.
Can I do this using the API or will I need to integrate the Go Cardless API in order to do this and then once it's successful it then marks the payment as complete?
Not sure about Go Cardless.
But once the invoice is paid through your app, you need to make sure that you write back information to Xero to make that invoice status change to Paid.
You can do it through Invoices and Paymnets Endpoint.
You need to add Payments against that Invoice ID. once the invoice is fully paid, status of that will change to PAID.
Apply payments to approved AR and AP invoices
More information on request object for Payments Endpoint:
More Documentation for Invoices

Paypal call CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile with a different value of the original checkout

In my business logic I need to create a profile payment with an amount different from the one the user sees on the checkout page.
That's because in the paypal classic checkout he is buying something and after that subscribing to a different product.
There's any problem sending a different 'AMT' from the one provided previously to the service?
You can make use of INITAMT in CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
(Optional) Initial non-recurring payment amount due immediately upon profile creation. Use an initial amount for enrolment or set-up fees.

Send part paid cart to PayPal

I need to send a cart to PayPal for payment using the FORM integration method where the cart value has already had a part payment made against it, usually by another means, like 'on account' or a gift card for example.
Is there an accepted way to do this?
The only thing I can find is sending the already paid amount as a discount amount but that's not 100% ideal as it isn't in reality a discount.
The other option I came up with was to just send a single line cart with an item of 'Balance of your order XXXX' but this is also not ideal as the customer wouldn't then see the actual items listed when on PayPal.
Many thank.
I can think of 3 PayPal features that you might possibly use to do this:
Authorization and Capture
Authorization & Capture, or Auth/Capture, allows you to authorize the availability of funds for a transaction but delay the capture of funds until a later time. This is often useful for merchants who have a delayed order fulfillment process. Authorize & Capture also enables merchants to modify the original authorization amount due to order changes occurring after the initial order is placed, such as taxes, shipping or gratuity.
Recurring Payments
PayPal Recurring Payments allows you to bill a buyer for a fixed amount of money on a fixed schedule.
Note You can also setup another form of recurring payments using reference transactions to handle payments for varying amounts of money on a varying schedule.
Reference Transactions
A reference transaction is a financial transaction from which subsequent transactions can be derived. For example, a buyer purchases an item on your site, and you use the PayPal transaction ID or reference transaction ID later to initiate another transaction. Reference transactions and billing agreements also enable you to handle recurring payments for varying amounts of money on a varying schedule.
You can read more about these features here:

PayPal IPN discount variable

I am using PayPal IPN to process payments on my website. I would like the user to be able to enter a discount code and the value (amount or percentage) passed through to PayPal and calculated.
I have been looking around the web but can only seem to find the following:
Use discount_amount_cart to charge a single discount amount for the entire cart.
Use discount_amount_x to set a discount amount associated with item x
Use discount_rate_cart to charge a single discount percentage for the entire cart.
discount_rate_cart - Applies to entire cart however, this variable will only work with the "Upload" Method. Not the standard Add to Cart variables.
After testing these out in my request string:
PayPal doesn't seem to recognise this discount. Does this actually exist any more in PayPal IPN?
thanks for your help!
Yes you can!!!
Here is a full list of Paypal Variables, and the associated documentation.
Ive just used discount_amount_cart myself!
No ! PayPal doesnt offer any discounts, you need to manually calculate discount in your application & send it to paypal. I have developed a Ruby on Rails application that calculates Billing information using Stripe & PayPal. By the way which language are you programming in ? So that i can help you more on how to go for it.