PayPal IPN discount variable - paypal

I am using PayPal IPN to process payments on my website. I would like the user to be able to enter a discount code and the value (amount or percentage) passed through to PayPal and calculated.
I have been looking around the web but can only seem to find the following:
Use discount_amount_cart to charge a single discount amount for the entire cart.
Use discount_amount_x to set a discount amount associated with item x
Use discount_rate_cart to charge a single discount percentage for the entire cart.
discount_rate_cart - Applies to entire cart however, this variable will only work with the "Upload" Method. Not the standard Add to Cart variables.
After testing these out in my request string:
PayPal doesn't seem to recognise this discount. Does this actually exist any more in PayPal IPN?
thanks for your help!

Yes you can!!!
Here is a full list of Paypal Variables, and the associated documentation.
Ive just used discount_amount_cart myself!

No ! PayPal doesnt offer any discounts, you need to manually calculate discount in your application & send it to paypal. I have developed a Ruby on Rails application that calculates Billing information using Stripe & PayPal. By the way which language are you programming in ? So that i can help you more on how to go for it.


Paypal integration without customer filling in billing / shipping

Is there a a paypal integration where the customer view's their cart and can click checkout and pay with paypal without filling out the shipping fields.
I want the quickest and slickest possible checkout without the customer filling out any fields what so ever and then requesting it from paypal using the API.
I was looking at the express checkout but it seems to need a shipping fields on our side.
There is so many paypal integration types and documentation that my head is starting to spin.
PayPal's One Touch is enabled on buyer's end, but something tells me you'd like the philosophy behind it :)
As far as integration is concerned, limit the fields using variables like no_note and no_shipping.
If you think cart, you may like this:
Replace with your email.
Variable reference [ here ].

How paypal payment flow will go? Is it possible to auto-generate paypal links?

I'm interested in using paypal to process my payments.
The payments will either be single time only or recurring (maybe some sort of checkbox for recurring vs. non-recurring).
I have a product price in my own database I want to use in paypal, and I have a subscription length in months in my database that I would like to use in paypal.
Is there a way in paypal to, based on my own information
Set the price of the transaction based on db value
Set as a recurring or 1-time payment. [form checkbox]
Set number of months of subscription length based on db value (paypal billingcycle)
If this is not possible what is recommended for me to do?
I would love if I could just auto-generate some link.
I found this:
but I need to be able to add more options like subscription length and recurring billing.
Are you attempting to dynamically generate a PayNow button? If so, this thread may be of some use to you:
automatically create buy now button paypal?

Paypal Express Checkout - VAT is not shown neither on the form nor on backend

I am using REST API to enable Paypal option on my site. To help the finance department for future taxation issues, I am trying to set up VAT rates based on the country.
After googling a bit and checking the documentation, found out Paypal's tools for setting the sales tax -
But after setting the value on the config page like this:
I still cant see any tax information while I am trying to buy some test items (I had to cover some parts of the screenshots :/ )
And after a successful test purchase, I get tax=0.00 in the IPN response.
Am I missing some points on the documentation about using the auto-tax calculator of Paypal? Even setting taxing data while sending request to Paypal does not let me see the taxing information and other details on the form.
PayPal's tax calculator is a free tool included with PayPal Payments Standard; it doesn't work with any of the API based products. You will need to calculate tax and pass it to PayPal in the API call.

PayPal dynamic price

I've done a LOT of research on how to accept payments through PayPal for items whose price changes dynamically.
My site sells a service and there are pretty much an infinite possible prices for the same item based on parameters (price increments in $0.99, 0.20 and 0.10).
I've looked into Paypal Express but it doesn't seem to allow accepting credit cards / debit cards, only payments through Paypal.
I looked into a "hacky" solution that calls the API's BMUpdateButton method to update the price of the button on PayPal's side but this won't work in my case as multiple users may be on the page at the same time and would need to be quoted different prices.
I saw that I can create a payment page from scratch and call APIs to create, accept, and verify payments against PayPal but that's a lot of coding for one and that tremendously reduces security as I don't have SSL and will need to get it which isn't cheap for a start-up business :)
I also came across creating a "non-hosted" button (haven't tried it yet) but that seems to require specifying my business email address in the HTML code which would be far less than ideal.
What I'd really like to do is have a php page act as a gatekeeper between the time the user checks out and what gets sent to PayPal where my PHP can inject the payment amount in and the user can confirm it on the PayPal page and checkout. Any other solution that satisfy the requirements will be truly appreciated.
Requirements again are
Must accept credit cards and PayPal payments
User does not have to have a Paypal account
Price must be dynamic and be able to support multiple users at the same time
Must be as secure as possible. I don't have SSL. An html input type='hidden' won't work as it's too easy to manipulate.
Another thing I thought of just now while typing this post up - if I can securely add quantities of an "item" that may also serve the purpose. For instance, I could add 10 quantities of "items" costing $0.99 and 2 "items" costing 0.10 to get to my required total of 10.19. Is it possible? The quantity boxes, again, must not be changeable by the user. It's more of an all or nothing type of deal :)
Help will be truly appreciated. Please let me know if I've missed anything.
Express Checkout does include "Guest Checkout" so people can pay using a credit card without having or creating a PayPal account. Unfortunately, they just recently made changes so you're forced to click a "Guest Checkout" button before you can see the full credit card form, so some buyers still miss it and don't realize they can do that.
Payments Pro would definitely give you want, but you would indeed need an SSL, and you'd need to make sure you're not saving any credit card details locally.
Payments Advanced is similar to Pro except that the form is hosted within an iframe and resides on PayPal's server so you don't need an SSL that way.
I personally prefer Payments Pro.

Describing shipping service on a paypal shopping cart?

I'm passing along variables to a paypal shopping cart(using the api and paypal payment standard). I can pass the shipping cost, but how, or is it possible to describe the shipping method on paypal form? I can't for the life of me find where or how this is done.
my widget.... $1
shipping and Handling....$12
What I'd like:
my widget.... $1
shipping and Handling....$12
(UPS Ground)
Thanks for any input
Not entirely sure that passing the shipping provider to PayPal is possible. You might be able to pass it as a separate variable or some type of custom variable. If you only have one shipping provider you might be able to do the following
Log into your PayPal account
Go to Profile > My Selling Tools
Underneath Shipping my items click the Update button aligned with 'Shipping Preferences'
Select your default shipping carrier and press Save
You can pass over the shipping description/provider. However the feature only works with Express Checkout and with Website Payments Standard (cart upload method). You would use this when using the Instant Update API. You can find more about this in developers guide, and there is a section here showing what variables you would need to pass over with your cart upload code.