Paypal call CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile with a different value of the original checkout - paypal

In my business logic I need to create a profile payment with an amount different from the one the user sees on the checkout page.
That's because in the paypal classic checkout he is buying something and after that subscribing to a different product.
There's any problem sending a different 'AMT' from the one provided previously to the service?

You can make use of INITAMT in CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile
(Optional) Initial non-recurring payment amount due immediately upon profile creation. Use an initial amount for enrolment or set-up fees.


How to capture only one transaction from multiple authorized transactions?

I am building a payment system where a user can make a payment against an orderId
I want to make sure that only one payment gets through (gets captured)
The payment flow is like this:
1- User clicks on Paypal button
2- a Transaction PENDING_PAYMENT gets created for the user with orderId
3- User pays in Paypal
4- Paypal sends webhook and marks the payment as AUTHORIZED
5- The system CAPTURES the payment
as you see, the user can open multiple Paypal pages and pay all of them at the same time, there's no way for me to prevent this, but I want to be able to CAPTURE only one of these payments. (so I can automatically refund the rest of the payments)
I really appreciate any help, Thank you in advance.
When you set up the PayPal transaction for approval, pass a unique invoice_id to PayPal that has never before been used for a successful payment on that PayPal account. This could be your orderId, perhaps with some additional prefix added if desired. (For instance if you had multiple storefronts on the same PayPal account that might use the same order numbers, a prefix of 3 letters and a dash indicating the store name is a typical choice)
By default, PayPal accounts prevent (block) any subsequent payments for an invoice_id that was previously used for a successful payment on that account -- precisely to prevent accidental payments for the same thing, as is your use case.

Paypal: technique to obtain buyer's country for establishing postage prices without introducing extra steps

This is probably a stupid question, I think I'm having a mental block.
I want to use Paypal's express checkout for buyers to make purchases with as few steps as possible (also using Paypal's optional account feature). The problem is: for me to direct the user to paypal, I will need to have calculated shipping costs, which depends on the country they're in. Obviously I cannot know this unless I have been told one way or another. What are common solutions to this problem?
Use their IP address. Not reliable - various types of proxies, VPNs, anonymizers etc.
Have the user select their country from a drop-down box before I redirect them to paypal
Force them to log in using Paypal's Identity service before calculating postage
Use 1. or 2. and once payment is received, if country is different to expected,
Refund buyer the difference in postage cost or request an additional payment. (Hardly ideal)
Similar to 4., instead of "Sale Payment Action for Express Checkout" Use 1. or 2. in conjunction with one of Paypal's delayed express checkout payment methods and if necessary reduce or increase the amount charged:
Authorization Payment Action for Express Checkout
Order Payment Action for Express Checkout
I'd like to know what solutions other developers have chosen - maybe I've missed an idea. As a consumer, I cannot remember seeing solutions to this.
The general way people do this is simply to use GetExpressCheckoutDetails to obtain the buyer's shipping address, apply any shipping/tax as necessary, and display a final review page on your site that the user would confirm before calling DoExpressCheckoutPayment.
If you want to eliminate the additional review page (PayPal's and then your own) you can use the Instant Update API.
In this case you would include an additional parameter on the URL when you redirect to PayPal (useraction=commit) and this will change the button on the PayPal review page to say Pay instead of Continue.
Also in your SEC request you'll include the CALLBACK parameter and include a URL to your callback listener. PayPal's review page will POST the buyer's shipping address to this callback URL so that you can receive the data, calculate shipping and tax accordingly, and send a response of those options back to the PayPal review page. This will populate the PayPal review page's drop down menu for the shipping option and the user can choose accordingly.
This method allows you to utilize the PayPal review page entirely and finalize the payment there so that the only thing the user sees once they're returned to your site (after you call DECP) is a final thank you / receipt page.

Paypal express checkout API collect billing info

Is it possible to collect user billing detail after successful payment how?
You can collect any information you want at any time, but you might be slightly limited based on PayPal features you're using.
For example, if you're using a standard payment button you could setup a form for them to fill out on your return page after they've completed. There is no guarantee they'll even make it to this page, though, and even if they do they may choose not to fill out your form. As such, it's generally recommended to collect any necessary data prior to sending the user over to PayPal for payment.
That said, one of the benefits of using PayPal for buyers is that they don't have to fill in forms and don't have to share billing information with you, so you might actually lose sales if you do that.
PayPal will send you an address via IPN (or GetExpressCheckoutDetails, for example) but they only consider that a shipping address. If I'm working with a system that requires both a billing and a shipping I usually just use that same address for both.

Parallel preapproved paypal payment?

I have parallel payments working on my test server very nicely, i.e. I can send money to more than 1 person at a time in parallel based on the example parallel.php file I downloaded from the developer paypal site.
I also downloaded the preapproval_flow.php file, but in the code, I can't see a variable/array which allows me to set parallel payment receivers, or even a single receiver for that matter.
Is it not possible to preapprove parallel payments with paypal api's?
If it is possible, how do I do it?
With straight forward parallel payments, I can use the following to set the parallel receivers of a payment:
$receiverEmailArray = array(
According to and, the preappoval_flow has an option called feesPayer, for which the documentation says:
SENDER – Sender pays all fees (for personal, implicit
simple/parallel payments; do not use for chained or unilateral
The bold bit, tells me that it's possible to do pre-approved parallel payments, but I can't figure out how to sent the receivers...
Also, on, it says:
Developers and merchants can combine;
Parallel and preapproved payments.
The first step in pre-approvals, is on obtaining one from the buyer.
This pre-approval is not tied to any specific seller, but rather to the API caller, and it allows you to make a Pay API call in the future without the buyer having to confirm it.
The pre-approval flow is a separate API call from the Payment flow. In it, you specify the total amount you want to pre-approve, the start and end dates that the pre-approval is valid for, and a few other parameters. (See chapter 8 of the Adaptive Payments dev guide for the full spec: )
In this API call, you redirect the buyer to the PayPal site, where he will approve future payments up to the amount you specified. (e.g. if you specified a total amount of $1000, the buyer can make 20 purchases of $50, or 1 big purchase of $1000)
Once the buyer approves this, you have a permission to charge him (In the form of a pre-approval token PA-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, but at this point no money has changed hands.
Now that you have the token, you can proceed to make the Parallel Payment Pay API call, just like you are doing now, BUT you will specify one additional parameter:
preapprovalKey=<The PA key obtained previously>
(And you also need to make sure that actionType is set to PAY )
As soon as you make this API call, because PayPal sees that you have already obtained permission from the buyer (in the form of the approved PA-key), it will immediately move the money to the receivers specified. There is no need for the buyer to be redirected to approve this payment, since he has already pre approved it. (See the logic here?)
So to recap:
Make call to Pre-Approval API, to obtain permission to charge from the buyer
Make call to Pay API (that includes the PA key from step 1) to execute on the permission given

Changing the Amount of a PayPal Subscription

We are using PayPal subscriptions to automatically make ongoing monthly donations. The user initially creates a subscription with some pre-determined monthly donation amount (e.g., say $50/month). This creates a recurring subscription which we process by way of IPN. All good there. But, our interface allows the user to come in and change their monthly donation amount, say from $50/month to $100/month. I am wondering how I can change the PayPal subscription to reflect this new amount?
There is a method in PayPal's NVP API called "UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile" which says I can update the subscription amount, but unfortunately it says:
For recurring payments with Express Checkout, the payment amount can be increased by no more than 20% every 180 days (starting when the profile is created).
To be honest, PayPal's API's are quite confusing so I'm not sure if I am using the Express Checkout or not. (We are creating Subscription buttons using the simple Website Payment Standard API).
Will this work? If not, is there an alternative to achieve what we need?
I'm not sure if I am using the Express Checkout or not. (We are creating Subscription buttons using the simple Website Payment Standard API).
I hope rereading the above, you will realize that you answered your own question: You are using Website Payments Standard (WPS) not Express Checkout (EC).
With WPS, you can create a subscription modify button but this is super inflexible and I would not recommend it.
With EC, you can modify subscriptions as well (page 99):
Use the UpdateRecurringPaymentsProfile API to modify a recurring payments profile.
NOTE: You can also modify recurring payments profiles from the PayPal website.
You can only modify the following specific information about an active or suspended profile:
Subscriber name or address
Past due or outstanding amount
Whether to bill the outstanding amount with the next billing cycle
Maximum number of failed payments allowed
Profile description and reference
Number of additional billing cycles
Billing amount, tax amount, or shipping amount
NOTE: You cannot modify the billing frequency or billing period of a profile. You can
modify the number of billing cycles in the profile.
NOTE: For recurring payments with Express Checkout, certain updates, such as billing
amount, are not allowed within 3 days of the scheduled billing date, and an error is
You can modify the following profile information during the trial period or regular payment
Billing amount (excluding tax and shipping)
Number of billing cycles
With that information out of the way... For the most flexibility:
Look at creating Billing Agreement IDs through Express Checkout. You will need to get Reference Transactions enabled on your PayPal account (talk to merchant support to get this done).
With a BAID, you control when your customers are charged, how much they are charged, and pretty much anything else having to do with the transaction. The drawback is the same as the benefit.. you (see 'have to') control it all.