Can pdftk fold bookmarks? - pdftk

I want to fold pdf bookmarks.
How to make PDF index/bookmarks/outline always folded/collapsed/wrapped on Okular
I only see that pdftk can insert bookmarks, but not how to fold bookmarks.
Is there a way to use pdftk to fold bookmarks?

Not with pdftk, but you can do it with the community version of cpdf:
cpdf -bookmarks-open-to-level <n> in.pdf -o out.pdf
Where is 0 to close all bookmarks, 1 to open just to the next level (maybe chapters) and 2 to the next level (maybe sections?)
cpdf -list-bookmarks in.pdf
will show you the current levels.


Open emacs with a horizontal split

When opening emacs with two files $ emacs a.txt b.txt, the window splits vertically.
I need to have a horizontal split instead. Is there a variable that controls this behavior or is there a hook where I can override the one behavior without changing other behaviors as well?
I've looked at related questions on StackOverflow but they had a different focus and their answers weren't directly applicable:
OP wants to delete the other windows when opening files: How do I prevent emacs from horizontally splitting the screen when opening multiple files?
OP wants to globally affect all functions that split windows and the answer involves tricking the split algorithm into thinking there is not enough space fo a vertical split: Setting Emacs Split to Horizontal and the same applies for:
Open new Emacs buffer using vertical splitting
I would like to find the specific code runs when emacs is opened and change just the one call to (split-window-vertically).
In case it matters, I'm using GNU Emacs 24.3.1.
The specific code to open files from the command line is in startup.el. The function is command-line-1 and it calls find-file-other-window (in two different places).
You should be able to do something like this in your .emacs, but I'm not sure about the details:
(defadvice find-file-other-window (before split (file &optional wildcards))
(if <during command line processing>
(ad-activate 'find-file-other-window)
emacs -Q a.txt -eval "(split-window-horizontally)" -eval "(find-file \"b.txt\")"
Maybe set some font too, for example Liberation Mono-18:
emacs -Q a.txt -eval "(split-window-horizontally)" -eval "(find-file \"b.txt\")" --font 'Liberation Mono-18'
Without option -Q load your init-file also.
Well, just for completeness, when at a file already: C-x 3
There's an option to transpose
vertical/horizontal split. Very convenient and fun.

In EMACS on windows how to keep some files fixed in Recent File List?

In GNU EMACS 24.3, I use recentf to show the recently opened files. I would like to keep certain makefiles so that I do not have to type the whole path whenever I want to switch projects.
Is it possible to make certain files sticky or persistent in the list ?
This is not exactly answering your question, but I think it would serve the same purpose. I bookmark the files I'm using most often.
You can read more about it here:
but in a nutshell: C-x r m bookmarks the currently open file (works on dired buffers too). C-x r b loads the bookmarked file with word completion.
Set the length of the recent files list to a high number. For example:
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 1000)
This way the makefiles won't drop out from the list if you visit them regularly. Also it is useful to keep a long recentf list and use a package which allows you to open files from it with completion. Here you can find some ways to do that:

How can I script vim to run perltidy on a buffer?

At my current job, we have coding-style standards that are different from the ones I normally follow. Fortunately, we have a canned RC file for perltidy that I can apply to reformat files before I submit them to our review process.
I have code for emacs that I use to run a command over a buffer and replace the buffer with the output, which I have adapted for this. But I sometimes alternate between emacs and vim, and would like to have the same capabilities there. I'm sure that this or something similar is simple and had been done and re-done many times over. But I've not had much luck finding any examples of vim-script that seem to do what I need. Which is, in essence, to be able to hit a key combo (like Ctrl-F6, what I use in emacs) and have the buffer be reformatted in-place by perltidy. While I'm a comfortable vim-user, I'm completely clueless at writing this sort of thing for vim.
After trying #hobbs answer I noticed that when filtering the entire buffer through perltidy the cursor returned to byte 1, and I had to make a mental note of the original line number so I could go back after :Tidy completed.
So building on #hobbs' and #Ignacio's answers, I added the following to my .vimrc:
"define :Tidy command to run perltidy on visual selection || entire buffer"
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy
"run :Tidy on entire buffer and return cursor to (approximate) original position"
fun DoTidy()
let l = line(".")
let c = col(".")
call cursor(l, c)
"shortcut for normal mode to run on entire buffer then return to current line"
au Filetype perl nmap <F2> :call DoTidy()<CR>
"shortcut for visual mode to run on the current visual selection"
au Filetype perl vmap <F2> :Tidy<CR>
(closing " added to comments for SO syntax highlighting purposes (not required, but valid vim syntax))
DoTidy() will return the cursor to its original position plus or minus at most X bytes, where X is the number of bytes added/removed by perltidy relative to the original cursor position. But this is fairly trivial as long as you keep things tidy :).
[Vim version: 7.2]
EDIT: Updated DoTidy() to incorporate #mikew's comment for readability and for compatibility with Vim 7.0
My tidy command:
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!
\perltidy (your default options go here) <args>
If you use a visual selection or provide a range then it will tidy the selected range, otherwise it will use the whole file. You can put a set of default options (if you have any) at the point where I wrote (your default options go here), but any arguments that you provide to :Tidy will be appended to the perltidy commandline, overriding your defaults. (If you use a .perltidyrc you might not have default args -- that's fine -- but then again you might want to have a default like --profile=vim that sets up defaults only for when you're working in vim. Whatever works.)
The command to filter the entire buffer through an external program is:
Put the following in ~/.vimrc to bind it to Ctrl-F6 in normal mode:
:nmap <C-F6> :%!command<CR>
For added fun:
:au Filetype perl nmap <C-F6> :%!command<CR>
This will only map the filter if editing a Perl file.
Taking hobbs' answer a step further, you can map that command to a shortcut key:
command -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy -q
noremap <C-F6> :Tidy<CR>
And another step further: Only map the command when you're in a Perl buffer (since you probably wouldn't want to run perltidy on any other language):
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl,*.plx,*.pm command! -range=% -nargs=* Tidy <line1>,<line2>!perltidy -q
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.pl,*.plx,*.pm noremap <C-F6> :Tidy<CR>
Now you can press Ctrl-F6 without an active selection to format the whole file, or with an active selection to format just that section.
Instead of creating a new keyboard shortcut, how about replacing the meaning of the = command which is already in people's finger memory for indenting stuff? Yes, perlcritic does more than just indent but when you use perlcritic anyways, then you probably don't want to go back to the inferior "just indent" = command. So lets overwrite it!
filetype plugin indent on
autocmd FileType perl setlocal equalprg=perltidy
And now we can use = just like before but with the added functionality of perlcritic that goes beyond just indenting lines:
== run perlcritic on the current line
5== run perlcritic on five lines
=i{ Re-indent the 'inner block', i.e. the contents of the block
=a{ Re-indent 'a block', i.e. block and containing braces
=2a{ Re-indent '2 blocks', i.e. this block and containing block
gg=G run perlcritic on the entire buffer
And the best part is, that you don't have to learn any new shortcuts but can continue using the ones you already used with more power. :)
I'm used to select text using line oriented visual Shift+V and then I press : an I have !perltidy -pbp -et4 somewhere in history so I hit once or more up arrow ⇧.

Recommendations for developing Sweave documents

I'm looking to streamline my Sweave document creation, and I'd like to hear about people's current setups. I feel like the holy grail goes something like this:
Editing Rnw code on one half of the
Single keybinding compiles
Sweave document and runs pdflatex
View PDF
on the other half of the screen; once
compiled, PDF is refreshed and centered around the portion of the document you're editing
If compilation has errors, replace the PDF with the results of the compilation (e.g. latex errors or Sweave errors)
I am guessing/hoping that the solution is part Emacs/ESS combined with some code for the Emacs profile and/or a nice Makefile. But I would really like to hear about everybody's preferred way of creating Sweave and/or Latex documents.
A few other R users I talked to use a 'one-directory-per-project' setup, and a simple Makefile. As you suspected, that works well with Emacs/ESS.
I tend to just call a simple shell script sweave which I wrote before before 'R CMD Sweave' was added (as I find re-creating or copying the Makefile unappealing, YMMV). I also use Emacs and an auto-refreshing pdf viewer (like okular or kpdf). Emacs23 can preview pdf files directly too but I have yet to switch my work flow to that.
edd#ron:~$ cat bin/sweave
#!/bin/bash -e
function errorexit () {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 1
function filetest () {
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
errorexit "File $1 not found"
return 0
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
errorexit "Need to specify argument file"
BASENAME=$(basename $1 .Rnw)
filetest $RNWFILE
echo "library(tools); Sweave(\"$RNWFILE\")" \
| R --no-save --no-restore --slave
filetest $LATEXFILE && pdflatex $LATEXFILE
You can do everything that you suggest there with the StatET plugin for Eclipse. That's what I use for Sweave development; it understands both latex and R very well, including syntax highlighting, etc.
You can get it here:
Longhow Lam has written a nice guide:
I use TeXShop on OS X to produce all of my LaTeX and Sweave reports. For me, a new compilation pipeline is as simple as adding a file, called Sweave.engine to ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ which contains the following:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args <- commandArgs(T)
fname <- strsplit(args[1],'\\.')[[1]][2]
Sweave is now a selectable method of compiling a document inside TeXShop. I can set it to be the default for a document by adding the following TeX hash-bang to the top of the file:
% !TEX TS-program = Sweave
Hitting Cmd-T will typeset the document- the pdf automatically pops up in a separate window. TeXShop also incorporates SyncTeX technology so a Cmd-Click in the Rnw source will highlight the corresponding output in the PDF window and a Cmd-Click in the PDF window will highlight the corresponding input in the Rnw source.
TeXShop is mac-only but a great Qt/poppler-based clone, TeXworks, is available for Linux, Windows and Mac and supports many of the same features-- including TeX hash-bangs and SyncTeX. TeXworks has reached a level of maturity where it is included in version 2.8 of the MikTeX package for Windows.
Try RStudio.
I have been a fan of Emacs and TeXShop as mentioned in previous answers.
However, Rstudio is starting to win me over. It is a rapidly-improving dedicated IDE for R. Definitely worth checking out.
I still love doing certain R-only development tasks in the standard R IDE for mac. But for Sweave documents and some associated R devel at the same time, RStudio wins. It works with virtually zero tweaking. I'm not sure about the PDF-related features in the latter half of the original question.
One thing that has saved me some time is the 'auto-insert' mode in emacs. I have it set up so that each time I open a new .rnw file, emacs automatically sets up a basic document template and all I need to do is start writing my report.
Update: I've switched away from auto-insert. Now I use the "template.el" approach.
I use the "one-directory-per-project" and Makefile approach as well. I also include commands to create output in HTML, which can then be converted to OOo and MS Word, using tth. This is important for me since a lot of my collaborators are MS Office users and are resistant to using the PDF output. I learned a lot about how to do this from Frank Harrell's twiki at Vanderbilt.
Personally I use gvim as my editor of choice and running make from there is quite simple, as it is from Emacs.

Emacs command for searching in files

I want to search in all files from the current folder for macro CODE_INIT_PARAMETERS.
I can do Alt + X occur, Return CODE_INIT_PARAMETERS Return, but this shows only entries from open buffers.
Is there a way to search all files from current folder, from Emacs, without switching to M-x shell and then grep? I want to avoid grep, because for some commands (M-x occur) Emacs do jumps to offending code, and I want that too.
You can try M-x rgrep.
It will ask for:
the directory where you want to search recursively
a file pattern for the files you want to include in the search
the pattern you want to search
As an extra, it will exclude source control private directories from your search (like CVS, .svn or .git).
Emacs provides a built-in command:
(and 'grep-find to search sub directories)
Though I prefer the interface provided by an external package igrep (which provides the commands igrep and igrep-find).
If you open a folder in dired, and mark all of the files (with 'm') you can run 'dired-do-search ('A' in my bindings). This will search all marked files. To get to the next one, run tags-loop-continue (M-,)
I have set up several ELisp functions to mark various subsets of the files (.h files, .cpp files, etc.) and to create a recursive dired to search a whole tree...
This is an improvement on Trey Jackson's suggestion.
M-x grep
You will see the grep command, e.g. grep -nH -e
Add R to the first set of flags (for recursive), and put your search term after -e
Hit RET. The results will be understandable by Emacs -- you will be able to click or otherwise navigate to them, like M-x occur. You may need to put the search directory at the end of the command:
grep -nHR -e CODE_INIT_PARAMETERS /path/to/root/of/search
M-x find-grep-dired also works similarly as rgrep
In cases where
you may be searching repeatedly; and
etags will work
you might consider using etags and invoking either find-tag (bound to M-. by default) or tags-search (no default binding but can be continued with M-,).
There is as well ack-grep mode for Emacs which uses the ack-grep tool which is specifically designed for ''grepping'' programming languages and IMHO looks nicer than the output of M-x grep.
But as mentioned earlier etags should be the proper way!