In EMACS on windows how to keep some files fixed in Recent File List? - emacs

In GNU EMACS 24.3, I use recentf to show the recently opened files. I would like to keep certain makefiles so that I do not have to type the whole path whenever I want to switch projects.
Is it possible to make certain files sticky or persistent in the list ?

This is not exactly answering your question, but I think it would serve the same purpose. I bookmark the files I'm using most often.
You can read more about it here:
but in a nutshell: C-x r m bookmarks the currently open file (works on dired buffers too). C-x r b loads the bookmarked file with word completion.

Set the length of the recent files list to a high number. For example:
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 1000)
This way the makefiles won't drop out from the list if you visit them regularly. Also it is useful to keep a long recentf list and use a package which allows you to open files from it with completion. Here you can find some ways to do that:


Emacs - How do I get projectile to open file in current window?

I've spent a whole day on this now. Say I open emacs and press C-c p p to open projectile-switch-project then RET to select a project, emacs opens a new window horizontally (on top of the previous) with the current buffer.
What I need is for projectile to use the already existing window and not open a new one. I've gone through every single line of my config and can figure out what is causing it.
I'd have posted my config but it's split over multiple files which will make it impractical to link to here.
The related packages I can think of which I use are:
ivy swiper counsel - trilogy
What I've tried so far is start emacs without loading (ivy swiper counsel) and also I've tried replacing all my projectile code with bare minimum:
(use-package projectile
:ensure t
(projectile-mode +1)
:bind (:map projectile-mode-map
("s-p" . projectile-command-map)
("C-c p" . projectile-command-map)))
which didn't work either.
I'm not expecting any specifics since it's a hand crafted config however I'm hoping for general pointes as to where to look for the possible cause.
I'm researching more to see if i can find a better way for you, but this is what i have so far...
If you want to look around the customization options just type M-x customize. I found a ton of options you can browse through. Projectile was listed under "Convenience" and frames/windows were listed under "Environment". You can also search packages you might be interested in for more customization if you have MELPA installed.
Considering the way that buffers and windows work I don't think you can just replace the content inside the buffer with the content of another file. I think (or at least how I've been using Emacs) you will always open a new buffer to open a file and close old buffers if needed.
From what I was reading, buffers are like interfaces between Emacs and the file you're peering into. It sets up a connection, points to the file, and creates a name for the buffer (usually from the file name unless you change it). Something I find interesting is you can even have multiple buffers open to the same file and as you type on the screen in one buffer the text should show up in the other buffer in real time.
I was reading some documentation on it and I think the command you're looking for is C-x C-f or C-x d, which opens DiredMode. The first one opens your home directory and the second opens the current directory for the file in your selected buffer. This will open a mini-buffer to search through files and when you choose the file it should open the file in a new buffer on top of the buffer you were looking at initially.
Then you can use C-x b to list and move between other buffers that are already open.
Also, M-x projectile-find-file is a command you can use to search files and get the same outcome. I don't have that set to a key-binding so I don't know if there is a default, plus I'm using Spacemacs with evil-mode, so not everything is the same as original Emacs.
Also, maybe look into extension you can get from MELPA like Treemacs

Emacs command to Find and Open File similar to Eclipse

I've recently switched from using Eclipse to emacs. I'm trying to find a way to emulate eclipse's Ctrl-Shft-r functionality which lets you type in a file name and it begins showing all files in the current workspace that begin with the string you are typing.
C-x C-f seems to handle just tab-completion in the current directory, whereas Eclipse's functionality looked through all sub-directories to find matching files.
I'm looking for something (maybe there's a plugin that does this) that allows you to type the name of folder to look in, and then a partial file and returns back the results in a buffer. Possibly that uses auto-complete to list off matching files with their full paths.
First of all, steer clear of vanilla find-file function (that's the interactive function that is run when you hit C-x C-f). It is very limited, it forces you to hit TAB all the time, and the first thing most people do when switching to emacs is replace find-file with something more powefull.
There're a number of alternatives. ido-mode is one, helm is another. The former is light-weight, fast and comes built-in with emacs. The latter is immensely powerful and strives to be fast, too.
Second of all, there're two ways a recursive file search can usually be done:
directory search - that's when you just search a directory, no surprises here;
project search - that's when you setup a project your're working on, thus making emacs aware of which files are of interest to you right now.
For directory search, ido-find-file and helm-find-file are both viable options. Ido does its search automatically when you pause typing; helm uses (C-u) M-g s to activate grep. See this SO question for more info.
For project search, you need a library to manage your projects. Projectile is great for that. Set it up and use C-c p f or C-c p F to list files in current or all of your projects, respectively. Oh, and projectile uses ido by default, but there is helm support, too.
You're looking for projectile which indexes your project's files. I used it for a while but have recently switched to using helm-recentf
(global-set-key "\C-x\ \C-r" 'helm-recentf)
I have recent files set to a large number. Pretty much anything I've ever opened is a few keystrokes away. This even doubles up as a handy way to switch buffers.
(require 'recentf)
(setq recentf-auto-cleanup 'never)
(recentf-mode 1)
(setq recentf-max-saved-items 200)

open recent files in emacs

I recently upgraded my emacs (version 24.3), but i lost a function that was very convenient, and could not figure out the solution easily by google, so i wish i can get help here (which is always the case when i have problems with computer)
i remember my emacs can find recent file even the file is not in current editing folder.
e.g., i am editing fileA in pathA, and i want to open a fileB that is in PathB/, i just press C-x C-f, type fileB, emacs automaticall find the fileB in PathB, and auto-complete the full path to fileB in the mini buffer. Dont know what package enables such function but it was there before my upgrading.
thanks alot!
this is the key to the issue:
(setq ido-auto-merge-work-directories-length 0)
thanks to all anyway
Sounds like you're using ido, try turn on ido-use-virtual-buffers.
(setq ido-use-virtual-buffers t)
The obvious answer is library recentf.el, which comes with Emacs. See, for example, command recentf-open-files.
But be aware that other, more general-purpose libraries can sometimes extend recentf.el features, making them more useful.
One such is Icicles multi-command icicle-recent-file.
Another is Icicles multi-command icicle-buffer (C-x b by default), which can include recently visited files (with their paths) as candidates for buffer switching. C-x R during completion toggles whether such candidates are included.

In Emacs, how can we go to another file already found by the previous dired-find-name / findr.el?

This is in accordance to question Using Emacs to recursively find and replace in text files not already open. I already tried using find-name-dired and also package findr.el. It did open a file where the matching text found, but... how can I go to another file, not this automatically opened file????
Thank you!
This seems like more than one question.
find-name-dired will create a results buffer listing all the files with matching filenames. Use C-h m to see dired-mode's help, and all its key-bindings. RET will open the file at point, o will open the file at point in another window, and C-o will do the same, but leaves you in the Find window (which is convenient if you want to quickly visit several of those files).
findr-search (which is what it sounds like you're using) appears to work more like a tags mechanism. C-h f findr-search RET says that you can navigate to the next match with M-,. This will cycle through the matches in the current file, and then on to the next file as necessary.

Using Emacs to recursively find and replace in text files not already open

As a follow-up to this question, it's trying to find out how to do something like this which should be easy, that especially stops me from getting more used to using Emacs and instead starting up the editor I'm already familiar with. I use the example here fairly often in editing multiple files.
In Ultraedit I'd do Alt+s then p to display a dialog box with the options: Find (includes using regular expressions across multiple lines), Replace with, In Files/Types, Directory, Match Case, Match Whole Word Only, List Changed Files and Search Sub Directories. Usually I'll first use the mouse to click-drag select the text that I want to replace.
Using only Emacs itself (on Windows XP), without calling any external utility, how to replace all foo\nbar with bar\nbaz in *.c and *.h files in some folder and all folders beneath it. Maybe Emacs is not the best tool to do this with, but how can it be done easily with a minimal command?
M-x find-name-dired: you will be prompted for a root directory and a filename pattern.
Press t to "toggle mark" for all files found.
Press Q for "Query-Replace in Files...": you will be prompted for query/substitution regexps.
Proceed as with query-replace-regexp: SPACE to replace and move to next match, n to skip a match, etc.
Press C-x s to save buffers. (You can then press y for yes, n for no, or ! for yes for all)
M-x find-name-dired RET
it may take some time for all the files to appear in the list, scroll to bottom (M->) until "find finished" appears to make sure they all have loaded
Press t to "toggle mark" for all files found
Press Q for "Query-Replace in Files...": you will be prompted for query/substitution regexps.
Proceed as with query-replace-regexp: SPACE or y to replace and move to next match, n to skip a match, etc.
Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23+ only)
To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y.
Call “ibuffer” (C-x C-b if bound to ibuffer, or M-x ibuffer RET) to list all opened files.
Type * u to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files
* * RET to unmark all marks, or type D to close all marked files
This answer is combined from this answer, from this site, and from my own notes. Using Emacs 23+.
Projectile is really nice:
C-c p r runs the command projectile-replace
The answers provided are great, however I thought I'd add a slightly different approach.
It's a more interactive method, and requires wgrep, rgrep and iedit. Both iedit and wgrep must be installed via MELPA or Marmalade (using M-x package-list-packages)
First run M-x rgrep to find the string you're looking for.
You'll be able to specify file types/pattern and the folder to recurse.
Next you'll need to run wgrep start it with C-s C-p.
Wgrep will let you edit the rgrep results, so set a region on the string to match and start iedit-mode with C-; (depending on your terminal you may need to re-bind this)
All occurrences will be editable at once. C-x C-s to commit wgrep. Then C-x s ! to save the changed files.
The main benefit of this method is that you can use iedit-mode to toggle off certain matches M-;. You can also use the results in rgrep to jump into the files, for example if you have an unexpected match.
I find it very useful for doing source edits and renaming symbols (variables, function names etc.) across a project.
If you don't already know/use iedit mode it's a very handy tool, I strongly recommend you give it a look.
I generally use other tools to perform this task, and it seems like many of the approaches mentioned at EmacsWiki's Find and Replace Across Files entry shell out, but the Findr Package looks very promising.
Stealing part of the source file:
(defun findr-query-replace (from to name dir)
"Do `query-replace-regexp' of FROM with TO, on each file found by findr.
Source of information: 1
For emacs pro users:
Call dired to list files in dir, or call find-dired if you need all subdirectories.
Mark the files you want. You can mark by regex by typing 【% m】.
Type Q to call dired-do-query-replace-regexp.
Type your find regex and replace string. 〔☛ common elisp regex pattern〕
For each occurrence, type y to replace, n to skip. Type 【Ctrl+g】 to abort the whole operation.
Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23 only)
To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y. (Emacs 23 only)
Call ibuffer to list all opened files. Type 【* u】 to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files, type D to close them all.
Step-by-Step Guide for Emacs Beginners
Select Target Files
Start emacs by typing “emacs” in the command line interface prompt. (Or, double click the Emacs icon if you are in a Graphics User Interface environment)
Selecting Files in a Directory
First you need to select the files you want to do the replace. Use the graphical menu 〖File ▸ Open Directory〗. Emacs will ask you for a directory path. Type the directory path, then press Enter.
Now, you will be shown the list of files, and now you need to mark the files you want the regex find/replace to work on. You mark a file by moving the cursor to the file you want, then press m. Unmark it by pressing u. (To list subdirectories, move your cursor to the directory and press i. The sub-directory's content will be listed at the bottom.) To mark all files by a regex, type 【% m】, then type your regex pattern. For example, if you want to mark all HTML files, then type 【% m】 then .html$. (You can find a list of the mark commands in the graphical menu “Mark” (this menu appears when you are in the dired mode).)
Selecting Files in a Directory and All Its Sub-Directories
If you want to do find/replace on files inside a directory, including hundreds of subdirectories, here's a method to select all these files.
Call find-dired. (you call a command by pressing 【Alt+x】) Then, type a directory name, ⁖ /Users/mary/myfiles
Note: if you are using emacs on a unix non-graphical text terminal, and if 【Alt+x】 does not work, the equivalent key stroke is 【Esc x】.
Emacs will ask you with the prompt “Run find (with args): ”. If you need to do the replacement on all HTML files, then type -name "*html". If you don't care about what kind of file but simply all files under that dir, then give “-type f”.
Now, mark the files as described above.
Interactive Find/Replace
Now, you are ready to do the interactive find replace. For simplicity, let's say you just want to replace the word “quick” by “super”. Now, call dired-do-query-replace-regexp. It will prompt you for the regex string and the replacement string. Type “quick”, enter, then “super”.
Now, emacs will use your pattern and check the files, and stop and show you whenever a match occurred. When this happens, emacs will prompt you, and you have a choice of making the change or skip the change. To make the change, type y. To skip, type n. If you simply want emacs to go ahead and make all such changes to the current file, type !.
If you want to cancel the whole operation without saving any changes you've made, type 【Ctrl+g】, then exit emacs using the menu 〖File ▸ Exit Emacs〗.
Saving the Changed Files
Now, after you went through the above ordeal, there is one more step you need to do, and that is saving the changed files.
If you are using emacs version 22 or later, then call ibuffer to go into a buffer listing mode, then type 【* u】 to mark all unsaved files, then type S to save them all. (that's shift-s)
If you are using a emacs version 21, then you can do this: call list-buffers, then move the cursor to the file you want to save and type s. It will mark the file for later save action. Type u to unmark. Once you are done, type x to execute the saving of all files marked for save. (in emacs, opened file is called “buffer”. Disregard other things there.)
Alternative to the above options, you can also call save-some-buffers 【Ctrl+x s】. Then emacs will display each unsaved file and ask if you want it saved.
Note: emacs's regex is not the same as Perl or Python's, but similar. For a summary and common patterns, see: Emacs Regex.
Using dired to recurse down a deep directory tree is going to be a bit slow for this task. You might consider using tags-query-replace. This does mean shelling out to create a tags table, but that is often useful anyway, and it's quick.
For open buffers, this is what I do :
(defun px-query-replace-in-open-buffers (arg1 arg2)
"query-replace in all open files"
(interactive "sRegexp:\nsReplace with:")
(lambda (x)
(find-file x)
(goto-char (point-min))
(query-replace-regexp arg1 arg2)))
(lambda (x)
(buffer-file-name x))
M-X Dired, and t to mark all files, and Q to query replace text in all of them.
You can expand a sub directory by using the i command before the query-replace.
They key info I'm adding is that if you give a prefix (control-u) to the i command,
it will prompt you for arg, and -R argument will recursively expand all subdirs
into the dired buffer. So now you can query-search every file in an entire directory.
Another option is to use Icicles search. This is a different kind of incremental search that uses completion of your minibuffer input against search hits. As you modify your current input the set of matching hits is updated in buffer *Completions*.
You can search any number of files, buffers, or bookmarked locations, which you can choose using minibuffer pattern (e.g. regexp) matching.
When you visit a search hit you can replace on demand either the entire hit or just the part of it that matches your current minibuffer input. Replacement on demand means you are not queried about each search hit in turn; you access the hits you want directly, in any order. This approach can be more effective than query-replace if you have a limited number of replacements to make: you skip the exhaustive y/n prompting.
Search is over search contexts that you define -- you are not limited to searching all of the text in the target files (e.g., you can skip comments or particular kinds of program sections). A simple example of a search context is a line, as in grep, but a context can be any pattern-matched block of text you like. Typically you define the search contexts using a regexp, but you can instead use a function. In addition to defining your own, there are predefined Icicles search commands for different kinds of contexts: blocks of text properties or overlay properties, thing-at-point things, etc.
You can also sort the search hits in various sort orders for easier access/navigation.
find-name-dired is OK, but:
All of the files you get match the same, single regexp.
find-dired is more flexible in that regard, but it too is made for using general rules (even if they can be arbitrarily complex). And of course find has its own, complex language.
if you then want to act on only some of the files whose names were collected in the find(-name)-dired buffer, you need to either mark them or delete/omit the lines of those you do not want to act on.
An alternative is to use Dired+ commands that act on (a) the marked files and (b) all marked files (or all files, if none are marked) in the marked subdirectories ... found recursively. This gives you both generality and easy control over file choice. These "here-and-below" commands are all on prefix key M-+ in Dired mode.
For example, M-+ Q is the same as Q --- query-replace, but the target files are all of those marked in the current dir and in any marked subdirs, down, down, down...
Yes, an alternative to using such here-and-below commands is to insert all subdirs and their subdirs, recursively, and then use a top-level command such as Q. But it can often be convenient not to bother with inserted subdirs.
And to do that you anyway need a quick way to insert all such subdirs recursively. Here too, Dired+ can help. M-+ M-i inserts all marked subdirs and their own marked subdirs, recursively. That is, it is like M-i (which inserts the marked subdirs in Dired+), but it acts recursively on subdirs.
(All such "here-and-below" Dired+ commands are on menu Multiple > Marked Here and Below.)
You can also perform Dired operations on an Emacs fileset, which is a saved set of names of files located anywhere. And if you use Icicles then you can open a Dired buffer for just the files in a fileset or other types of saved file lists.
You can also bookmark any Dired buffer, including one that you create using find(-name)-dired. This gives you a quick way to return to such a set (e.g. a project set) later. And if you use Bookmark+ then bookmarking a Dired buffer records (a) its ls switches, (b) which files are marked, (c) which subdirectories are inserted, and (d) which (sub)directories are hidden. All of that is restored when you "jump" to the bookmark. Bookmark+ also lets you bookmark an entire tree of Dired buffers --- jumping to the bookmark restores all of the buffers in the tree.
M-x project-query-replace-regexp RET (make sure your files are saved!).
M-x rgrep RET then query-replace within each buffer. Nice because you can keep track of all occurrences, and because it let's you limit search to certain extensions.
I would like to suggest one more great tool which has not been mentioned yet, namely Helm.
It is a great replacement for many standard Emacs operations involving completion, searching etc. In particular, helm-find-files allows for performing query replace (including regexp) within multiple selected files.
Just open helm-find-files, mark the relevant files with M-SPC and then use F6 or F7 to run query replace or query replace regexp in the selected files.
It's not Emacs, but xxdiff comes with a tool called xx-rename which will do that for multiple strings at a time (e.g. From To from to FROM TO), with interactive prompting, save backups of all the modified files, and produce a short log of changes made with context. That's what I tend to use when I do large/global renamings.