HAXM installation is failed - appium-android

Parsing C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platforms\android-33\package.xml
Parsing C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\system-images\android-30\google_apis\x86\package.xml
Parsing C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\package.xml
Android SDK is up to date.
Running Intel® HAXM installer
Intel HAXM installation failed!
For more details, please check the installation log: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\haxm_install-20220814_2154.log
Intel® HAXM installation failed. To install Intel® HAXM follow the instructions found at: https://github.com/intel/haxm/wiki/Installation-Instructions-on-Windows
I am not able to HAXM install. How to resolve this issue?


unable to install mongodb. Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)

Can someone help me please. I keep trying to install mongodb using different methods but I can never get past a certain point.
I have homebrew installed, and it's updated. And x-code installed as well.
It's when I run % brew install mongodb-community#5.0 or % brew install mongodb-community#4.2 that I get this error message-
Error: Cannot install in Homebrew on ARM processor in Intel default prefix (/usr/local)!
Please create a new installation in /opt/homebrew using one of the
"Alternative Installs" from:
You can migrate your previously installed formula list with:
brew bundle dump
also, note: I have a Macbook Pro with an M1 Max chip
Thank you in advance for any help!

I cannot find compilervars.sh after installing Intel Compiler

I have installed intel compiler on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine through the following link: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/tool/oneapi-standalone-components.html#dpcpp-cpp
I specifically installed Intel® DPC++/C++ Compiler for Linux.
I am trying to run some benchmarks and they require to source the path <icc_installdir>/bin/compilervars.sh but I can not find this file.
The installation says that Intel compiler was installed in /opt/intel/oneapi but I looked up this directory and there is no bin folder or compilervars.sh. Does anyone know how can I install this file?
Could you please try using the below command to initialize/source the Intel® DPC++/C++ Compiler for Linux?
source /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/vars.sh
And also, to confirm whether it is initialized you can check the version of DPCPP compiler by using the below command.
dpcpp --version
For more information, please find the below link:

Can't Install dart on macOS Catalina 10.15.4

I want to install dart language with brew in my MacBook Pro. My MacBook OS details is - macOS Catalina 10.15.4. But It's throw an error. Could you please some one help me out ?
I followed the below steps from here - https://dart.dev/get-dart
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart
Then I got this error message from terminal
Updating Homebrew...
==> Installing dart from dart-lang/dart
==> Downloading https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/release/2.8.2/sdk/dartsdk-macos-x64-release.zip
-=O=- ###
curl: (35) LibreSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to storage.googleapis.com:443
Error: Failed to download resource "dart"
Download failed: https://storage.googleapis.com/dart-archive/channels/stable/release/2.8.2/sdk/dartsdk-macos-x64-release.zip
Have you tried installing using a VPN? As storage.googleapis site is down in Bangladesh for over a month.

Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected -CentOS7

When i visit https://extensions.gnome.org/
I have the latest Centos7 build and updated, i installed the addon ( both on firefox and chrome) and i still get this message..
In the documentation where it explains how to cmake the native connector and install it - when i tried to build it it gave me a error log:
The system is: Linux - 3.10.0-862.el7.x86_64 - x86_64
I don't know what else to do...
I also run yum install gnome-shell-extension*, yum install gnome-shell-extension, and yum install gnome-shell
Please help, i am new to Linux

Installing Qt 5.5.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 - throws qt.network.ssl error on terminal

I am planning to install qt 5.5.1 on my ubuntu 14.04 running on virtual machine. I have downloaded the installer from qt-io and when I try to install the setup, I notice the below warning on my terminal, and then the installer pop up.
qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_client_method
qt.network.ssl: QSslSocket: cannot resolve SSLv2_server_method
Do I need to worry much about this warning ? I dont see any error of this kind when I installed qt 5.3.1 on same machine.
Is there a way to resolve this warning ? Any help is appreciated. Thanks
This is the current version of openSSL on my machine.
openssl version -v
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014
just install libssl-0.98 and it should work