I have installed intel compiler on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine through the following link: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/tool/oneapi-standalone-components.html#dpcpp-cpp
I specifically installed IntelĀ® DPC++/C++ Compiler for Linux.
I am trying to run some benchmarks and they require to source the path <icc_installdir>/bin/compilervars.sh but I can not find this file.
The installation says that Intel compiler was installed in /opt/intel/oneapi but I looked up this directory and there is no bin folder or compilervars.sh. Does anyone know how can I install this file?
Could you please try using the below command to initialize/source the IntelĀ® DPC++/C++ Compiler for Linux?
source /opt/intel/oneapi/compiler/latest/env/vars.sh
And also, to confirm whether it is initialized you can check the version of DPCPP compiler by using the below command.
dpcpp --version
For more information, please find the below link:
So I've boned my system. I'm running LFS with xfce and it has been running perfectly. I needed to install a video editing package and some dependencies (AppStream, stemmer) but they failed during the install. At the time I didn't think much about it and decided to come back to it later. Now when I run the configure, it get a message:
error: C compiler cannot create executables
I decided to create a test file that just outputs "Yo Dude!" in the terminal. When I try to compile it I get the message:
error: no include path in which to search for stdc-predef.h
It seems as if it can't find the library files, even putting the absolute path to stdio.h doesn't work. I did notice that gcc now shows as 11.2.0 but when I installed the system, I installed 12.2.0. I downloaded 12.2.0 but it won't compile. I can't compile because gcc is broke and I can't install gcc because gcc is broke. I'm trying not to re-install the system. Any suggestions on how I can get around this?
I have a program I wrote in windows using the SDL library that I would like to compile for Raspbian. I installed CodeBlocks on the Raspbian and followed these instructions to set up SDL: http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/windows/codeblocks/
I get the following error:
g++ -LC:/SDL/lib -o bin/Debug/SDL_menu obj/Debug/main.o
obj/Debug/menu.o -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2
obj/Debug/menu.o: file not recognized: File format not recognized
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
I later tried this tutorial (which actually matches the version of SDL I am using, although I used the previous tutorial to get it to work on Windows): http://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/01_hello_SDL/linux/codeblocks/index.php
And I get the error:
ld||cannot find -lSDL2|
I have very little experience with Raspbian or Linux which is probably why this is so difficult.
What can I do to get this set up?
You need to install all SDL2-dev packages.
apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
The include folder will probably be /usr/include/SDL2.
And by inspecting your build command, you're trying to pass Windows style path on a Unix machine, that doesn't end well for sure. Don't link with mingw32 if you're not using Mingw32 compiler, and you should only link against mingw32 on Windows as well.
I'm trying to install Bugzilla but encounter a Perl problem.
When installing required Perl modules, I get the following error message:
ERROR: Using install-module.pl requires that you install a compiler, such as gcc.
gcc 4.2.3 is installed and in the path. I'm using perl v 5.8.6 OS: Linux DiskStation
Another thread on Stackoverflow refers to PerlGcc but it seems to work on Solaris only.
How can I make Perl find gcc?
I'm guessing you're talking about this thread. Assuming that the guy talking about the version of gcc being relevant was onto something, could you check that you don't have an older version of gcc lying around somewhere higher in the path with
$ which gcc
I have been asked to port a Linux C++ application to 64-bit RedHat 6.2. Instructions for buildling the application indicate that GTK+ (gtkmm24-2.8.0 or greater) and GLADE (libglademm24-2.6.1 or greater) are required. I successfully ran: aclocal, automake and ./configure but when I run make, I get:
error: gtkmm.h No such file or directory
I could not find gtkmm.h anywhere in the file system. I used yum to search for gtkmm and it found gtkmm24.x86_64 which I installed but it did not install gtkmm.h. Does anyone know how I can get the header files for gtkmm for 64-bit RedHat 6.2?
Install gtkmm24-devel. After that you'll be able to use
pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4
to get the list of include directories needed for using gtkmm.
I am trying to install distcc 3.1 on one of the Sun Solaris platform.
After extracting the files to a folder I run configure (script which basically checks the required configuration).
This script throws out the following error
make: Fatal error in reader: Makefile, line 471: Unexpected end of line seen
after this if I run make or make install command I get another error and I am not able to proceed with the installation. Please help me with the correct installation process or guide me on how to resolve this Make issue.
this error occurs when the version of distcc installed is not compatible with your O.S. Install the package again this time for your own OS. Example - I installed distcc 2.13 for solaris 9 from www.sunfreeware.com.
I hope this helps !!