How Tableau connect to Postgres via ssh tunels? - postgresql

I configureted ssh tunel via Putty with all settings provided by Devops.
During tring create connection with Postgre databases get error 29dcd26f -- errorcode
All date was entred correct
enter image description here

I resolved my problem asked my Devops create access to database via VPN and used new credianls. It was created success connect Tableau to Postgres.


How to connect PostgreSQL Azure Cloud Server with SQL Developer?

Does anyone know if there is any chance to connect a PostgreSQL Azure Cloud Server with SQLDeveloper?
If someone knows this may you could explain to me how it works.
Or if it doesn't work which IDE should I use for it?
Thanks for helping me out!
You can connect azure PostgreSQL database using Azure Data Studio. I tried to repro this and below are the steps to connect using ADS.
Install Azure Data Studio and Click extensions on ADS and install PostgreSQL.
Click on Connections and in servers, click new connection.
Set Connection type to PostgreSQL and enter the connection details like Server name, username and password. Click connect.
Azure PostgreSQL DB is connected using Azure Data Studio.
Reference: MS document Quickstart: Connect and query PostgreSQL - Azure Data Studio | Microsoft Learn

how to connect with a live database in tableau using ssh tunneling?

I have a PostgreSQL database hosted in private network. i have bastion id, username ,database credentials. how can I connect the database with tableau using ssh key? so far i did not find any viable solution for this problem. I need a solution where tableau with get connected with the database and get live data.
If Tableau doesn't have integrated tools to create the tunnel (and as far as I know it doesn't) then you can create a tunnel yourself using ssh or putty or some python module, for example. Then tell Tableau Desktop to connect to the database at the address of the local end of the tunnel, likely

Connecting to Cloud SQL from Azure Data Studio using an IAM user

Following the instructions here, I'm having problem connecting to the DB from Azure Data Studio using the token I generate. It connects to the DB successfully, but as soon as I want to run a simple query ( I already gave my user read access there), it gives me this connection error, and I need to connect using the token again and the disconnection happens again randomly after a short while:
FATAL: Cloud SQL IAM user authentication failed for user
"" FATAL: pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host
"...", user "", database "db-name",
SSL off
I did some search and found there is also a way of logging in with IAM database authentication using the Cloud SQL Auth proxy but the documentation is limited to Postgress command line and not a GUI database tool like Azure Data Studio. Can anyone shed some light on this about what's needed if you want to connect with a GUI tool in this case?
And about changing the pg_hba.conf file, since I work with a cloud SQL instance, I'm not sure how to turn sslmode off on the cloud instance. I checked the connection tab of my instance and SSL encryption wasn't checked there (not sure if that's the same),and I changed the sslmode to disable on my Azure Data Studio for the connection but it won't allow me to connect after this change:
FATAL: pg_hba.conf rejects connection for host "*.*.*.*", user "", database "database", SSL off
Help, anyone?
I've found the answer: we can connect using IAM database authentication using the Cloud SQL Auth proxy. The only step after to be done from the GUI DB tool (mine is Azure Data Studio) would be, to connect to the IP ( in my case)the Cloud SQL Auth proxy listens on( is the default) after starting the Cloud SQL Auth proxy using:
./cloud_sql_proxy -instances=<GCPproject:Region:DBname>=tcp:

Not able to connect to azure postgres db from azure data factory when SSL is enabled

I'm new to Azure Data factory and i'm trying to create data set that connects to azure postgres db where SSL is enabled, but i get the below error, any idea how to solve this error without disabling SSL on postgres.
when i try to add sslmode=Allow to connection parameters, i get this error
You need to select EncryptionMethod option in link service. As MSDN shows,
I haven't met your error. I can connect successfully via integration run time.
The following is my setting, you can have a try.
In Azure Database for PostgreSQL:
Link service:

GCP connect other user psql instance

We are a student group that wants to make a simple PostgreSQL project on google cloud.
I create database and tables etc. but I can't solve how my team-mates connect that database?
You can create users in the console to allow your team-mates to connect. Please follow the steps in the link for Creating a User.
As for the error message: you need to enable Cloud SQL Admin API.