how to connect with a live database in tableau using ssh tunneling? - postgresql

I have a PostgreSQL database hosted in private network. i have bastion id, username ,database credentials. how can I connect the database with tableau using ssh key? so far i did not find any viable solution for this problem. I need a solution where tableau with get connected with the database and get live data.

If Tableau doesn't have integrated tools to create the tunnel (and as far as I know it doesn't) then you can create a tunnel yourself using ssh or putty or some python module, for example. Then tell Tableau Desktop to connect to the database at the address of the local end of the tunnel, likely


How Tableau connect to Postgres via ssh tunels?

I configureted ssh tunel via Putty with all settings provided by Devops.
During tring create connection with Postgre databases get error 29dcd26f -- errorcode
All date was entred correct
enter image description here
I resolved my problem asked my Devops create access to database via VPN and used new credianls. It was created success connect Tableau to Postgres.

DNS ODBC Driver configuration for SSH RDS

I´d like to know if it is possible to connect to my rds database from my local machine (windows) using windows odbc data source. My problem is that I use SSH and i don´t know how can I input the parameters in odbc data source. I need this type of connection because I want to access RDS via vba excel. My database is Postgresql.
If you have a publicly accessible database (not recommended by AWS) and your IP address is allowed, then the normal ODBC connection will work.
By the sound of your setup, you have a private database. In which case, your options are:
Use a different ODBC driver that supports tunnelling.
Devart ( and Cdata ( both have ODBC drivers that support SSH tunnelling.
Neither are free.
Use a VPN and point your driver at localhost

Postgres - connection timeout

When I trying connect to my postgres database, I always receiving connection time out error. For instance I want to connect from pqadmin. Can you please help with it ?
PostgreSQL databases on PythonAnywhere are protected by a firewall, so external computers can't access them directly -- you need to use a thing called an SSH tunnel, which opens a secure SSH connection to PythonAnywhere, then sends the Postgres stuff over it.
This help page on the PythonAnywhere site has the details on how to set that up.

Tableau Online Can't Connect to PostgreSQL

I'm new to postgres and computer networks, so I'm having a hard time with this problem.
I installed postgres via Homebrew on my mac recently. Up to now I could create a user on postgres and use psql as well as connect with pgAdmin.
I'm now trying to connect PostgreSQL with Tableau Online to deliver some analysis but it keep giving me this error Tableau Online screenshot.
Does anyone know what it might be?
I already changed postgresql.conf line:
#listen_addresses = 'localhost'
#listen_addresses = '*'
and added the following line on pg_hba.conf:
host all all all md5
Thank you in advance :)
Tableau Online is a cloud service. Machine where Tableau is running is not your mac, but actually some box somewhere in tableau cloud. By stating localhost you tell tableau to connect to postgres to that box. Which is not correct in this case. In order to connect to your postgresql you need to tell to Tableau Online the actual public ip address where postgresql server is.
So you need to figure out your postgresql public ip address e.g google "what is my ip"... there is few services available
Then give that address to Tableau public. Next thing is the firewall etc settings on your mac. I suggest you do some study what is safe and what not. But in general you should allow incoming connections from Tableau Online IP address.
Pls. note that your mac public ip will change when you use different network(wifi) and even time to time on same network. Normally servers like postgresql in production environment have static ip address.

Connecting to Google Cloud SQL with MySQL Workbench

I can't seem to connect to Cloud SQL with Workbench. I keep getting this error.
Failed to Connect to MySQL at CLOUD-SQL-IPv4:3306 with user root
Access denied for use 'root'#'WHITE-LISTED-IP-ADDRESS' (using password: YES)
I have white listed my IP.
I have set an IP for the SQL instance.
I have checked the username and Password several times.
Any idea why this is happening?
It seems you have to create a new user in the Google Cloud Console with the host name set to %(any host). You can't seem to connect using the root user.
Is it possible to connect with the #root user but after you finish the setup you have to restart the sql server.
What is important to set up an SSL certificate if you connect to you production database, but if you only try it out you can allow unsecured connection. Another important thing is to add your IP to the Authorised Networks in the Connection tab.