How to connect PostgreSQL Azure Cloud Server with SQL Developer? - postgresql

Does anyone know if there is any chance to connect a PostgreSQL Azure Cloud Server with SQLDeveloper?
If someone knows this may you could explain to me how it works.
Or if it doesn't work which IDE should I use for it?
Thanks for helping me out!

You can connect azure PostgreSQL database using Azure Data Studio. I tried to repro this and below are the steps to connect using ADS.
Install Azure Data Studio and Click extensions on ADS and install PostgreSQL.
Click on Connections and in servers, click new connection.
Set Connection type to PostgreSQL and enter the connection details like Server name, username and password. Click connect.
Azure PostgreSQL DB is connected using Azure Data Studio.
Reference: MS document Quickstart: Connect and query PostgreSQL - Azure Data Studio | Microsoft Learn


Load data from Azure PostgreSQL to Azure Analysis Services (AAS)

I have a Azure database for PostgreSQL and want to set up my Azure Analysis Service with this Postgres on Azure as datasource.
I'm not sure whether PostgreSQL on Azure is supported by AAS? I am getting the below error when trying to connect:
I tried with the below extension, but installing it did not resolve the issue:
Npgsql installed
My assumption is that I need to install the on-premise gateway to be able to connect this Azure PostgreSQL db - can anybody confirm this is the right direction and will resolve the connection issue?
I'm not sure whether PostgreSQL on Azure is supported by AAS? I need to install the on-premise gateway to be able to connect this Azure PostgreSQL db - can anybody confirm this is the right direction and will resolve the connection issue?
According to KranthiPakala:
Azure Database for PostgreSQL is not a supported data source of AAS.
You can connect to on-prem PostgreSQL as a data source for import or in-memory tabular models. In order to do this, select the ODBC data source option(start a new import connection , choose ODBC option, then pick the ODBC source name) and AAS will treat it like SQL Server.
References: Data sources supported in Azure Analysis Services and Specify provider data sources in tabular 1400 and higher model projects

Connect to cloud SQL using Cloud SQL Auth is none resposinve in MySQL workbench

Im trying to create a connection for my SQL instance in GCP following their guide:
I set up the proxy running but I cant connect to my server.
I use MySQL workbench and the connection just timeout.
I went trough the trouble shoot guide and could not find the issue.
No errors in the cloud logs.
I try to connect using the owner google account of the project (I have all the permissions).
Cloud SQL Admin API is enabled.
I entered the password in the menu.
I saw another google guide telling to white list your IP.
I did this and its the same error.
It seems like there is a firewall or something is blocking from GCP to connect to the server but Im not sure what.
The solution for me was:
Use Cloud SQL authorized network as JM Gelilio suggested and to use pgAdmin 4 for Postgres connections.

Not able to connect to azure postgres db from azure data factory when SSL is enabled

I'm new to Azure Data factory and i'm trying to create data set that connects to azure postgres db where SSL is enabled, but i get the below error, any idea how to solve this error without disabling SSL on postgres.
when i try to add sslmode=Allow to connection parameters, i get this error
You need to select EncryptionMethod option in link service. As MSDN shows,
I haven't met your error. I can connect successfully via integration run time.
The following is my setting, you can have a try.
In Azure Database for PostgreSQL:
Link service:

Unable to see Procedures item in a schema in Microsoft Azure PostgreSQL

I developed a stored procedure in PostgreSQL in my local machine. And going to deploy it to PostgreSQL in MS Azure. But it's so strange, I did not see "Procedure" item inside a schema.
In Azure
In my local
I guess the user I have used in Azure does not have some permissions to view "Procedures".
If you know about this, please advise me.

Windows Azure - Mobile services, database connection

I'm having trouble running sql commands to my database on Windows Azure. Previously I had no problems at all running my commands and stored procedures with SQL management studio until I added another database on the same server. I can still connect and even se all the tables and both databases i SQL management studio but I cannot run any commands.
If I use the online management portal I am able to run my SQL but not with SQL management studio.
select * from nextlabel.[Article]
and it gives the folowing error:
Invalid object name 'nextlabel.Article'.
Any ideas on how to connect properly to one of the databases or if I'm doing something else wrong?