No orders possible since PayPal plugin (SwagPaymentPayPalUnified) update 4.30 - paypal

since the latest plugin update from yesterday, which has version 4.3.0 it is no longer possible to place order through paypal.
Shopware version is 5.7.14.
Here are the most recent error logs:
[2022-08-16T09:58:34.081601+02:00] plugin.ERROR: PayPal: Could not get PayPal order due to a communication failure {"message":"Client error: `GET` resulted in a `404 Not Found` response","payload":""} {"uid":"08396c6"
[2022-08-16T10:17:09.910750+02:00] plugin.ERROR: PayPal: Could not create PayPal order due to a communication failure {"message":"Client error: `POST` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response:\n{\"name\":\"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY\",\"details\":[{\"location\":\"body\",\"issue\":\"PAYMENT_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_USED\",\"description\":\"The (truncated...)\n","payload":"{\"name\":\"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY\",\"details\":[{\"location\":\"body\",\"issue\":\"PAYMENT_SOURCE_CANNOT_BE_USED\",\"description\":\"The provided payment source cannot be used to pay for the order. Please try again with a different payment source by creating a new order.\"}],\"message\":\"The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.\",\"debug_id\":\"a85bf6ba371ec\",\"links\":[{\"href\":\"\",\"rel\":\"information_link\",\"method\":\"GET\"}]}"} {"uid":"666eb45"}
[2022-08-16T12:37:32.629182+02:00] plugin.ERROR: PayPal: Could not update PayPal order due to a communication failure {"message":"Client error: `PATCH` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response:\n{\"name\":\"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY\",\"details\":[{\"issue\":\"ORDER_ALREADY_COMPLETED\",\"description\":\"The order cannot be patched (truncated...)\n","payload":"{\"name\":\"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY\",\"details\":[{\"issue\":\"ORDER_ALREADY_COMPLETED\",\"description\":\"The order cannot be patched after it is completed.\"}],\"message\":\"The requested action could not be performed, semantically incorrect, or failed business validation.\",\"debug_id\":\"9777a181e6a7f\",\"links\":[{\"href\":\"\",\"rel\":\"information_link\",\"method\":\"GET\"}]}"} {"uid":"2298783"}
Errors occur from logged in users, guest users, orders with or without shippingcosts.
Even in sandbox-mode, those errors occur.

Same error here with 4.3.0 and 5.7.7
deactivate "In Context Mode" in the Paypal Settings. Works for now.


facing an error code **PayPal error (10755): An error (10755) occurred while processing your PayPal payment

I am facing an error code PayPal error (10755): An error (10755) occurred while processing your PayPal payment. Please contact the store owner for assistance. My website doesn't have any type of coupons but still this error is coming. Can anyone help me solve this error?
10755 occurs due to an unsupported currency, as detailed in the legacy API Error Codes
If you need further help for some reason, log and include the entire API request text and the entire API response text in your question
The request text should include the currency code you are using, and the response text should include a Correlation Id or PayPal-Debug-Id

Odoo12: Receiving CSRF validation failed on path '/website_form/crm.lead' on form submission

I'm receiving the below error from an attempt to use a webform to make a Lead. When making the form Odoo 12 also won't let me access any of the existing fields in the Lead model. The following error (from the logs) is all the information that I have along with the form error on the website. This issue is only for the CRM and Tasks all other forms submit just fine.
I'm trying to build a form to submit a Lead.
Instead of the form submitting I recieve the following error in the logs.
2019-08-07 10:37:50,152 28624 WARNING tdb_test_2019-08-07_c1
odoo.http: CSRF validation failed on path '/website_form/crm.lead'

Payouts errors on Sandbox

I am trying to create Payout functionality using REST API, and I have few errors.
While I am sending this request :
{"sender_batch_header":{"sender_batch_id":"test_0","email_subject":"RaceBets Withdrawal","recipient_type":"PAYPAL_ID"},"items":[{"recipient_type":"PAYPAL_ID","amount":{"currency":"EUR","value":"20.0"},"receiver":"XXXX","note":"Hello there!","sender_item_id":"71292226"}]}
I received:
JAXBException occurred : 4 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions.
or :
{"name":"REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING","message":"Access token does not have required scope.","information_link":""}
the second error is also strange, because payments are working fine, and scope is also fine
{"scope":"* openid*","access_token":"xxx","token_type":"Bearer","app_id":"APP-xxx","expires_in":28800}
Any idea?
For the second error make sure you have checked the option for "payouts" under your application at .
Go to --> DashBoard --> My APP -- > Click your APP Name --> App Feature . Select Payout here .
Regarding the REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING error, I experienced this as well. Adding the scope as the other poster describes fixed the issue.
Please note that after changing scope (i.e. adding Payouts) it can take a few hours for the change to be reflected, so you'll continue getting the error for awhile. This confused me when I was testing because I didn't expect sandbox to have this latency.

PayPal Sandbox Blank Address Error

I just recently started working with the PayPal API to start processing credit cards for a client and have run into an odd issue. I managed to get everything mostly working (the 400 Bad Request error that is all over SO is still outstanding for me) minus one thing. When I try to run a CC against the sandbox area with nothing specified for line 2 of the address I see the following error get logged:
Error Response: {"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"field":"payer.funding_instruments[0].credit_card.billing_address.line2","issue":"Must not be blank"}],"message":"Invalid request - see details","information_link":"","debug_id":"cbaa2c4dfdb77"}
Why would address 2 be required? Their own documentation ( says it isn't so I'm completely lost here.
This is using the RestAPISDK library downloaded from their GitHub instance and everything I'm doing is in C#.
When you have a blank value in a REST API call it will return an error. It isn't required to provide a line2 value but if you include the variable with a blank value the system will flip out. Remove the variable entirely and you should be good to go.

Paypal shows old version error on express check out , I got my page run first but now shows this error

I doing paypal express checkout in jsp on sandbox with out using the sdk I am getting the ACK as sucess when generating the token after that when i redirected to sandbox now it shows error message on sandbox as
You have requested an outdated version of PayPal. This error often results from the use of bookmarks.
This is the Ack response i got
I decoded the response using URLDecoder and redirected to the sandbox
if (ack.equals("Success")) { String logurl = ""+token;
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and answers
If you are receiving this error, it is best to check the url you are redirecting.
Documentation says that the URL is
Careful with the _express-checkout part. If you are using an ide (like Visual Studio) that marks the urls as links, you might think that it is a space (as it becomes invisible) and at the first error you encounter, you might delete the underscore char.
I got it working and I am answering because i found many one have same error This error occurs mainly due to any of the samll errors or changes in your NVP if you are using it.
I think This link will be helps , deals with "You have requested an outdated version of PayPal"