facing an error code **PayPal error (10755): An error (10755) occurred while processing your PayPal payment - paypal

I am facing an error code PayPal error (10755): An error (10755) occurred while processing your PayPal payment. Please contact the store owner for assistance. My website doesn't have any type of coupons but still this error is coming. Can anyone help me solve this error?

10755 occurs due to an unsupported currency, as detailed in the legacy API Error Codes
If you need further help for some reason, log and include the entire API request text and the entire API response text in your question
The request text should include the currency code you are using, and the response text should include a Correlation Id or PayPal-Debug-Id


Vauge PayFlow Error

I'm using PayFlow with Layout C, which uses an iFrame to embed the payment form. I've followed the instructions found here for testing: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/payflow/gs_ppa_hosted_pages/
My request for a secure token returns successfully, but when I run a test charge, I get the following error:
Some required information is missing or incorrect. Please correct the
fields below and try again.
Error: An error has occurred. Please contact the system administrator.
The only fields below are card number and expiration date, which follow the testing guidelines.
What else could be going wrong?
Once you get the secure token, Instead of using the redirection url "https://payflowlink.paypal.com" , you should use "https://pilot-payflowlink.paypal.com" if you are in test mode .
This change happened after a certificate upgrade on 8th APR . You can check the link below :

Paypal DirectPayment returning error

while using PayPal sandbox DirectPayment method I am getting the following error message:
Direct credit card payment API call failed: Please enter a valid postal code in the billing address.Short Error Message: Invalid DataError Code: 10712
I have changed my Zipcode and address but no use. Does anyone know why this is happening?
This error is often caused by the zip code not matching the city and state format. I would suggest using usps.com zip code verfication to make sure the zip matches the postal service city and state. You can find this tool here:
Using this tool usually helps me clear the error. If this doenst help resolve the issue, please show the address and zip details that you are currently sending. Hope this helps.

Credits: Error occurs *sometimes*

I created a Facebook app and integrated Credits. However, about every second time I call the credits API, I get the following error:
There Was a Problem Processing Your Payment / Sorry, but we're having trouble processing your payment. You have not been charged for this transaction. Please try again later.
Everything on my end looks good. On success, the callback is called 3 times:
payments_status_update, status "placed"
payments_status_update, status "settled"
When it fails and the above error dialog is shown, I can see that only the first call is performed (payments_get_items).
I can see that the response back to Facebook is the same in both cases:
{ "content":[ { "item_id":"1", "title":"[title]", "description":"[description]", "image_url":"[url]", "product_url":"[url]", "price":30 } ], "method":"payments_get_items" }
Has anyone experienced this or can imagine what the reason for the behaviour is?
Thank you!
I just had similar issue.
Error message is generic and it doesn't give you exact cause of the problem.
In my case the problem was that my image url was misspelled so check your payments_get_items response very carefully.
Beside checking image url validity also check that length of your title and description is ok.
check "Developers response" section on this url for info on boundaries :
BTW, I think they mistakenly marked product url as required, however you can put same value as for image url just to be sure.

Login and Registration error 3840

I'm following along on this tutorial
http://www.raywenderlich.com/13511/how-to-create-an-app-like-instagram-with-a-web-service-backend-part-12 and got to the part where you implement the login and registration through Objective-c. Every time I press register or login I receive an error saying "The operation couldn't be completed. (cocoa error 3840). Also I'm not getting an error back in xcode. Help please
I just checked the mysql database and it inserts a user id but no text into username and password field
This error can occur when the program encounters invalid JSON in the response. To determine if the JSON response is valid, use a tool like HTTPSnoop to examine the output of the PHP script.

Paypal shows old version error on express check out , I got my page run first but now shows this error

I doing paypal express checkout in jsp on sandbox with out using the sdk I am getting the ACK as sucess when generating the token after that when i redirected to sandbox now it shows error message on sandbox as
You have requested an outdated version of PayPal. This error often results from the use of bookmarks.
This is the Ack response i got
I decoded the response using URLDecoder and redirected to the sandbox
if (ack.equals("Success")) { String logurl = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=express-checkout&token="+token;
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and answers
If you are receiving this error, it is best to check the url you are redirecting.
Documentation says that the URL is
Careful with the _express-checkout part. If you are using an ide (like Visual Studio) that marks the urls as links, you might think that it is a space (as it becomes invisible) and at the first error you encounter, you might delete the underscore char.
I got it working and I am answering because i found many one have same error This error occurs mainly due to any of the samll errors or changes in your NVP if you are using it.
I think This link will be helps , deals with "You have requested an outdated version of PayPal"