Payouts errors on Sandbox - rest

I am trying to create Payout functionality using REST API, and I have few errors.
While I am sending this request :
{"sender_batch_header":{"sender_batch_id":"test_0","email_subject":"RaceBets Withdrawal","recipient_type":"PAYPAL_ID"},"items":[{"recipient_type":"PAYPAL_ID","amount":{"currency":"EUR","value":"20.0"},"receiver":"XXXX","note":"Hello there!","sender_item_id":"71292226"}]}
I received:
JAXBException occurred : 4 counts of IllegalAnnotationExceptions.
or :
{"name":"REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING","message":"Access token does not have required scope.","information_link":""}
the second error is also strange, because payments are working fine, and scope is also fine
{"scope":"* openid*","access_token":"xxx","token_type":"Bearer","app_id":"APP-xxx","expires_in":28800}
Any idea?

For the second error make sure you have checked the option for "payouts" under your application at .
Go to --> DashBoard --> My APP -- > Click your APP Name --> App Feature . Select Payout here .

Regarding the REQUIRED_SCOPE_MISSING error, I experienced this as well. Adding the scope as the other poster describes fixed the issue.
Please note that after changing scope (i.e. adding Payouts) it can take a few hours for the change to be reflected, so you'll continue getting the error for awhile. This confused me when I was testing because I didn't expect sandbox to have this latency.


Vauge PayFlow Error

I'm using PayFlow with Layout C, which uses an iFrame to embed the payment form. I've followed the instructions found here for testing:
My request for a secure token returns successfully, but when I run a test charge, I get the following error:
Some required information is missing or incorrect. Please correct the
fields below and try again.
Error: An error has occurred. Please contact the system administrator.
The only fields below are card number and expiration date, which follow the testing guidelines.
What else could be going wrong?
Once you get the secure token, Instead of using the redirection url "" , you should use "" if you are in test mode .
This change happened after a certificate upgrade on 8th APR . You can check the link below :

PayPal Sandbox Blank Address Error

I just recently started working with the PayPal API to start processing credit cards for a client and have run into an odd issue. I managed to get everything mostly working (the 400 Bad Request error that is all over SO is still outstanding for me) minus one thing. When I try to run a CC against the sandbox area with nothing specified for line 2 of the address I see the following error get logged:
Error Response: {"name":"VALIDATION_ERROR","details":[{"field":"payer.funding_instruments[0].credit_card.billing_address.line2","issue":"Must not be blank"}],"message":"Invalid request - see details","information_link":"","debug_id":"cbaa2c4dfdb77"}
Why would address 2 be required? Their own documentation ( says it isn't so I'm completely lost here.
This is using the RestAPISDK library downloaded from their GitHub instance and everything I'm doing is in C#.
When you have a blank value in a REST API call it will return an error. It isn't required to provide a line2 value but if you include the variable with a blank value the system will flip out. Remove the variable entirely and you should be good to go.

Magento Checkout is stuck on Billing information step

I am new to the magento, and right now, i was working one website.
I did my initial development on my local machine and everything was fine. few days ago I moved the website into test server from my localhost. after that the checkout function is not working properly.
the problem is that i have almost have nothing on that page.
if user is not logged in, then he(she) sees 2 steps as log in, and billing information, but without content. only the titles.
if user is logged in, then he(she) sees step 1 billing information title, and again no content
the website is
can anyone help me with this please
There is a 'Fatal error' on your page.
The rendering stops with
var billingRegionUpdater = new RegionUpdater('billing:country_id', 'billing:region', 'billing:region_id',
The error appears in app/design/frontend/{interface}/{theme}/template/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml or in app/design/frontend/{interface}/{theme}/template/persistent/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml (if you have cart persistence enabled).
In both of the cases, for some reason this code gives an error:
<?php echo $this->helper('directory')->getRegionJson() ?>
To find out what the error is you need to enable error reporting and display_errors.
You can do that from index.php.
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
You can also enable the developer mode by changing this:
to this
//if (isset($_SERVER['MAGE_IS_DEVELOPER_MODE'])) {
Then try again. If the error does not appear on your screen look at the source of the page.
If the error does not tell you anything update the question with its contents.
Just installed Magento for the first time on my Localhost. And found the same problem. I found the solution in following way:
-- Enabled the error logs in System > Configuration > Developer Tools
-- Then attempted a checkout.
Bam! found the error in var/logs/system.log
The error was due to SOAP. I needed to enable PHP's soap library. And it proceeded well.
Hope it helps someone :)

Like button on content will not work until URL is submitted to Facebook debug tool

I'm troubleshooting an issue where the Like button won't work on my site unless the URL is submitted to the Facebook debug tool.
When I hit like I'm seeing two requests fire to comment_widget_shell.php. Once succeeds (302 found), while the other fails, showing a status "(canceled)" and type "pending":
The successful request:
Request URL:
Request Method:GET
Status Code:302 Found
The failed request:
Request URL:
As of the writing of this question, here is an example URL where like fails:
I iniitally thought it was this Stack Overflow issue, as the site runs on a platform somewhat similar to Heroku, but for Drupal (Pantheon) and I can't reproduce the issue locally. However, I contacted Pantheon support and they reported the Heroku limitation does not exist on Pantheon.
I'm not sure what other tools I can use to debug this. My article pages get a clean report from the Facebook Debugger. Any ideas or tips of what I can look deeper into?
I have had pretty good luck with pantheon. If your just trying to get a like button on drupal why not use I have used this in d7 and d6 and I have never had a problem.
Pantheon should be able to handle a request to facebook for sure

Paypal shows old version error on express check out , I got my page run first but now shows this error

I doing paypal express checkout in jsp on sandbox with out using the sdk I am getting the ACK as sucess when generating the token after that when i redirected to sandbox now it shows error message on sandbox as
You have requested an outdated version of PayPal. This error often results from the use of bookmarks.
This is the Ack response i got
I decoded the response using URLDecoder and redirected to the sandbox
if (ack.equals("Success")) { String logurl = ""+token;
Thanks in advance for any suggestions and answers
If you are receiving this error, it is best to check the url you are redirecting.
Documentation says that the URL is
Careful with the _express-checkout part. If you are using an ide (like Visual Studio) that marks the urls as links, you might think that it is a space (as it becomes invisible) and at the first error you encounter, you might delete the underscore char.
I got it working and I am answering because i found many one have same error This error occurs mainly due to any of the samll errors or changes in your NVP if you are using it.
I think This link will be helps , deals with "You have requested an outdated version of PayPal"