360 video glitch on Oculus Go APK - unity3d

I have published the same Unity 360 video app to Gear VR and it works perfectly and used to on Oculus Go. However, recently this glitch has appeared when loading a new scene or playing a video file via VideoPlayer on the Oculus Go. Does anyone know a way of removing this or even what it is? It doesn't appear in the Unity editor and seems localised to the Oculus Go.


Firefox Reality Unity WebGl Scene Change

Im hosting my project on Amazon S3 server and its running a Unity WebGL webpage for me. All working perfectly untill i decided to have more than one Scene in the project. When im in VR in Firefox Reality and click a button to take me to the new scene the VR image freezes on my head set. I have to exit VR and enter it again to work and the Auido clip has a delay after this too.
Not sure where to go the answer. Thanks for your help!

VR 360 video playback in Unity app is constantly choppy, not at all smooth on Oculus Quest 2

I'm building a simple 360 monoscopic video player app in Unity for Oculus Quest 2. The video is 4096x2048 30fps mp4 which plays very smoothly in the Oculus TV app but inside my app, it's constantly choppy as if it were 15fps or lower. I have tried many encoding options, tried using the AVPro demo plugin but no luck.
I followed this tutorial: https://learn.unity.com/tutorial/play-360-video-with-a-skybox-in-unity
Any help is very much appreciated!
It was the mismatch between the 30 fps video and the default 72 Hz display refresh rate of the Quest 2. I set the frequency to 90 with this line of code
...and now the video plays smoothly.

Followed Unity Quickstart Guide and Builds with no errors but is just a frozen screen

I followed the cardboard unity quickstart guide on windows with a Pixel 2 phone and I have no build errors but when I run the scene instead of seeing an image for each eye that moves when the phone is tilted I just see what looks like a static version of the scene.
For me the solution was to double-check if Cardboard XR Plugin is checked in Edit>Project Settings>XR Plug-in Management>Android tab.
After the next build, I got a VR stereoscopic view on my phone that react to phone movement and rotation.

Why is my unity app crashing when I start another one?

I'm trying to create a multiplayer scene with VR in Unity using a HTC Vive and steamVR. But I can't test my app on a single computer. I do a "build and run" then my app start but when I click on play in the unity interface, the built app crashes. I don't why. I observed that this phenomenon exists when I add the [CameraRig] prefab from the Steam VR plugin which is essential for the VR
Could you help me please ?
Thank you

Unity: Cardboard VR doesnt work after updating to 2017.3.1f1

I am developing a VR game for Android but the VR mode doesnt start up. When I used 2017.3.0f0 everything works like a charm. The game starts in VR mode and I can rotate the camera. I just activated the Cardboard support in the Player Settings. I didnt have to enable the VR mode in any script. Now the game starts like a normal Android game with one camera and no gyroscope sensor support. Does anyone have a solution? Please help me. :(
Best regards Niklas Englmeier
currently I'm using Unity 2017.3.1f1 and works fine with Google VR SDK version 1.120.0, I know that the version 1.110.0 doesn't work, which version of SDK are you using? Did you place the MainCamera as child of an any GameObject and use GvrEditorEmulator? Unity 2017.3.1f1 using Google VR SDK 1.120.0