What is manual slot assignment in DOM SPEC? - dom

I'm reading DOM SPEC.
I know the assigned slot, if I use assignedSlot attribute to slottable, and then I will receive a null or slot. But SPEC said A slottable has an associated manual slot assignment, I don't know what's the manual slot assignment, where I can find it(already set slotAssignment: 'manual')?
What does A slottable’s manual slot assignment can be implemented using a weak reference to the slot, because this variable is not directly accessible from script. mean? Why can't it be directly accessible from script?


How to guarantee that the slot will never be used in solidity?

In some contracts, I see they use constant slot numbers. But how are they guaranteeing that that slot will never be used? For example in EIP1967 there is a slot for implementation:
// bytes32(uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.implementation")) - 1)
_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT = 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc;
and another example is in the Gnosis's contract:
// keccak256("fallback_manager.handler.address")
FALLBACK_HANDLER_STORAGE_SLOT = 0x6c9a6c4a39284e37ed1cf53d337577d14212a4870fb976a4366c693b939918d5;
The question is: Is it safe to use any slot using this approach? Can some dynamic array or mapping be used in this slot? For example:
// keccak256("some.dummy.address.address")
SOME_SLOT = 0x47bd68279a41c9ae1cc277c8922809c3c82881c5143963fcfc95b91a61097eb5;
Ethereum writes to the free memory slots. Fromt the docs:
Solidity always places new objects at the free memory pointer and
memory is never freed (this might change in the future).
if you already wrote into a slot, Ethereum will not store anything in that slot. Now it is up to developers to keep track of which slots they already have used. In order to define which slots they are going to use, developers use inline assembly. (This is one of the advantages of inline assembly. It gives you granular control over the memory)

Anylogic how create new agent and assign properties?

Anylogic: This should be simple but I just cannot find it in the help files..
On creating a new agent instance, we know there are four parameters and what they are, but not in what order they were defined. Lets say parameters are "type_of_car" (String), "number_of_pax" (Integer), "automatic" (boolean), "fuel_capacity" (double). Now when calling: new myagenttype("ford", 5, false, 55) the agent gets created as a ford with 55 pax, manual and 5 liter fuel capacity - which is all wrong. (it seems the definition order of the parameters in the agent definition are in a different order)
How do we include the parameter name (or definition) when we call new agenttype() to avoid this problem, ensuring the right value gets assigned to the right parameter?
The problem originates because of a bug in Anylogic's logic in triggering functions. We have a Split which creates a new agent and assigns the agent properties on the "On exit copy" - event, however what Anylogic does is it creates the agent, forward it to the next logical block (a decision node), then execute the code of the decision - all wrong now for the agent's properties are undefined - and only then executes the "On exit copy" event which assigns the agent's properties. Very frustrating.
This is actually not a bug, this is defined in the simulation experiment properties, in the randomness section, with the "selection mode for simultaneous events" property. The default is LIFO, but if you want the opposite behavior in your case you should use FIFO... I always use LIFO too, and in these cases, sometimes I might use a 1milisecond auxiliary delay between the split and the next block in order to control the order manually... if you do that, you will solver your problem in fact... just use a 0.001 miliseconds delay after your split
Now from your Agent Type problem, the arguments for your class constructor should be written in order, and the only way to know the correct order is by using the autocomplete feature when you write new agenttype()... the autocomplete will tell you the order in which you should write your constructor arguments.

How to delete object using blueprints (not actor)

Ok I've created some class which inherits from UObject. I can created it in level BP (using Construct object node) and store reference in my BP variable. When I'm creating object I'm setting Outer as self. So level BP owning newly created object. Now my question is how to delete this object from memory? I tried to set BP variable to null but it seems that I need to destroy level to release this object. Any idea how to do it without destorying level?
I have no access to UE4 at this moment but I hope this can help/hint you to a right direction:
UObjects are managed by the garbage collector. To create a UObject appropriately, use NewObject(), NewNamedObject() and ConstructObject(). It is possible to configure the way UObjects will be handled by garbage collector at the time of creation with Object Flags enumeration. (If you like to learn more about UObject Instance Creation, you can go here: hhttps://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Objects/Creation/index.html )
This way, you should not call new or delete on UObjects. If UObject is no longer needed, it usually means that there are no references to it (this may, however differ, depending on the context and garbage collection flags used at the moment of UObject creation). In this situation, you can run ForceGarbageCollection() function:
Please note, that calling this method may cause crashes in some situations, particularly when object is already being destroyed by garbage collector or has a value of null.
Also, if you like to learn more about Unreal Object Handling, you can go here: hhttps://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Objects/Optimizations/index.html
Credit : https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/219430/explicitely-delete-a-uobject.html
Ps. StackOverflow doesn't allow me to post more than two links because I don't have enough reputation ... so remove the first 'h' from my broken links, it'll work.
I managed to resolve this, I also got some clues given on unreal answer hub: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/337525/how-to-delete-object-using-blueprints.html
So basically answer is: set reference variable to null, and at some moment GC will release it. But don't expect to have this instantly.

Track program change on WAGO PLC with CoDeSys

I need to increment an integer value each time the PLC program is updated to track changes.
There are system events like online_change and before_download, but I have no idea how to implement their functions.
Also I need to save value between updates. I think the tracking variable should be created as RETAIN but not sure.
The variable declaration type should be VAR RETAIN PERSISTENT in your case. Variables declared under RETAIN only will lose their values (intentionally) with a program change.
I believe the builtin Codesys library SysLibProjectInfo.lib has what you are looking for with the function SysGetProjectID. If you store SysGetProjectID as a RETAIN PERSISTENT and then compare against it, you can track changes (or, this unique value may be exactly what you wanted in the first place, without manually creating an ID).
Note: Depending on how you declare your variables, changing the I/O configuration can have unexpected changes even on VAR RETAIN PERSISTENT variables (as all dynamically allocated addresses are shifted and may not point where they used to).
If I understand you you only want to know like what version is running on the PLC and you want to track changes that you make? You can do it two ways:
Since it's a constant each time you make a change external to the PLC you roll the rev of a variable that is declared like SoftwareVersion :WORD := 100; and keep it in a Revision global list that you can add your notes to and change the version before downloading to PLC.
You can also use the PLC summary area that has fields to enter the values and then you can read them through CoDeSys without software upload.
And of course the suggestion above can work.

Are register declarations ignored by the compiler?

When using plain C in iPhone development, does the compiler place the variables declared as register in a CPU register?
The only way to know for sure is to look at the documentation for the compiler and if that doesn't describe what register does then it could do anything (within the parameters defined by the standard).
register is only an advisory hint to the compiler; It doesn't guarantee that the variable will really be placed in a register.
If no spare registers are available, the variable would still be on the stack.
The register keyword doesn't refer to hardware registers of the CPU. It can't be, since you can declare any type of variable register, also those types that never would fit into a hardware register.
It is just contract with the compiler that you never will take the address of such a variable. Such a promise from you will ease the task of optimizing for the compiler. In particular your variable then never can alias, and more generally it can't change from outside the direct control flow.