How to guarantee that the slot will never be used in solidity? - constants

In some contracts, I see they use constant slot numbers. But how are they guaranteeing that that slot will never be used? For example in EIP1967 there is a slot for implementation:
// bytes32(uint256(keccak256("eip1967.proxy.implementation")) - 1)
_IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT = 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc;
and another example is in the Gnosis's contract:
// keccak256("fallback_manager.handler.address")
FALLBACK_HANDLER_STORAGE_SLOT = 0x6c9a6c4a39284e37ed1cf53d337577d14212a4870fb976a4366c693b939918d5;
The question is: Is it safe to use any slot using this approach? Can some dynamic array or mapping be used in this slot? For example:
// keccak256("some.dummy.address.address")
SOME_SLOT = 0x47bd68279a41c9ae1cc277c8922809c3c82881c5143963fcfc95b91a61097eb5;

Ethereum writes to the free memory slots. Fromt the docs:
Solidity always places new objects at the free memory pointer and
memory is never freed (this might change in the future).
if you already wrote into a slot, Ethereum will not store anything in that slot. Now it is up to developers to keep track of which slots they already have used. In order to define which slots they are going to use, developers use inline assembly. (This is one of the advantages of inline assembly. It gives you granular control over the memory)



I'm using WAGO PLC PFC200 in my home automation project. I've plenty of POUs, each for one room. Each room implements IRoom interface and uses base POU for common logic like turning off all lights.
For lights management, I'm using
FbEvaluateShortLongPress from WagoAppBuilding to handle short and long press of buttons on the wall (it could also be a function block from OSCAT library)
FbLatchingRelay from WagoAppBuilding as a toggle for PLC digital output
I want to save the state of FbLatchingRelay in case of e.g.: power drop. I want all lights which were turned off before power drop to be turned on when the power comes back.
I've solved it by declaring a FbLatchingRelay in the VAR RETAIN PERSISTENT area in my POU. But then after reading here that:
If you declare a local variable in a function block as RETAIN, CODESYS stores the complete instance of this function block in the Retain range (all data of the function block); however, only the declared RETAIN variable is treated as such.
I decided to change that in order not to waste RETAIN memory for a bunch of variables which are in POU but are not needed to be stored as RETAIN.
So right now I have something like that:
the VAR RETAIN PERSISTENT area is only declared in my main program
it stores structures for each room (each POU) only with needed data - FbLatchingRelay POU and few other variables
while initializing the room (POU) I'm passing those structures to my rooms using VAR_IN_OUT
each room (POU) uses then this data
BathroomPersistentData: BathroomData;
Bathroom(PersistData := BathroomPersistentData, xMainLightSwitch := DI1_13, xMirrorLightSwitch := DI2_3, xMirrorLightSwitchActuator => DO2_1, xMainLightSwitchActuator => DO1_11);
Bathroom POU:
PersistData: BathroomData;
Is this a good approach? What do you think? It complicates project a bit but I'm not wasting RETAIN memory for things which should not be there (whole POUs).
Yes, this is how my organization handles retain vars. This also lends itself to supporting “save to disk” solutions for other FB demands (not so much for your light states).
On the other hand, did you run out of memory by the original way? Sometimes I find we worry about things that never happen. Yes it is “wasteful” for the whole FB instance to be put in retain memory, but if your FBs are small and your device has plenty of retain memory - then nothing to worry about until later.

automatic C++ memory/object instance management? smart pointers?

I would like to have automatic memory disposal in my C++ project.
I don't mind to have some additional conventions in order to obtain this automatic memory disposal - to be specific, I don't mind to have some special coding on creating new object instances (but of course, not anything more as it defeats the purpose).
After some readings on many useful discussions in stackoverflow, I found out that "smart pointers" are referred to the most (along with some reference of third-party c++ garbage collectors).
With only some "textbook" C++ knowledge equipped, I believe that the C++ GCs' complexities make them doesn't worth to be used, in my case.
On the other hand, I have a .NET/Java background, and would like to leverage this experience on C++ too. I'm accustomed to creating object instances and pass them to other classes/functions (I believe it is some bread-and-butter stuff in C++ too).
So, is smart pointers/shared_ptr/boost what I am looking for?
(note that for memory acquiring I mean doing a MyClass* var = new MyClass(), not malloc().)
Some specific background:
Actually what I exactly am trying to do is to write some library functions which can be used in both C++ projects and iPhone projects (note that these are some purely logical business classes, so there should be no portability issues). Although I believe it is not an area that requires high performance (non-game app of iPhone), I have some concerns on resource usage.
Is there any issue in making use of smart pointers in this situation? Are there any better alternatives?
Consider reference counting? Create a base class that keeps a count of how often it is referenced, and deletes itself when that reference count falls to zero.
class RefCounter
RefCounter() : mRefCount(1) { }
virtual ~RefCounter() { }
void retain() { mRefCounter++; }
void release() {
if(mRefCount) mRefCount--;
if(!mRefCount) delete this;
unsigned int mRefCounter;
Any referring object that needs the instance would call it's retain() function, and when done, it would call release(). The last object to call release would cause the instance to delete itself. You have to be careful to balance the retains and releases, but this technique is essentially how GC works except that GC implementations hide this reference counting from you.
I learned C++ before automatic GC became all the rage and I've never really warmed to the concept, feeling much more secure knowing exactly when and where each byte of memory was allocated and freed. But that's just me.

How many Objective-C messages per second are possible on the iPhone 4?

When implementing algorithms and other things while trying to maintain reusability and separation patterns, I regularly get stuck in situations like this:
I communicate back and forth with an delegate while traversing a big graph of objects. My concern is how much all this messaging hurts, or how much I must care about Objective-C messaging overhead.
The alternative is to not separate anything and always put the individual code right into the algorithm like for example this graph traverser. But this would be nasty to maintain later and is not reusable.
So: Just to get an idea of how bad it really is: How many Objective-C messages can be sent in one second, on an iPhone 4?
Sure I could write a test but I don't want to get it biased by making every message increment a variable.
There's not really a constant number to be had. What if the phone is checking email in the background, or you have a background thread doing IO work?
The approach to take with things like this is, just do the simple thing first. Call delegates as you would, and see if performance is OK.
If it's not, then figure out how to improve things. If messaging is the overhead you could replace it with a plan C function call.
Taking the question implicitly to be "at what point do you sacrifice good design patterns for speed?", I'll add that you can eliminate many of the Objective-C costs while keeping most of the benefits of good design.
Objective-C's dynamic dispatch consults a table of some sort to map Objective-C selectors to the C-level implementations of those methods. It then performs the C function call, or drops back onto one of the backup mechanisms (eg, forwarding targets) and/or ends up throwing an exception if no such call exists. In situations where you've effectively got:
int c = 1000000;
[delegate something]; // one dynamic dispatch per loop iteration
(which is ridiculously artificial, but you get the point), you can instead perform:
int c = 1000000;
IMP methodToCall = [delegate methodForSelector:#selector(something)];
methodToCall(delegate, #selector(something));
// one C function call per loop iteration, and
// delegate probably doesn't know the difference
What you've done there is taken the dynamic part of the dispatch — the C function lookup — outside the inner loop. So you've lost many dynamic benefits. 'delegate' can't method swizzle during the loop, with the side effect that you've potentially broken key-value observing, and all of the backup mechanisms won't work. But what you've managed to do is pull the dynamic stuff out of the loop.
Since it's ugly and defeats many of the Objective-C mechanisms, I'd consider this bad practice in the general case. The main place I'd recommend it is when you have a tightly constrained class or set of classes hidden somewhere behind the facade pattern (so, you know in advance exactly who will communicate with whom and under what circumstances) and you're able to prove definitively that dynamic dispatch is costing you significantly.
For full details of the inner workings at the C level, see the Objective-C Runtime Reference. You can then cross-check that against the NSObject class reference to see where convenience methods are provided for getting some bits of information (such as the IMP I use in the example).

Asking if an object is invalid

I am trying to determine if an object is valid. The program has (at least) two threads and one of the threads might invalidate the object by removing it from an NSMutableArray. I need the other thread to check either its existence or validity before acting on it.
You can't. The only way to check if the memory your object pointer has still represents a valid object is to dereference it, but dereferencing an "invalid" object (by which I assume you mean one that has been dealloced) will result in either accessing the memory of a new object that has been allocated in the same location, garbage data that may or may not be identical to a normal object, or an unmapped memory page that will result in an immediate EXEC_BAD_ACCESS.
Any time you are holding a reference to an object you might use in the future you must retain it. If you don't you have not shown any interest or ownership in the object and the system may throw it away at any time.
Using objective C accessors and properties instead of directly setting ivars and using retain/release simplifies doing the right thing quite a bit.
Multi-threaded programming is hard. Hard does not begin to capture how difficult it is. This is the kind of hard in which a general, useable, 'reasonably qualified' way of deterministically adding two different numbers together that are being mutated and shared by multiple threads in bounded time without the use of any special assistance from the CPU in the form of atomic instructions would be a major breakthrough and the thesis of your PhD. A deity of your choice would publicly thank you for your contribution to humanity. Just for adding two numbers together. Actually, multi-threaded programming is even harder than that.
Take a look at: Technical Note TN2059
Using collection classes safely with multithreaded applications. It covers this topic in general, and outlines some of the non-obvious pitfalls that await you.
You say
I need the other thread to check either its existence or validity before acting on it.
The easiest way is to hold on to the index of the object in the NSMutableArray and then do the following
if( myObject == [myArray objectAtIndex: myObjectIndex] ) {
// everything is good !
else {
// my object is not what I think it is anymore
There are clear problem with this approach however
insertion, and deletion will stuff you up
The approach is not thread safe since the array can be changed while you are reading it
I really recomend using a different way to share this array between the two threads. Does it have to be mutable? If it doesn't then make it immutable and then you no longer have to worry about the threading issues.
If it does, then you really have to reconsider your approach. Hopefully someone can give an cocoa way of doing this in a thread safe way as I don't have the experience.

Does the memory address of an object stay intact over its lifetime?

I am not sure if the memory address of an object keeps beeing the same over its lifetime. Does it? Or does it change sometimes during the object's existence?
Yes, the address of any given object is constant in Objective-C. This is rather important since objects are always referred to by address. :-) (Garbage collectors which move things about and update all pointers to them exist, but garbage collection isn’t supported on the iPhone and the Mac Obj-C garbage collector is documented not to do that – see Garbage Collection Programming Guide: Architecture, under How the Garbage Collector Works.)
If you mean self, then, yes, it stays intact over the lifetime of the object.
Although I have not gone indepth in the matter my views are as under:
Memory addresses of an object may not be static.
For example in Java, objects don't have pointers but references, the JVM might move around objects as part of its memory management scheme and might change the reference value in accordance to the moved object.
Also objects might be moved around as part of the Garbage collection procedure of the JVM.
Although I have not read of any official documentation on this, in case you come across the same you could post it here.
The same process might be taking place in .Net.
In the Cocoa Garbage Collection Programming Guide I'm not seeing quite the ironclad assurance that Ahruman makes above that an object address is guaranteed permanent:
Closed vs. Open Systems section:
'[In an open garbage collection system, collectors] reallocate and copy blocks of memory and update each and every referring pointer to reflect the new address. [...] Cocoa's garbage collector strikes a balance between being “closed” and “open” by knowing exactly where pointers to scanned blocks are wherever it can, by easily tracking "external" references, and being "conservative" only where it must.'
And with the general "dynamic" nature of the Cocoa runtime, I'd want a really explicit discussion of the subject in Apple documentation even for non-garbage-collected program. I don't find any statements along the lines of "the memory address of an object is guaranteed not to change" in searching the whole of -- try Google with: cocoa "object's memory address" OR "memory address of an object" guaranteed OR permanent
And then there's that scary subject of... multi-threading (ahhhh).