Are register declarations ignored by the compiler? - iphone

When using plain C in iPhone development, does the compiler place the variables declared as register in a CPU register?

The only way to know for sure is to look at the documentation for the compiler and if that doesn't describe what register does then it could do anything (within the parameters defined by the standard).

register is only an advisory hint to the compiler; It doesn't guarantee that the variable will really be placed in a register.
If no spare registers are available, the variable would still be on the stack.

The register keyword doesn't refer to hardware registers of the CPU. It can't be, since you can declare any type of variable register, also those types that never would fit into a hardware register.
It is just contract with the compiler that you never will take the address of such a variable. Such a promise from you will ease the task of optimizing for the compiler. In particular your variable then never can alias, and more generally it can't change from outside the direct control flow.


Force writing only-read register #Modbus

I was wondering,
Is there anyway to force writing on a 'Read-Only' Modbus Register?
Does defining a Register as a 'Read-Only' is secure enough or can be bypassed??
Thanks for the answers!
The correct way to define a "read-only" analog variable in Modbus is to map it as an input register. There is no function code defined in Modbus to write to an input register.
For historical reasons, several vendors maps all their variables as holding registers, which are theoretically read/write, i.e, there's a Write Multiple Registers function. Whenever they map a read only variable as a holding register, they must assert that the write functions fail. However, there's no standard exception code for this, as a holding register should be read/write. This is only one of Modbus' idiosyncrasies.
Getting back to your question, if you map your variable as an input register, you can be sure that the protocol will not allow a master to write to it. If, for interoperability issues you map it as a holding register, the protocol will allow the master to use a write funcion to change its value, and it is up to you to block in your device implementation.

UVM Register Model: volatile register value change

Is there a standard way to wait any value change in volatile register model?
This would be like doing backdoor access peek() periodically through all volatile register until there is at least one value change.
// wait until DUT modifies any volatile register value.
There isn't any infrastructure for that, unfortunately, as this would require some mechanism to wait on a change on a signal by specifying its hierarchical path as a string. You could probably do this using C/VPI code, but that's a bit more involved. A full answer is beyond the scope of this site.
There is a paper on the Verilab website that details how to do this: I Spy with My VPI. I can't really find the C code for it though.

VHDL Bus Functional Modelling - Can't put groups of procedures into a package to clean up the code

I want to organize a working bus functional model and push commonly used procedures (which look like CPU subroutines) out into a package and get them out of the main cpu model, but I'm stuck.
The procedures don't have access to the hardware bits when they're pushed out in a package.
In Verilog, I would put commonly used procedures out into an include file and link them into the CPU model as required for a given test suite.
More details:
I have a working bus functional model of a CPU, for simulation test benching.
At the "user interface" level I have a process called "main" running inside the CPU model which calls my predefined "instruction set" like this:
cpu_read(address, read_result);
cpu_write(address, write_data);
I bundle groups of those calls up into higher level procedures like
At the next layer these generic functions call a more hardware specific version which knows the interface timing for the design,
and those procedures then use an input record and output record to connect to the hardware module ports and waggle the cpu bus signals as required.
cpu_read calls hardware_cpu_read(cpu_input_record, cpu_output_record, address);
Something like this:
procedure cpu_read (address : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
read_result : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
hardware_cpu_read(cpu_input_record, cpu_output_record, address, read_result);
end procedure;
The cpu_input_record and cpu_output_record are declared as signals of type nnn_record in the cpu model vhdl file.
So this is all working, but every single one of these procedures is all stored in the cpu VHDL module file, and all in the procedure declaration section so that they are all in the same scope.
If I share the model with team members they will need to add their own testing subroutines, and those also are all in the same location in the file, as well, their simulation test code has to go into the "main" process along with mine.
I'd rather link in various tests from outside the model, and only keep model specific procedures in the model file..
Ironically I can push the lowest level hardware procedure out to a package, and call those procedures from within the "main" process, but the higher level processes can't be put out into that package or any other packages because they don't have access to the cpu_read_record and cpu_write_record.
I feel like there must be a simple way to clean up this code and make it modular, and I'm just missing something obvious.
I don't really think making a command interpreter and loading my test code into a behavioral ROM is the right way to go by the way. Nor is fighting with the simulator interface to connect up a C program, but I may break down and try this..
Quick sketch of an answer (to the question I think you are asking! :-) though I may be off-beam...
To move the BFM subprograms into a reusable package, they need to be independent of the execution scope - that usually means a long parameter list for each of them. So using them in a testbench quickly gets tedious compared with the parameterless (or parameter-lite) versions you have now..
The usual workaround is to implement the BFM in a package, with long parameter lists.
Then write parameter-lite local equivalents (wrappers) in the execution scope, which simply call the package versions supplying all the parameters explicitly.
This is just boilerplate - not pretty but it does allow you to move the BFM into a package. These wrappers can be local to the testbench, to a process within it, or even to a subprogram within that process.
(The parameter types can be records for tidiness : these are probably declared in a third package, shared between BFM. TB, and synthesisable device under test...)
Thanks to overloading, there is no ambiguity between the local and BFM package versions, so the actual testbench remains as simple as possible.
Example wrapper function :
function cpu_read(address : unsigned) return slv_32 is
return BFM_pack.cpu_read (
address => address,
rd_data_bus => tb_rd_data_bus,
wait => tb_wait_signal,
oe => tb_mem_oe,
-- ditto for all the signals constants variables it needs from the tb_ scope
end cpu_read;
Currently your test procedures require two extra signals on them, cpu_input_record and cpu_output_record. This is not so bad. It is not uncommon to just have these on all procedures that interact with the cpu and be done with it. So use hardware_cpu_read and not cpu_read. Add cpu_input_record, cpu_output_record to your configure_communication_bus and clear_all_packet_counters procedures and be done. Perhaps choose shorter names.
I do a similar approach, except I use only one record with resolved elements. To make this work, you need to initialize the record so that all elements are non-driving (ie: 'Z' for std_logic). To make this more flexible, I have created resolution functions for integer, time, and real. However, this only saves you one signal. Not a real huge win. Perhaps half way to where you think you want to be. But it is more work than what you are doing.
For VHDL-201X, we are working on syntax to allow parameters/ports automatically map to a identically named signal. This will get you to where you want to be with any of the approaches (yours, mine, or Brian's without the extra wrapper subprogram). It is posted here: Given this, I would add the two records to your procedures and call it good enough for now.
Once you get by this problem, you seem to also be asking is how do I write separate tests using the same testbench. For this I use multiple architectures - I like to think of these as a Factory Class for concurrent code. To make this feasible, I separate the stimulus generation code from the rest of the testbench (typically: netlist connections and clock). My presentation, "VHDL Testbench Techniques that Leapfrog SystemVerilog", has an overview of this architecture along with a number of other goodies. It is available at:
You're definitely on the right track, in fact I have a variant like this (what you describe).
The catch is, now I build up a whole subroutine using the "parameter light" procedures, and those are what I want to put in a package to share and reuse. The problem is that any procedure pushed out to a package can't call to the parameter light procedures in the main vhdl file..
So what happens is we have one main vhdl file with all the common CPU hardware setup routines, and every designer's test code all in the same vhdl file..
Long story short, putting our test subroutines into separate files is really what I was hoping for..

System call or function call - performance-wise

In Linux, when you can choose between a system call or a function call to do a task, which option is the better one due to a better performance?
We should note that in most of the cases we do not directly use system call. We use the interface provided by glibc.
Now in cases like File Mangement/IPC/ process management etc which are the core resource management activities of the Operating System the only option is system call and not library functions.
In these cases, typically we use Library function which works as a wrapper over a system call. That is say for reading a file, we have many library functions like
fgetc/fgets/fscanf/fread - all should invoke read system call.
So shall we use read system call? or the other library functions?
This should depend on the particular application.If we are using read, then we again need to change the code to run this, on some other operating system where read is not available.
We are losing some flexibilty. It may be useful when we are sure of the platform and we can do some optimisations by using read only or may be the application must use only file descriptors and not file pointer etc.
Now in cases where we need to consider only say user level operations and invoke
no service from operating system , like say copying a string.(strcpy).
In this case definitely we shall not use any system call unnecessarily, if at
all something is there, since it should be an extra overhead due to operating
system intervention, which is not needed in this case.
So I feel choosing between a system call and a library function only occurs for cases where we have a library function built on top of a system call.
(like adding to examples above we can have say malloc which calls system call brk).
Here the choice will depend on the particular type of software, the platform on which it should run, the precise non functional requirements like speed (Though you cannot say with certainty that your code will run faster if you are using brk instead of malloc), portability etc.

Mutex Unlock using add

While checking Mutex unlock codes around, I found some that add 1 into the mutex variable instead of setting it to "1" directly. Is there any pros/cons of this?
I wonder if it is possible that you are refereeing to the difference between mutex and semaphore resource access control.
That's all about CPU cycles needed for those two OPs. To my knowledge add uses less CPU cycles than mov. But then again it is very arch-dependent and questionable. Also, bear in mind that assemblers choice of how to encode a higher-level language instruction is very dependent on the surrounding instructions
It's just important that whatever operation is used, that it is atomic. It makes most sense to me to doing a set, rather than an add, particularly if there's a test-and-set instruction or implementation.
I found this implementation of a TestAndSet function for the x86 architecture. Here it uses a set (mov) instruction but it could have also used add or inc to do this but it would require eax to be 0 with the xchg instruction being used for atomicity. I suppose that requiring eax to be zero could be a con.