Can I call an actor's function from a #Sendable sync function? - swift

I'm not sure if this is even possible, but I thought I should ask anyway!
I have a "UserDefaults" client and "live"/"mock" implementations of its interface (taken from a TCA example, but that shouldn't matter).
I want to have the mock implementation act like the live one (so that it should be possible to read/write values), but without actually persisting.
Here's my code (ready for a Playground):
import Foundation
import PlaygroundSupport
// Interface - this can't change
public struct UserDefaultsClient {
public var boolForKey: #Sendable (String) -> Bool
public var setBool: #Sendable (Bool, String) async -> Void
// Live implementation (ignore if you want, just for reference)
extension UserDefaultsClient {
public static let live: Self = {
let defaults = { UserDefaults(suiteName: "group.testing")! }
return Self(
boolForKey: { defaults().bool(forKey: $0) },
setBool: { defaults().set($0, forKey: $1) }
// Mock implementation
extension UserDefaultsClient {
static let mock: Self = {
let storage = Storage()
return Self(
boolForKey: { key in
// ❌ Compiler error: Cannot pass function of type '#Sendable (String) async -> Bool' to parameter expecting synchronous function type
return await storage.getBool(for: key)
// return false
setBool: { boolValue, key in
await storage.setBool(boolValue, for: key)
// Manages a storage of Bools, mapped to a key
actor Storage {
var storage: [String: Bool] = [:]
func setBool(_ bool: Bool, for key: String) async {
storage[key] = bool
func getBool(for key: String) -> Bool {
storage[key] ?? false
let client: UserDefaultsClient = .live
Task {
await client.setBool(true, "key")
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
I tried using a Task when calling storage.getBool, but that didn't work either.
Any ideas?

tl;dr the answer is No, there is no way to maintain both the interface that boolForKey is synchronous but have it perform an asynchronous operation - while maintaining the model that makes async/await valuable.
You are asking how to run an asynchronous task synchronously. It's kind of like asking how to make dry water. You are going against the fundamental nature of the asyc/await paradigm and its primitives.
You might be able to accomplish what you with synchronization primitives like DispatchSemaphore or something similar, but you'd be working around the system. You'd have no guarantees about future compatibility. And you would likely introduce subtle and pernicious bugs.
Consider, for example, if some call path in your actor ever managed to come back around and call boolForKey. That would probably be a deadlock.


Swift 5.5 test async Task in init

I would like to test if my init function works as expected. There is an async call in the init within a Task {} block. How can I make my test wait for the result of the Task block?
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published private(set) var result: [Item]
init(fetching: RemoteFetching) {
self.result = []
Task {
do {
let result = try await fetching.fetch()
self.result = result // <- need to do something with #MainActor?
} catch {
func testFetching() async {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
XCTAssertEqual(vm.result, [])
// wait for fetching, but how?
XCTAssertEqual(vm.result, items])
I tried this, but setting the items, only happens after the XCTWaiter. The compiler warns that XCTWaiter cannot be called with await, because it isn't async.
func testFetching() async {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation()
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
XCTAssertEqual(vm.result, [])
.sink { value in
XCTAssertEqual(value, items)
.store(in: &cancellables)
let result = await XCTWaiter.wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1)
XCTAssertEqual(result, .completed)
Expectation-and-wait is correct. You're just using it wrong.
You are way overthinking this. You don't need an async test method. You don't need to call fulfill yourself. You don't need a Combine chain. Simply use a predicate expectation to wait until vm.result is set.
Basically the rule is this: Testing an async method requires an async test method. But testing the asynchronous "result" of a method that happens to make an asynchronous call, like your init method, simply requires good old-fashioned expectation-and-wait test.
I'll give an example. Here's a reduced version of your code; the structure is essentially the same as what you're doing:
protocol Fetching {
func fetch() async -> String
class MyClass {
var result = ""
init(fetcher: Fetching) {
Task {
self.result = await fetcher.fetch()
Okay then, here's how to test it:
final class MockFetcher: Fetching {
func fetch() async -> String { "howdy" }
final class MyLibraryTests: XCTestCase {
let fetcher = MockFetcher()
func testMyClassInit() {
let subject = MyClass(fetcher: fetcher)
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(
predicate: NSPredicate(block: { _, _ in
subject.result == "howdy"
}), object: nil
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 2)
Extra for experts: A Bool predicate expectation is such a common thing to use, that it will be found useful to have on hand a convenience method that combines the expectation, the predicate, and the wait into a single package:
extension XCTestCase {
func wait(
_ condition: #escaping #autoclosure () -> (Bool),
timeout: TimeInterval = 10)
wait(for: [XCTNSPredicateExpectation(
predicate: NSPredicate(block: { _, _ in condition() }), object: nil
)], timeout: timeout)
The outcome is that, for example, the above test code can be reduced to this:
func testMyClassInit() {
let subject = MyClass(fetcher: fetcher)
wait(subject.result == "howdy")
Convenient indeed. In my own code, I often add an explicit assert, even when it is completely redundant, just to make it perfectly clear what I'm claiming my code does:
func testMyClassInit() {
let subject = MyClass(fetcher: fetcher)
wait(subject.result == "howdy")
XCTAssertEqual(subject.result, "howdy") // redundant but nice
Tnx to matt this is the correct way. No need for async in the test function and just using a predicate did the job.
func testFetching() {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation()
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
let pred = NSPredicate { _, _ in
vm.items == items
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: pred, object: vm)
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1)
Slight variation on Matt's excellent answer. In my case, I've broken out his extension method into even more granular extensions for additional convenience.
Helper Framework
public typealias Predicate = () -> Bool
public extension NSPredicate {
convenience init(predicate: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate) {
self.init{ _, _ in predicate() }
public extension XCTNSPredicateExpectation {
convenience init(predicate: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate, object: Any) {
self.init(predicate: NSPredicate(predicate: predicate()), object: object)
convenience init(predicate: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate) {
self.init(predicate: NSPredicate(predicate: predicate()))
convenience init(predicate: NSPredicate) {
self.init(predicate: predicate, object: nil)
public extension XCTestCase {
func XCTWait(for condition: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate, timeout: TimeInterval = 10) {
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: condition())
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: timeout)
With the above in place, the OP's code can be reduced to this...
Unit Test
func testFetching() {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
XCTWait(for: vm.items == items, timeout: 1)
Notes on Naming
Above, I'm using a somewhat controversial name in calling my function XCTWait. This is because the XCT prefix should be considered reserved for Apple's XCTest framework. However, the decision to name it this way stems from the desire to improve its discoverability. By naming it as such, when a developer types XCT In their code editor, XCTWait is now presented as one of the offered auto-complete entries** making finding and using much more likely.
However, some purists may frown on this approach, citing if Apple ever added something named similar, this code may suddenly break/stop working (although unlikely unless the signatures also matched.)
As such, use such namings at your own discretion. Alternately, simply rename it to something you prefer/that meets your own naming standards.
(** Provided it is in the same project or in a library/package they've imported somewhere above)

How to test a method that contains Task Async/await in swift

Given the following method that contains a Task.
self.interactor is mocked.
func submitButtonPressed() {
Task {
await self.interactor?.fetchSections()
How can I write a test to verify that the fetchSections() was called from that method?!
My first thought was to use expectations and wait until it is fulfilled (in mock's code).
But is there any better way with the new async/await?
Ideally, as you imply, your interactor would be declared using a protocol so that you can substitute a mock for test purposes. You then consult the mock object to confirm that the desired method was called. In this way you properly confine the scope of the system under test to answer only the question "was this method called?"
As for the structure of the test method itself, yes, this is still asynchronous code and, as such, requires asynchronous testing. So using an expectation and waiting for it is correct. The fact that your app uses async/await to express asynchronousness does not magically change that! (You can decrease the verbosity of this by writing a utility method that creates a BOOL predicate expectation and waits for it.)
I don't know if you already find a solution to your question, but here is my contribution to other developers facing the same problem.
I was in the same situation as you, and I solved the problem by using Combine to notify the tested class that the method was called.
Let's say that we have this method to test:
func submitButtonPressed() {
Task {
await self.interactor?.fetchSections()
We should start by mocking the interaction:
import Combine
final class MockedInteractor: ObservableObject, SomeInteractorProtocol {
#Published private(set) var fetchSectionsIsCalled = false
func fetchSection async {
fetchSectionsIsCalled = true
// Do some other mocking if needed
Now that we have our mocked interactor we can start write unit test:
import XCTest
import Combine
#testable import YOUR_TARGET
class MyClassTest: XCTestCase {
var mockedInteractor: MockedInteractor!
var myClass: MyClass!
private var cancellable = Set<AnyCancellable>()
override func setUpWithError() throws {
mockedInteractor = .init()
// the interactor should be injected
myClass = .init(interactor: mockedInteractor)
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
mockedInteractor = nil
myClass = nil
func test_submitButtonPressed_should_callFetchSections_when_Always(){
let methodCallExpectation = XCTestExpectation()
.sink { isCalled in
if isCalled {
.store(in: &cancellable)
wait(for: [methodCallExpectation], timeout: 1)
There was one solution suggested here (#andy) involving injecting the Task. There's a way to do this by the func performing the task returning the Task and allows a test to await the value.
(I'm not crazy about changing a testable class to suit the test (returning the Task), but it allows to test async without NSPredicate or setting some arbitrary expectation time (which just smells)).
func submitButtonPressed() -> Task<Void, Error> {
Task { // I'm allowed to omit the return here, but it's returning the Task
await self.interactor?.fetchSections()
// Test
func testSubmitButtonPressed() async throws {
let interactor = MockInteractor()
let task = manager.submitButtonPressed()
try await task.value
XCTAssertEqual(interactor.sections.count, 4)
I answered a similar question in this post:
Basically, given code defined like this:
class Owner{
let dataManager: DataManagerProtocol = DataManager()
var data: String? = nil
init(dataManager: DataManagerProtocol = DataManager()) {
self.dataManager = dataManager
func refresh() {
Task { = await dataManager.fetchData()
and the DataManagerProtocol is defined as:
protocol DataManagerProtocol {
func fetchData() async -> String
a mock/fake implementation can be defined:
class MockDataManager: DataManagerProtocol {
func fetchData() async -> String {
Implementing the unit test should go like this:
func testRefreshFunctionFetchesDataAndPopulatesFields() {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(
description: "Owner fetches data and updates properties."
let owner = Owner(mockDataManager: DataManagerProtocol())
// Verify initial state
let asyncWaitDuration = 0.5 // <= could be even less than 0.5 seconds even
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + asyncWaitDuration) {
// Verify state after
XCTAssertEqual(, "testData")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: asyncWaitDuration)
Hope this makes sense?

PropertyWrapper subscript is not called. WHY?

I am implementing my own AtomicDictionary property wrapper as follows:
public class AtomicDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value>: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var wrappedValue = [Key: Value]()
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "atomicDictionary.\(UUID().uuidString)",
attributes: .concurrent)
public init() {}
public subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
queue.sync {
set {
queue.async(flags: .barrier) { [weak self] in
self?.wrappedValue[key] = newValue
public var debugDescription: String {
return wrappedValue.debugDescription
now, when I use it as follows:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#AtomicDictionary var a: [String: Int]
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.a["key"] = 5
The subscript function of the AtomicDicationary is not called!!
Does anybody have any explanation as to why that is?
Property wrappers merely provide an interface for the basic accessor methods, but that’s it. It’s not going to intercept subscripts or other methods.
The original property wrapper proposal SE-0258 shows us what is going on behind the scenes. It contemplates a hypothetical property wrapper, Lazy, in which:
The property declaration
#Lazy var foo = 1738
translates to:
private var _foo: Lazy<Int> = Lazy<Int>(wrappedValue: 1738)
var foo: Int {
get { return _foo.wrappedValue }
set { _foo.wrappedValue = newValue }
Note that foo is just an Int computed property. The _foo is the Lazy<Int>.
So, in your a["key"] = 5 example, it will not use your property wrapper’s subscript operator. It will get the value associated with a, use the dictionary’s own subscript operator to update that value (not the property wrapper’s subscript operator), and then it will set the value associated with a.
That’s all the property wrapper is doing, providing the get and set accessors. E.g., the declaration:
#AtomicDictionary var a: [String: Int]
translates to:
private var _a: AtomicDictionary<String, Int> = AtomicDictionary<String, Int>(wrappedValue: [:])
var a: [String: Int] {
get { return _a.wrappedValue }
set { _a.wrappedValue = newValue }
Any other methods you define are only accessible through _a in this example, not a (which is just a computed property that gets and sets the wrappedValue of _a).
So, you’re better off just defining a proper type for your “atomic dictionary”:
public class AtomicDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value> {
private var wrappedValue: [Key: Value]
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "atomicDictionary.\(UUID().uuidString)", attributes: .concurrent)
init(_ wrappedValue: [Key: Value] = [:]) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
public subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
queue.sync {
set {
queue.async(flags: .barrier) {
self.wrappedValue[key] = newValue
let a = AtomicDictionary<String, Int>()
That gives you the behavior you want.
And if you are going to supply CustomDebugStringConvertible conformance, make sure to use your synchronization mechanism there, too:
extension AtomicDictionary: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
queue.sync { wrappedValue.debugDescription }
All interaction with the wrapped value must be synchronized.
Obviously you can use this general pattern with whatever synchronization mechanism you want, e.g., the above reader-writer pattern, GCD serial queue, locks, actors, etc. (The reader-writer pattern has a natural appeal, but, in practice, there are generally better mechanisms.)
Needless to say, the above presumes that subscript-level atomicity is sufficient. One should always be wary about general purpose thread-safe collections as often the correctness of our code relies on a higher-level of synchronization.

What is a good design pattern approach for a somewhat dynamic dependency injection in Swift

Let's say there are three components and their respective dynamic dependencies:
struct Component1 {
let dependency1: Dependency1
func convertOwnDependenciesToDependency2() -> Dependency2
struct Component2 {
let dependency2: Dependency2
let dependency3: Dependency3
func convertOwnDependenciesToDependency4() -> Dependency4
struct Component3 {
let dependency2: Dependency2
let dependency4: Dependency4
func convertOwnDependenciesToDependency5() -> Dependency5
Each of those components can generate results which can then be used as dependencies of other components. I want to type-safely inject the generated dependencies into the components which rely on them.
I have several approaches which I already worked out but I feel like I am missing something obvious which would make this whole task way easier.
The naive approach:
let component1 = Component1(dependency1: Dependency1())
let dependency2 = component1.convertOwnDependenciesToDependency2()
let component2 = Component2(dependency2: dependency2, dependency3: Dependency3())
let dependency4 = component2.convertOwnDependenciesToDependency4()
let component3 = Component3(dependency2: dependency2, dependency4: dependency4)
let result = component3.convertOwnDependenciesToDependency5()
Now I know that you could just imperatively call each of the functions and simply use the constructor of each component to inject their dependencies. However this approach does not scale very well. In a real scenario there would be up to ten of those components and a lot of call sites where this approach would be used. Therefore it would be very cumbersome to update each of the call sites if for instance Component3 would require another dependency.
The "SwiftUI" approach:
protocol EnvironmentKey {
associatedtype Value
struct EnvironmentValues {
private var storage: [ObjectIdentifier: Any] = [:]
subscript<Key>(_ type: Key.Type) -> Key.Value where Key: EnvironmentKey {
get { return storage[ObjectIdentifier(type)] as! Key.Value }
set { storage[ObjectIdentifier(type)] = newValue as Any }
struct Component1 {
func convertOwnDependenciesToDependency2(values: EnvironmentValues) {
let dependency1 = values[Dependency1Key.self]
// do some stuff with dependency1
values[Dependency2Key.self] = newDependency
struct Component2 {
func convertOwnDependenciesToDependency4(values: EnvironmentValues) {
let dependency2 = values[Dependency2Key.self]
let dependency3 = values[Dependency3Key.self]
// do some stuff with dependency2 and dependency3
values[Dependency4Key.self] = newDependency
struct Component3 {
func convertOwnDependenciesToDependency5(values: EnvironmentValues) {
let dependency2 = values[Dependency2Key.self]
let dependency4 = values[Dependency4Key.self]
// do some stuff with dependency2 and dependency4
values[Dependency5Key.self] = newDependency
But what I dislike with this approach is that you first of all have no type-safety and have to either optionally unwrap the dependency and give back an optional dependency which feels odd since what should a component do if the dependency is nil? Or force unwrap the dependencies like I did. But then the next point would be that there is no guarantee whatsoever that Dependency3 is already in the environment at the call site of convertOwnDependenciesToDependency4. Therefore this approach somehow weakens the contract between the components and could make up for unnecessary bugs.
Now I know SwiftUI has a defaultValue in its EnvironmentKey protocol but in my scenario this does not make sense since for instance Dependency4 has no way to instantiate itself without data required from Dependency2 or Depedency3 and therefore no default value.
The event bus approach
enum Event {
case dependency1(Dependency1)
case dependency2(Dependency2)
case dependency3(Dependency3)
case dependency4(Dependency4)
case dependency5(Dependency5)
protocol EventHandler {
func handleEvent(event: Event)
struct EventBus {
func subscribe(handler: EventHandler)
func send(event: Event)
struct Component1: EventHandler {
let bus: EventBus
let dependency1: Dependency1?
init(bus: EventBus) {
self.bus = bus
self.bus.subscribe(handler: self)
func handleEvent(event: Event) {
switch event {
case let .dependency1(dependency1): self.dependency1 = dependency1
if hasAllReceivedAllDependencies { generateDependency2() }
func generateDependency2() {
struct Component2: EventHandler {
let dependency2: Dependency2?
let dependency3: Dependency3?
init(bus: EventBus) {
self.bus = bus
self.bus.subscribe(handler: self)
func handleEvent(event: Event) {
switch event {
case let .dependency2(dependency2): self.dependency2 = dependency2
case let .dependency3(dependency3): self.dependency3 = dependency3
if hasAllReceivedAllDependencies { generateDependency4() }
func generateDependency4() {
struct Component3: EventHandler {
let dependency2: Dependency2?
let dependency4: Dependency4?
init(bus: EventBus) {
self.bus = bus
self.bus.subscribe(handler: self)
func handleEvent(event: Event) {
switch event {
case let .dependency2(dependency2): self.dependency2 = dependency2
case let .dependency4(dependency4): self.dependency4 = dependency4
if hasAllReceivedAllDependencies { generateDependency5() }
func generateDependency5() {
I think in terms of type-safety and "dynamism" this approach would be a good fit. However to check if all dependencies were received already to start up the internal processes feels like a hack somehow. It feels like I am misusing this pattern in some form. Furthermore I think this approach may be able to "deadlock" if some dependency event was not sent and is therefore hard to debug where it got stuck. And again I would have to force unwrap the optionals in generateDependencyX but since this function would only get called if all optionals have a real value it seems safe to me.
I also took a look at some other design patterns (like chain-of-responsibility) but I couldn't really figure out how to model this pattern to my use-case.
My dream would be to somehow model a given design pattern as a result builder in the end so it would look something like:
FinalComponent {
And in my opinion result builders would be possible with the "SwiftUI" and the event bus approach but they have the already described drawbacks. Again maybe I am missing an obvious design pattern which is already tailored to this situation or I am just modeling the problem in a wrong way. Maybe someone has a suggestion.

Polymorphism with a final class that implements an associatedtype protocol in swift

I'm using Apollo v0.49.0. It's a library for calling graphQL endpoints, and the way it does this is by generating code before you compile your code.
Before I talk about the generated code, I'd like to talk about what the generated code implements. For this question, it's the GraphQLMutation that's relevant. Here's what it looks like:
public enum GraphQLOperationType {
case query
case mutation
case subscription
public protocol GraphQLOperation: AnyObject {
var operationType: GraphQLOperationType { get }
var operationDefinition: String { get }
var operationIdentifier: String? { get }
var operationName: String { get }
var queryDocument: String { get }
var variables: GraphQLMap? { get }
associatedtype Data: GraphQLSelectionSet
public extension GraphQLOperation {
var queryDocument: String {
return operationDefinition
var operationIdentifier: String? {
return nil
var variables: GraphQLMap? {
return nil
public protocol GraphQLQuery: GraphQLOperation {}
public extension GraphQLQuery {
var operationType: GraphQLOperationType { return .query }
public protocol GraphQLMutation: GraphQLOperation {}
public extension GraphQLMutation {
var operationType: GraphQLOperationType { return .mutation }
This is 80% of the file; the last 20% is irrelevant IMHO. Note how GraphQLMutation implements GraphQLOperation and the latter has an associatedtype.
The library generates classes based on your graphql server endpoints. Here's what they look like:
public final class ConcreteMutation: GraphQLMutation {
public struct Data: GraphQLSelectionSet {
As far as I know (I'm new to Swift), I have no control over any of the code I've mentioned so far (other than forking the repo and modifying it). I could change them locally, but they would just be overridden every time they were regenerated.
To use any of these generated classes, I have to pass them into this ApolloClient function (also a library class):
public func perform<Mutation: GraphQLMutation>(mutation: Mutation,
publishResultToStore: Bool = true,
queue: DispatchQueue = .main,
resultHandler: GraphQLResultHandler<Mutation.Data>? = nil) -> Cancellable {
return self.networkTransport.send(
operation: mutation,
cachePolicy: publishResultToStore ? .default : .fetchIgnoringCacheCompletely,
contextIdentifier: nil,
callbackQueue: queue,
completionHandler: { result in
I can't figure out how to deal with ConcreteMutation in a generic way. I want to be able to write a factory function like so:
extension SomeEnum {
func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T {
switch self {
case .a:
return ConcreteMutation1(first_name: value) as T
case .b:
return ConcreteMutation2(last_name: value) as T
case .c:
return ConcreteMutation3(bio: value) as T
The fact that this func is in an enum is irrelevant to me: that same code could be in a struct/class/whatever. What matters is the function signature. I want a factory method that returns a GraphQLMutation that can be passed into ApolloClient.perform()
Because I can't figure out a way to do either of those things, I end up writing a bunch of functions like this instead:
func useConcreteMutation1(value) -> Void {
let mutation = ConcreteMutation1(first_name: value)
apolloClient.perform(mutation: mutation)
func useConcreteMutation2(value) -> Void {
let mutation = ConcreteMutation2(last_name: value)
apolloClient.perform(mutation: mutation)
That's a lot of duplicated code.
Depending on how I fiddle with my getMutation signature -- e.g., <T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T? etc. -- I can get the func to compile, but I get a different compile error when I try to pass it into ApolloClient.perform(). Something saying "protocol can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements."
I've researched this a lot, and my research found this article, but I don't think it's an option if the concrete classes implementing the associated type are final?
It's really difficult to figure out if it's possible to use polymorphism in this situation. I can find plenty of articles of what you can do, but no articles on what you can't do. My question is:
How do I write getMutation so it returns a value that can be passed into ApolloClient.perform()?
The fundamental problem you are running into is that this function signature:
func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T
is ambiguous. The reason it's ambiguous is because GraphQLMutation has an associated type (Data) and that information doesn't appear anywhere in your function declaration.
When you do this:
extension SomeEnum {
func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T {
switch self {
case .a:
return ConcreteMutation1(first_name: value) as T
case .b:
return ConcreteMutation2(last_name: value) as T
case .c:
return ConcreteMutation3(bio: value) as T
Each of those branches could have a different type. ConcreteMutation1 could have a Data that is Dormouse while ConcreteMutation3 might have a data value that's an IceCreamTruck. You may be able to tell the compiler to ignore that but then you run into problems later because Dormouse and IceCreamTruck are two structs with VERY different sizes and the compiler might need to use different strategies to pass them as parameters.
Apollo.perform is also a template. The compiler is going to write a different function based on that template for each type of mutation you call it with. In order to do that must know the full type signature of the mutation including what its Data associated type is. Should the responseHandler callback be able to handle something the size of a Dormouse, or does it need to be able to handle something the size of an IceCreamTruck?
If the compiler doesn't know, it can't set up the proper calling sequence for the responseHandler. Bad things would happen if you tried to squeeze something the size of an IceCreamTruck through a callback calling sequence that was designed for a parameter the size of a Dormouse!
If the compiler doesn't know what type of Data the mutation has to offer, it can't write a correct version of perform from the template.
If you've only handed it the result of func getMutation<T: GraphQLMutation>() -> T where you've eliminated evidence of what the Data type is, it doesn't know what version of perform it should write.
You are trying to hide the type of Data, but you also want the compiler to create a perform function where the type of Data is known. You can't do both.
Maybe you need to implement AnyGraphQLMutation type erased over the associatedtype.
There are a bunch of resources online for that matter (type erasure), I've found this one pretty exhaustive.
I hope this helps in someway:
class GraphQLQueryHelper
static let shared = GraphQLQueryHelper()
class func performGraphQLQuery<T:GraphQLQuery>(query: T, completion:#escaping(GraphQLSelectionSet) -> ())
Network.shared.apollo().fetch(query: query, cachePolicy: .default) { (result) in
switch result
case .success(let res):
if let data =
else if let error = res.errors?.first
if let dict = error["extensions"] as? NSDictionary
switch dict.value(forKey: "code") as? String ?? "" {
case "invalid-jwt": /*Handle Refresh Token Expired*/
default: /*Handle error*/
/*Handle error*/
/*Handle Network error*/
case .failure(let error):
/*Handle Network error*/
class func peroformGraphQLMutation<T:GraphQLMutation>(mutation: T, completion:#escaping(GraphQLSelectionSet) -> ())
Network.shared.apollo().perform(mutation: mutation) { (result) in
switch result
case .success(let res):
if let data =
else if let error = res.errors?.first
if let dict = error["extensions"] as? NSDictionary
switch dict.value(forKey: "code") as? String ?? "" {
case "invalid-jwt": /*Handle Refresh Token Expired*/
default: /*Handle error*/
/*Handle error*/
/*Handle Network error*/
case .failure(let error):
/*Handle error*/