Swift 5.5 test async Task in init - swift

I would like to test if my init function works as expected. There is an async call in the init within a Task {} block. How can I make my test wait for the result of the Task block?
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published private(set) var result: [Item]
init(fetching: RemoteFetching) {
self.result = []
Task {
do {
let result = try await fetching.fetch()
self.result = result // <- need to do something with #MainActor?
} catch {
func testFetching() async {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
XCTAssertEqual(vm.result, [])
// wait for fetching, but how?
XCTAssertEqual(vm.result, items])
I tried this, but setting the items, only happens after the XCTWaiter. The compiler warns that XCTWaiter cannot be called with await, because it isn't async.
func testFetching() async {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation()
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
XCTAssertEqual(vm.result, [])
.sink { value in
XCTAssertEqual(value, items)
.store(in: &cancellables)
let result = await XCTWaiter.wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1)
XCTAssertEqual(result, .completed)

Expectation-and-wait is correct. You're just using it wrong.
You are way overthinking this. You don't need an async test method. You don't need to call fulfill yourself. You don't need a Combine chain. Simply use a predicate expectation to wait until vm.result is set.
Basically the rule is this: Testing an async method requires an async test method. But testing the asynchronous "result" of a method that happens to make an asynchronous call, like your init method, simply requires good old-fashioned expectation-and-wait test.
I'll give an example. Here's a reduced version of your code; the structure is essentially the same as what you're doing:
protocol Fetching {
func fetch() async -> String
class MyClass {
var result = ""
init(fetcher: Fetching) {
Task {
self.result = await fetcher.fetch()
Okay then, here's how to test it:
final class MockFetcher: Fetching {
func fetch() async -> String { "howdy" }
final class MyLibraryTests: XCTestCase {
let fetcher = MockFetcher()
func testMyClassInit() {
let subject = MyClass(fetcher: fetcher)
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(
predicate: NSPredicate(block: { _, _ in
subject.result == "howdy"
}), object: nil
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 2)
Extra for experts: A Bool predicate expectation is such a common thing to use, that it will be found useful to have on hand a convenience method that combines the expectation, the predicate, and the wait into a single package:
extension XCTestCase {
func wait(
_ condition: #escaping #autoclosure () -> (Bool),
timeout: TimeInterval = 10)
wait(for: [XCTNSPredicateExpectation(
predicate: NSPredicate(block: { _, _ in condition() }), object: nil
)], timeout: timeout)
The outcome is that, for example, the above test code can be reduced to this:
func testMyClassInit() {
let subject = MyClass(fetcher: fetcher)
wait(subject.result == "howdy")
Convenient indeed. In my own code, I often add an explicit assert, even when it is completely redundant, just to make it perfectly clear what I'm claiming my code does:
func testMyClassInit() {
let subject = MyClass(fetcher: fetcher)
wait(subject.result == "howdy")
XCTAssertEqual(subject.result, "howdy") // redundant but nice

Tnx to matt this is the correct way. No need for async in the test function and just using a predicate did the job.
func testFetching() {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let expectation = XCTestExpectation()
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
let pred = NSPredicate { _, _ in
vm.items == items
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: pred, object: vm)
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 1)

Slight variation on Matt's excellent answer. In my case, I've broken out his extension method into even more granular extensions for additional convenience.
Helper Framework
public typealias Predicate = () -> Bool
public extension NSPredicate {
convenience init(predicate: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate) {
self.init{ _, _ in predicate() }
public extension XCTNSPredicateExpectation {
convenience init(predicate: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate, object: Any) {
self.init(predicate: NSPredicate(predicate: predicate()), object: object)
convenience init(predicate: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate) {
self.init(predicate: NSPredicate(predicate: predicate()))
convenience init(predicate: NSPredicate) {
self.init(predicate: predicate, object: nil)
public extension XCTestCase {
func XCTWait(for condition: #escaping #autoclosure Predicate, timeout: TimeInterval = 10) {
let expectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: condition())
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: timeout)
With the above in place, the OP's code can be reduced to this...
Unit Test
func testFetching() {
let items = [Item(), Item()]
let fakeFetching = FakeFetching(returnValue: items)
let vm = ViewModel(fetching: FakeFetching())
XCTWait(for: vm.items == items, timeout: 1)
Notes on Naming
Above, I'm using a somewhat controversial name in calling my function XCTWait. This is because the XCT prefix should be considered reserved for Apple's XCTest framework. However, the decision to name it this way stems from the desire to improve its discoverability. By naming it as such, when a developer types XCT In their code editor, XCTWait is now presented as one of the offered auto-complete entries** making finding and using much more likely.
However, some purists may frown on this approach, citing if Apple ever added something named similar, this code may suddenly break/stop working (although unlikely unless the signatures also matched.)
As such, use such namings at your own discretion. Alternately, simply rename it to something you prefer/that meets your own naming standards.
(** Provided it is in the same project or in a library/package they've imported somewhere above)


Understanding actor and making it thread safe

I have an actor that is processing values and is then publishing the values with a Combine Publisher.
I have problems understanding actors, I thought when using actors in an async context, it would automatically be serialised. However, the numbers get processed in different orders and not in the expected order (see class tests for comparison).
I understand that if I would wrap Task around the for loop that then this would be returned serialised, but my understanding is, that I could call a function of an actor and this would then be automatically serialised.
How can I make my actor thread safe so it publishes the values in the expected order even if it is called from a different thread?
import XCTest
import Combine
import CryptoKit
actor AddNumbersActor {
private let _numberPublisher: PassthroughSubject<(Int,String), Never> = .init()
nonisolated lazy var numberPublisher = _numberPublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
func process(_ number: Int) {
let string = SHA512.hash(data: Data(String(number).utf8))
_numberPublisher.send((number, string))
class AddNumbersClass {
private let _numberPublisher: PassthroughSubject<(Int,String), Never> = .init()
lazy var numberPublisher = _numberPublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
func process(_ number: Int) {
let string = SHA512.hash(data: Data(String(number).utf8))
_numberPublisher.send((number, string))
final class TestActorWithPublisher: XCTestCase {
var subscription: AnyCancellable?
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
subscription = nil
func testActor() throws {
let addNumbers = AddNumbersActor()
var numbersResults = [(int: Int, string: String)]()
let expectation = expectation(description: "numberOfExpectedResults")
let numberCount = 1000
subscription = addNumbers.numberPublisher
.sink { results in
if numberCount == numbersResults.count {
for number in 1...numberCount {
Task {
await addNumbers.process(number)
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults[10].0, 11)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults[100].0, 101)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults[500].0, 501)
func testClass() throws {
let addNumbers = AddNumbersClass()
var numbersResults = [(int: Int, string: String)]()
let expectation = expectation(description: "numberOfExpectedResults")
let numberCount = 1000
subscription = addNumbers.numberPublisher
.sink { results in
if numberCount == numbersResults.count {
for number in 1...numberCount {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults[10].0, 11)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults[100].0, 101)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults[500].0, 501)
Using actor does indeed serialize access.
The issue you're running into is that the tests aren't testing whether calls to process() are serialized, they are testing the execution order of the calls. And the execution order of the Task calls is not guaranteed.
Try changing your AddNumbers objects so that instead of the output order reflecting the order in which the calls were made, they will succeed if calls are serialized but will fail if concurrent calls are made. You can do this by keeping a count variable, incrementing it, sleeping a bit, then publishing the count. Concurrent calls will fail, since count will be incremented multiple times before its returned.
If you make that change, the test using an Actor will pass. The test using a class will fail if it calls process() concurrently:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default).async {
It will also help to understand that Task's scheduling depends on a bunch of stuff. GCD will spin up tons of threads, whereas Swift concurrency will only use 1 worker thread per available core (I think!). So in some execution environments, just wrapping your work in Task { } might be enough to serialize it for you. I've been finding that iOS simulators act as if they have a single core, so task execution ends up being serialized. Also, otherwise unsafe code will work if you ensure the task runs on the main actor, since it guarantees serial execution:
Task { #MainActor in
// ...
Here are modified tests showing all this:
class TestActorWithPublisher: XCTestCase {
actor AddNumbersActor {
private let _numberPublisher: PassthroughSubject<Int, Never> = .init()
nonisolated lazy var numberPublisher = _numberPublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
var count = 0
func process() {
// Increment the count here
count += 1
// Wait a bit...
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: TimeInterval.random(in: 0...0.010))
// Send it back. If other calls to process() were made concurrently, count may have been incremented again before being sent:
class AddNumbersClass {
private let _numberPublisher: PassthroughSubject<Int, Never> = .init()
lazy var numberPublisher = _numberPublisher.eraseToAnyPublisher()
var count = 0
func process() {
count += 1
Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: TimeInterval.random(in: 0...0.010))
var subscription: AnyCancellable?
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
subscription = nil
func testActor() throws {
let addNumbers = AddNumbersActor()
var numbersResults = [Int]()
let expectation = expectation(description: "numberOfExpectedResults")
let numberCount = 1000
subscription = addNumbers.numberPublisher
.sink { results in
if numberCount == numbersResults.count {
for _ in 1...numberCount {
Task.detached(priority: .high) {
await addNumbers.process()
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 10)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults, Array(1...numberCount))
func testClass() throws {
let addNumbers = AddNumbersClass()
var numbersResults = [Int]()
let expectation = expectation(description: "numberOfExpectedResults")
let numberCount = 1000
subscription = addNumbers.numberPublisher
.sink { results in
if numberCount == numbersResults.count {
for _ in 1...numberCount {
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default).async {
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 5)
XCTAssertEqual(numbersResults, Array(1...numberCount))

How to test a method that contains Task Async/await in swift

Given the following method that contains a Task.
self.interactor is mocked.
func submitButtonPressed() {
Task {
await self.interactor?.fetchSections()
How can I write a test to verify that the fetchSections() was called from that method?!
My first thought was to use expectations and wait until it is fulfilled (in mock's code).
But is there any better way with the new async/await?
Ideally, as you imply, your interactor would be declared using a protocol so that you can substitute a mock for test purposes. You then consult the mock object to confirm that the desired method was called. In this way you properly confine the scope of the system under test to answer only the question "was this method called?"
As for the structure of the test method itself, yes, this is still asynchronous code and, as such, requires asynchronous testing. So using an expectation and waiting for it is correct. The fact that your app uses async/await to express asynchronousness does not magically change that! (You can decrease the verbosity of this by writing a utility method that creates a BOOL predicate expectation and waits for it.)
I don't know if you already find a solution to your question, but here is my contribution to other developers facing the same problem.
I was in the same situation as you, and I solved the problem by using Combine to notify the tested class that the method was called.
Let's say that we have this method to test:
func submitButtonPressed() {
Task {
await self.interactor?.fetchSections()
We should start by mocking the interaction:
import Combine
final class MockedInteractor: ObservableObject, SomeInteractorProtocol {
#Published private(set) var fetchSectionsIsCalled = false
func fetchSection async {
fetchSectionsIsCalled = true
// Do some other mocking if needed
Now that we have our mocked interactor we can start write unit test:
import XCTest
import Combine
#testable import YOUR_TARGET
class MyClassTest: XCTestCase {
var mockedInteractor: MockedInteractor!
var myClass: MyClass!
private var cancellable = Set<AnyCancellable>()
override func setUpWithError() throws {
mockedInteractor = .init()
// the interactor should be injected
myClass = .init(interactor: mockedInteractor)
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
mockedInteractor = nil
myClass = nil
func test_submitButtonPressed_should_callFetchSections_when_Always(){
let methodCallExpectation = XCTestExpectation()
.sink { isCalled in
if isCalled {
.store(in: &cancellable)
wait(for: [methodCallExpectation], timeout: 1)
There was one solution suggested here (#andy) involving injecting the Task. There's a way to do this by the func performing the task returning the Task and allows a test to await the value.
(I'm not crazy about changing a testable class to suit the test (returning the Task), but it allows to test async without NSPredicate or setting some arbitrary expectation time (which just smells)).
func submitButtonPressed() -> Task<Void, Error> {
Task { // I'm allowed to omit the return here, but it's returning the Task
await self.interactor?.fetchSections()
// Test
func testSubmitButtonPressed() async throws {
let interactor = MockInteractor()
let task = manager.submitButtonPressed()
try await task.value
XCTAssertEqual(interactor.sections.count, 4)
I answered a similar question in this post: https://stackoverflow.com/a/73091753/2077405
Basically, given code defined like this:
class Owner{
let dataManager: DataManagerProtocol = DataManager()
var data: String? = nil
init(dataManager: DataManagerProtocol = DataManager()) {
self.dataManager = dataManager
func refresh() {
Task {
self.data = await dataManager.fetchData()
and the DataManagerProtocol is defined as:
protocol DataManagerProtocol {
func fetchData() async -> String
a mock/fake implementation can be defined:
class MockDataManager: DataManagerProtocol {
func fetchData() async -> String {
Implementing the unit test should go like this:
func testRefreshFunctionFetchesDataAndPopulatesFields() {
let expectation = XCTestExpectation(
description: "Owner fetches data and updates properties."
let owner = Owner(mockDataManager: DataManagerProtocol())
// Verify initial state
let asyncWaitDuration = 0.5 // <= could be even less than 0.5 seconds even
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + asyncWaitDuration) {
// Verify state after
XCTAssertEqual(owner.data, "testData")
wait(for: [expectation], timeout: asyncWaitDuration)
Hope this makes sense?

How to Unit Test asynchronous functions that uses Promise Kit

Might I be so inclined to ask for a hand and or different perspectives on how to Unit Test a function on my Viewcontroller that calls an HTTP request to a Back End server using promise kit which returns JSON that is then decoded into the data types needed and then mapped.
This is one of the promise kit functions (called in viewWillAppear) to get stock values etc...
func getVantage(stockId: String) {
firstly {
}.then { _ in
APIService.Chart.getVantage(stockId: stockId)
}.compactMap {
return $0.dataModel()
}.done { [weak self] data in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.stockValue = Float(data.price ?? "") ?? 0.00
self.valueIncrease = Float(data.delta ?? "") ?? 0.00
self.percentageIncrease = Float(data.deltaPercentage ?? "") ?? 0.00
let roundedPercentageIncrease = String(format: "%.2f", self.percentageIncrease)
self.stockValueLabel.text = "\(self.stockValue)"
self.stockValueIncreaseLabel.text = "+\(self.valueIncrease)"
self.valueIncreasePercentLabel.text = "(+\(roundedPercentageIncrease)%)"
}.ensure {
}.catch { [weak self] error in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.handleError(error: error)
I've thought of using expectations to wait until the promise kit function is called in the unit test like so :
func testChartsMain_When_ShouldReturnTrue() {
let sut = ChartsMainViewController()
let exp = expectation(description: "")
let testValue = sut.stockValue
-> Note : this code down here doesn't work
-> normally a completion block then kicks in and asserts a value then checks if it fulfills the expectation, i'm not mistaken xD
-> But this doesn't work using promisekit
sut.getVantage(stockId: "kj3i19") {
XCTAssert((testValue as Any) is Float && !(testValue == 0.0))
self.wait(for: [exp], timeout: 5)
but the problem is promisekit is done in its own custom chain blocks with .done being the block that returns a value from the request, thus i can't form the completion block on the unit test like in conventional Http requests like :
sut.executeAsynchronousOperation(completion: { (error, data) in
XCTAssertTrue(error == nil)
XCTAssertTrue(data != nil)
You seem to have an awful amount of business logic in your view controller, and this is something that makes it harder (not impossible, but harder) to properly test your code.
Recommending to extract all networking and data processing code into the (View)Model of that controller, and expose it via a simple interface. This way your controller becomes as dummy as possible, and doesn't need much unit testing, and you'll be focusing the unit tests on the (view)model.
But that's another, long, story, and I deviate from the topic of this question.
The first thing that prevents you from properly unit testing your function is the APIService.Chart.getVantage(stockId: stockId), since you don't have control over the behaviour of that call. So the first thing that you need to do is to inject that api service, either in the form of a protocol, or in the form of a closure.
Here's the closure approach exemplified:
class MyController {
let getVantageService: (String) -> Promise<MyData>
func getVantage(stockId: String) {
firstly {
}.then { _ in
}.compactMap {
return $0.dataModel()
}.done { [weak self] data in
// same processing code, removed here for clarity
}.ensure {
}.catch { [weak self] error in
guard let self = self else { return }
self.handleError(error: error)
Secondly, since the async call is not exposed outside of the function, it's harder to set a test expectation so the unit tests can assert the data once it knows. The only indicator of this function's async calls still running is the fact that the view shows the loading state, so you might be able to make use of that:
let loadingPredicate = NSPredicate(block: { _, _ controller.view.isLoading })
let vantageExpectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: loadingPredicate, object: nil)
With the above setup in place, you can use expectations to assert the behaviour you expect from getVantage:
func test_getVantage() {
let controller = MyController(getVantageService: { _ in .value(mockedValue) })
let loadingPredicate = NSPredicate(block: { _, _ !controller.view.isLoading })
let loadingExpectation = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: loadingPredicate, object: nil)
controller.getVantage(stockId: "abc")
wait(for: [loadingExpectation], timeout: 1.0)
// assert the data you want to check
It's messy, and it's fragile, compare this to extracting the data and networking code to a (view)model:
struct VantageDetails {
let stockValue: Float
let valueIncrease: Float
let percentageIncrease: Float
let roundedPercentageIncrease: String
class MyModel {
let getVantageService: (String) -> Promise<VantageDetails>
func getVantage(stockId: String) {
firstly {
}.compactMap {
return $0.dataModel()
}.map { [weak self] data in
guard let self = self else { return }
return VantageDetails(
stockValue: Float(data.price ?? "") ?? 0.00,
valueIncrease: Float(data.delta ?? "") ?? 0.00,
percentageIncrease: Float(data.deltaPercentage ?? "") ?? 0.00,
roundedPercentageIncrease: String(format: "%.2f", self.percentageIncrease))
func test_getVantage() {
let model = MyModel(getVantageService: { _ in .value(mockedValue) })
let vantageExpectation = expectation(name: "getVantage")
model.getVantage(stockId: "abc").done { vantageData in
// assert on the data
// fulfill the expectation
wait(for: [loadingExpectation], timeout: 1.0)

How to replicate PromiseKit-style chained async flow using Combine + Swift

I was using PromiseKit successfully in a project until Xcode 11 betas broke PK v7. In an effort to reduce external dependencies, I decided to scrap PromiseKit. The best replacement for handling chained async code seemed to be Futures using the new Combine framework.
I am struggling to replicate the simple PK syntax using Combine
ex. simple PromiseKit chained async call syntax
getAccessCodeFromSyncProvider.then{accessCode in startSync(accessCode)}.then{popToRootViewController}.catch{handleError(error)}
I understand:
A Swift standard library implementation of async/await would solve this problem (async/await does not yet exist, despite lots of chatter and involvement from Chris Latter himself)
I could replicate using Semaphores (error-prone?)
flatMap can be used to chain Futures
The async code I'd like should be able to be called on demand, since it's involved with ensuring user is logged in. I'm wrestling with two conceptual problems.
If I wrap Futures in a method, with sink to handle result, it seems that the method goes out of scope before subscriber is called by sink.
Since Futures execute only once, I worry that if I call the method multiple times I'll only get the old, stale, result from the first call. To work around this, maybe I would use a PassthroughSubject? This allows the Publisher to be called on demand.
Do I have to retain every publisher and subscriber outside of the
calling method
How can I replicate simple chained async using the Swift standard library and then embed this in a swift instance method I can call on-demand to restart the chained async calls from the top??
//how is this done using Combine?
func startSync() {
getAccessCodeFromSyncProvider.then{accessCode in startSync(accessCode)}.catch{\\handle error here}
This is not a real answer to your whole question — only to the part about how to get started with Combine. I'll demonstrate how to chain two asynchronous operations using the Combine framework:
Future<Bool,Error> { promise in
delay(3) {
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: {_ in print("finished 1")})
.flatMap {_ in
Future<Bool,Error> { promise in
delay(3) {
.handleEvents(receiveOutput: {_ in print("finished 2")})
.sink(receiveCompletion: {_ in}, receiveValue: {_ in print("done")})
.store(in:&self.storage) // storage is a persistent Set<AnyCancellable>
First of all, the answer to your question about persistence is: the final subscriber must persist, and the way to do this is using the .store method. Typically you'll have a Set<AnyCancellable> as a property, as here, and you'll just call .store as the last thing in the pipeline to put your subscriber in there.
Next, in this pipeline I'm using .handleEvents just to give myself some printout as the pipeline moves along. Those are just diagnostics and wouldn't exist in a real implementation. All the print statements are purely so we can talk about what's happening here.
So what does happen?
finished 1 // 3 seconds later
finished 2 // 3 seconds later
So you can see we've chained two asynchronous operations, each of which takes 3 seconds.
How did we do it? We started with a Future, which must call its incoming promise method with a Result as a completion handler when it finishes. After that, we used .flatMap to produce another Future and put it into operation, doing the same thing again.
So the result is not beautiful (like PromiseKit) but it is a chain of async operations.
Before Combine, we'd have probably have done this with some sort of Operation / OperationQueue dependency, which would work fine but would have even less of the direct legibility of PromiseKit.
Slightly more realistic
Having said all that, here's a slightly more realistic rewrite:
var storage = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func async1(_ promise:#escaping (Result<Bool,Error>) -> Void) {
delay(3) {
func async2(_ promise:#escaping (Result<Bool,Error>) -> Void) {
delay(3) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
Future<Bool,Error> { promise in
.flatMap {_ in
Future<Bool,Error> { promise in
.sink(receiveCompletion: {_ in}, receiveValue: {_ in print("done")})
.store(in:&self.storage) // storage is a persistent Set<AnyCancellable>
As you can see, the idea that is our Future publishers simply have to pass on the promise callback; they don't actually have to be the ones who call them. A promise callback can thus be called anywhere, and we won't proceed until then.
You can thus readily see how to replace the artificial delay with a real asynchronous operation that somehow has hold of this promise callback and can call it when it completes. Also my promise Result types are purely artificial, but again you can see how they might be used to communicate something meaningful down the pipeline. When I say promise(.success(true)), that causes true to pop out the end of the pipeline; we are disregarding that here, but it could be instead a downright useful value of some sort, possibly even the next Future.
(Note also that we could insert .receive(on: DispatchQueue.main) at any point in the chain to ensure that what follows immediately is started on the main thread.)
Slightly neater
It also occurs to me that we could make the syntax neater, perhaps a little closer to PromiseKit's lovely simple chain, by moving our Future publishers off into constants. If you do that, though, you should probably wrap them in Deferred publishers to prevent premature evaluation. So for example:
var storage = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func async1(_ promise:#escaping (Result<Bool,Error>) -> Void) {
delay(3) {
func async2(_ promise:#escaping (Result<Bool,Error>) -> Void) {
delay(3) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let f1 = Deferred{Future<Bool,Error> { promise in
let f2 = Deferred{Future<Bool,Error> { promise in
// this is now extremely neat-looking
f1.flatMap {_ in f2 }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink(receiveCompletion: {_ in}, receiveValue: {_ in print("done")})
.store(in:&self.storage) // storage is a persistent Set<AnyCancellable>
matt's answer is correct, use flatMap to chain promises. I got in the habit of returning promises when using PromiseKit, and carried it over to Combine (returning Futures).
I find it makes the code easier to read. Here's matt's last example with that recommendation:
var storage = Set<AnyCancellable>()
func async1() -> Future<Bool, Error> {
Future { promise in
delay(3) {
func async2() -> Future<Bool, Error> {
Future { promise in
delay(3) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
.flatMap { _ in async2() }
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.sink(receiveCompletion: {_ in}, receiveValue: {_ in print("done")})
.store(in:&self.storage) // storage is a persistent Set<AnyCancellable>
Note that AnyPublisher will work as a return value as well, so you could abstract away the Future and have it return AnyPublisher<Bool, Error> instead:
func async2() -> AnyPublisher<Bool, Error> {
Future { promise in
delay(3) {
Also if you want to use the PromiseKit-like syntax, here are some extensions for Publisher
I am using this to seamlessly switch from PromiseKit to Combine in a project
extension Publisher {
func then<T: Publisher>(_ closure: #escaping (Output) -> T) -> Publishers.FlatMap<T, Self>
where T.Failure == Self.Failure {
func asVoid() -> Future<Void, Error> {
return Future<Void, Error> { promise in
let box = Box()
let cancellable = self.sink { completion in
if case .failure(let error) = completion {
} else if case .finished = completion {
box.cancellable = nil
} receiveValue: { value in
box.cancellable = cancellable
func done(_ handler: #escaping (Output) -> Void) -> Self {
let box = Box()
let cancellable = self.sink(receiveCompletion: {compl in
if case .finished = compl {
box.cancellable = nil
}, receiveValue: {
box.cancellable = cancellable
return self
func `catch`(_ handler: #escaping (Failure) -> Void) -> Self {
let box = Box()
let cancellable = self.sink(receiveCompletion: { compl in
if case .failure(let failure) = compl {
} else if case .finished = compl {
box.cancellable = nil
}, receiveValue: { _ in })
box.cancellable = cancellable
return self
func finally(_ handler: #escaping () -> Void) -> Self {
let box = Box()
let cancellable = self.sink(receiveCompletion: { compl in
if case .finished = compl {
box.cancellable = nil
}, receiveValue: { _ in })
box.cancellable = cancellable
return self
fileprivate class Box {
var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
And here's an example of use:
func someSync() {
Future<Bool, Error> { promise in
delay(3) {
.then { result in
Future<String, Error> { promise in
.done { string in
.catch { err in
.finally {
print("Finished chain")
You can use this framework for Swift coroutines, it's also can be used with Combine - https://github.com/belozierov/SwiftCoroutine
DispatchQueue.main.startCoroutine {
let future: Future<Bool, Error>
let coFuture = future.subscribeCoFuture()
let bool = try coFuture.await()

Loop over Publisher Combine framework

I have the following function to perform an URL request:
final class ServiceManagerImpl: ServiceManager, ObservableObject {
private let session = URLSession.shared
func performRequest<T>(_ request: T) -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> where T : Request {
session.dataTaskPublisher(for: self.urlRequest(request))
.tryMap { data, response in
try self.validateResponse(response)
return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
.mapError { error in
return self.transformError(error)
Having these 2 following functions, I can now call the desired requests from corresponded ViewModel:
final class AuditServiceImpl: AuditService {
private let serviceManager: ServiceManager = ServiceManagerImpl()
func emptyAction() -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> {
let request = AuditRequest(act: "", nonce: String.randomNumberGenerator)
return serviceManager.performRequest(request)
func burbleAction(offset: Int) -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> {
let request = AuditRequest(act: "burble", nonce: String.randomNumberGenerator, offset: offset)
return serviceManager.performRequest(request)
final class AuditViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var auditLog: String = ""
private let auditService: AuditService = AuditServiceImpl()
init() {
let timer = Timer(timeInterval: 5, repeats: true) { _ in
RunLoop.main.add(timer, forMode: .common)
func getBurbles() {
.flatMap { [unowned self] offset -> AnyPublisher<String?, APIError> in
let currentOffset = Int(offset?.unwrapped ?? "") ?? 0
return self.auditService.burbleAction(offset: currentOffset)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.sink(receiveCompletion: { [unowned self] completion in
}, receiveValue: { [weak self] burbles in
self?.auditLog = burbles!
.store(in: &cancellableSet)
Everything is fine when I use self.getBurbles() for the first time. However, for the next calls, print(completion) shows finished, and the code doesn't perform self?.auditLog = burbles!
I don't know how can I loop over the getBurbles() function and get the response at different intervals.
The whole process in a nutshell:
I call getBurbles() from class initializer
getBurbles() calls 2 nested functions: emptyAction() and burbleAction(offset: Int)
Those 2 functions generate different requests and call performRequest<T>(_ request: T)
Finally, I set the response into auditLog variable and show it on the SwiftUI layer
There are at least 2 issues here.
First when a Publisher errors it will never produce elements again. That's a problem here because you want to recycle the Publisher here and call it many times, even if the inner Publisher fails. You need to handle the error inside the flatMap and make sure it doesn't propagate to the enclosing Publisher. (ie you can return a Result or some other enum or tuple that indicates you should display an error state).
Second, flatMap is almost certainly not what you want here since it will merge all of the api calls and return them in arbitrary order. If you want to cancel any existing requests and only show the latest results then you should use .map followed by switchToLatest.