PropertyWrapper subscript is not called. WHY? - swift

I am implementing my own AtomicDictionary property wrapper as follows:
public class AtomicDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value>: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var wrappedValue = [Key: Value]()
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "atomicDictionary.\(UUID().uuidString)",
attributes: .concurrent)
public init() {}
public subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
queue.sync {
set {
queue.async(flags: .barrier) { [weak self] in
self?.wrappedValue[key] = newValue
public var debugDescription: String {
return wrappedValue.debugDescription
now, when I use it as follows:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#AtomicDictionary var a: [String: Int]
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.a["key"] = 5
The subscript function of the AtomicDicationary is not called!!
Does anybody have any explanation as to why that is?

Property wrappers merely provide an interface for the basic accessor methods, but that’s it. It’s not going to intercept subscripts or other methods.
The original property wrapper proposal SE-0258 shows us what is going on behind the scenes. It contemplates a hypothetical property wrapper, Lazy, in which:
The property declaration
#Lazy var foo = 1738
translates to:
private var _foo: Lazy<Int> = Lazy<Int>(wrappedValue: 1738)
var foo: Int {
get { return _foo.wrappedValue }
set { _foo.wrappedValue = newValue }
Note that foo is just an Int computed property. The _foo is the Lazy<Int>.
So, in your a["key"] = 5 example, it will not use your property wrapper’s subscript operator. It will get the value associated with a, use the dictionary’s own subscript operator to update that value (not the property wrapper’s subscript operator), and then it will set the value associated with a.
That’s all the property wrapper is doing, providing the get and set accessors. E.g., the declaration:
#AtomicDictionary var a: [String: Int]
translates to:
private var _a: AtomicDictionary<String, Int> = AtomicDictionary<String, Int>(wrappedValue: [:])
var a: [String: Int] {
get { return _a.wrappedValue }
set { _a.wrappedValue = newValue }
Any other methods you define are only accessible through _a in this example, not a (which is just a computed property that gets and sets the wrappedValue of _a).
So, you’re better off just defining a proper type for your “atomic dictionary”:
public class AtomicDictionary<Key: Hashable, Value> {
private var wrappedValue: [Key: Value]
private let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "atomicDictionary.\(UUID().uuidString)", attributes: .concurrent)
init(_ wrappedValue: [Key: Value] = [:]) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
public subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
queue.sync {
set {
queue.async(flags: .barrier) {
self.wrappedValue[key] = newValue
let a = AtomicDictionary<String, Int>()
That gives you the behavior you want.
And if you are going to supply CustomDebugStringConvertible conformance, make sure to use your synchronization mechanism there, too:
extension AtomicDictionary: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
queue.sync { wrappedValue.debugDescription }
All interaction with the wrapped value must be synchronized.
Obviously you can use this general pattern with whatever synchronization mechanism you want, e.g., the above reader-writer pattern, GCD serial queue, locks, actors, etc. (The reader-writer pattern has a natural appeal, but, in practice, there are generally better mechanisms.)
Needless to say, the above presumes that subscript-level atomicity is sufficient. One should always be wary about general purpose thread-safe collections as often the correctness of our code relies on a higher-level of synchronization.


Swift, help iterating over keyPaths and setting values

I've found that it's a little easier to explain what I'm doing by giving too much context for why I'm trying to do it, sorry.
I'm currently trying to add an encryption service to my project. It's nothing that'll get published I think though and I've mostly got it working. The problem that I'm having is that I have my model like this
struct Entity {
// All types are examples though I think they will be all optionals.
var prop1: String?
var prop2: Int?
var prop3: Bool?
var encryptedData: [Keypath:EncryptedData]
static var encryptableKeyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Entity, Any?>]
As an example for what's happening, I can get the encryptionService to take in prop1, create an EncryptedData and put it in the encryptedData dictionary. I can even get the keyPath for the property. I can encrypt all the data and decrypt it just fine and get all the values properly, so I don't need help with that. But I'm struggling with 3 issues.
Getting the KeyPaths to be WritableKeyPaths so I can write to them with the values I need.
Setting the properties to nil once the values are encrypted so I'm not storing extra data.
Setting the properties to their values once their decrypted.
All three of these issues seem to revolve around making the KeyPaths into WritableKeyPaths.
This is the closest attempt I've gotten so far. You can copy the following code right into a playground and run it and it should work. Except it'll crash at the end. There are a couple of issues here, I'm losing the type safety as I have to make all the property types Initializable? which isn't great. Also, see that the values are permanently wrapped. I can't figure out how to prevent that. I had to mark Optional as conforming to Initializable to make this work. Lastly, the variable allStoredProperties doesn't let me write to them. I'm not sure how to properly convert it to WritableKeyPath from PartialKeyPath.
import UIKit
protocol Initializable {}
extension String: Initializable {}
extension Int: Initializable {}
extension Bool: Initializable {}
extension Optional: Initializable {}
protocol KeyPathIterable {
associatedtype Model
static var allKeyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Model, Initializable?>] { get }
extension KeyPathIterable {
var keyPathReadableFormat: [String: Initializable] {
var description: [String: Initializable] = [:]
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
description[label] = (value as! Initializable)
return description
static var allStoredProperties: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
var members: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] = []
let instance = Self()
for (key, _) in instance.keyPathReadableFormat {
return members
static func setValue<Self: KeyPathIterable, T: Initializable>(on root: inout Self,
at keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Self, Initializable?>,
withValue value: T?) throws {
root[keyPath: keyPath] = value
struct Foo: KeyPathIterable {
typealias Model = Foo
var prop1: Initializable? // I want this to be String?
var prop2: Initializable? // I want this to be Int?
var prop3: Initializable? // I want this to be Bool?
init() {
self.prop1 = nil
self.prop2 = nil
self.prop3 = nil
static var allKeyPaths: [WritableKeyPath<Foo, Initializable?>] {
return [\Model.prop1, \Model.prop2, \Model.prop3]
var foo = Foo()
foo.prop1 = "Bar"
foo.prop2 = 1
foo.prop3 = true
print(foo.prop1 as Any)
let keyPath = \Foo.prop1
foo[keyPath: keyPath] = "Baz"
print(foo.prop1 as Any)
for path in Foo.allStoredProperties {
do {
try Foo.setValue(on: &foo, at: keyPath, withValue: "BazBar" as Initializable?)
} catch {
print("Should never fail")
print(foo.prop1 as Any) // Returns Optional(Optional("BarBaz")) - I want this to be all the way unwrapped.
let values1: [Initializable] = ["Hello World", 100, false]
do {
for (path, value) in zip(Foo.allKeyPaths, values1) {
try Foo.setValue(on: &foo,
at: path,
withValue: value as Initializable?)
} catch {
print(foo.prop1 as Any)
print(foo.prop2 as Any)
print(foo.prop3 as Any)
let values2: [Initializable] = ["Howdy", 0, false]
do {
for (path, value) in zip(Foo.allStoredProperties, values2) {
try Foo.setValue(on: &foo,
at: path as! WritableKeyPath<Foo, Initializable?>,
withValue: value as Initializable?)
} catch {
print("Always fails")
I've looked all over google and youtube and everywhere and I can't seem to get this to work. I'm open to a different architecture if that work accomplish my goals better. Just a little frustrated. Thanks for your help.

Get all key paths from a struct in Swift 4

Let's say I have that struct:
struct MyStruct {
let x: Bool
let y: Bool
In Swift 4 we can now access it's properties with the myStruct[keyPath: \MyStruct.x] interface.
What I need is a way to access all it's key paths, something like:
extension MyStruct {
static func getAllKeyPaths() -> [WritableKeyPath<MyStruct, Bool>] {
return [
But, obviously, without me having to manually declare every property in an array.
How can I achieve that?
Please note that the following code is for educational purpose only and it should not be used in a real application, and might contains a lot of bugs/strange behaviors if KeyPath are used this way.
I don't know if your question is still relevant today, but the challenge was fun :)
This is actually possible using the mirroring API.
The KeyPath API currently doesn't allow us to initialize a new KeyPath from a string, but it does support dictionary "parsing".
The idea here is to build a dictionary that will describe the struct using the mirroring API, then iterate over the key to build the KeyPath array.
Swift 4.2 playground:
protocol KeyPathListable {
// require empty init as the implementation use the mirroring API, which require
// to be used on an instance. So we need to be able to create a new instance of the
// type.
var _keyPathReadableFormat: [String: Any] { get }
static var allKeyPaths: [KeyPath<Foo, Any?>] { get }
extension KeyPathListable {
var _keyPathReadableFormat: [String: Any] {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
var description: [String: Any] = [:]
for case let (label?, value) in mirror.children {
description[label] = value
return description
static var allKeyPaths: [KeyPath<Self, Any?>] {
var keyPaths: [KeyPath<Self, Any?>] = []
let instance = Self()
for (key, _) in instance._keyPathReadableFormat {
return keyPaths
struct Foo: KeyPathListable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
extension Foo {
// Custom init inside an extension to keep auto generated `init(x:, y:)`
init() {
x = 0
y = 0
let xKey = Foo.allKeyPaths[0]
let yKey = Foo.allKeyPaths[1]
var foo = Foo(x: 10, y: 20)
let x = foo[keyPath: xKey]!
let y = foo[keyPath: yKey]!
Note that the printed output is not always in the same order (probably because of the mirroring API, but not so sure about that).
After modifying rraphael's answer I asked about this on the Swift forums.
It is possible, discussion here:
Getting KeyPaths to members automatically using Mirror
Also, the Swift for TensorFlow team has this already built in to Swift for TensorFlow, which may make its way to pure swift:
Dynamic property iteration using key paths
I propose my solution. It has the advantage of dealing correctly with #Published values when using the Combine framework.
For the sake of clarity, it is a simplified version of what I have really. In the full version, I pass some options to the Mirror.allKeyPaths() function to change behaviour ( To enumerate structs and/or classes properties in sub-dictionaries for example ).
The first Mirror extension propose some functions to simplify properties enumeration.
The second extension implements the keyPaths dictionaries creation, replacing
#Published properties by correct name and value
The last part is the KeyPathIterable protocol, that add enumeration
capability to associated object
// MARK: - Convenience extensions
extension String {
/// Returns string without first character
var byRemovingFirstCharacter: String {
guard count > 1 else { return "" }
return String(suffix(count-1))
// MARK: - Mirror convenience extension
extension Mirror {
/// Iterates through all children
static func forEachProperty(of object: Any, doClosure: (String, Any)->Void) {
for (property, value) in Mirror(reflecting: object).children where property != nil {
doClosure(property!, value)
/// Executes closure if property named 'property' is found
/// Returns true if property was found
#discardableResult static func withProperty(_ property: String, of object: Any, doClosure: (String, Any)->Void) -> Bool {
for (property, value) in Mirror(reflecting: object).children where property == property {
doClosure(property!, value)
return true
return false
/// Utility function to determine if a value is marked #Published
static func isValuePublished(_ value: Any) -> Bool {
let valueTypeAsString = String(describing: type(of: value))
let prefix = valueTypeAsString.prefix { $0 != "<" }
return prefix == "Published"
// MARK: - Mirror extension to return any object properties as [Property, Value] dictionary
extension Mirror {
/// Returns objects properties as a dictionary [property: value]
static func allKeyPaths(for object: Any) -> [String: Any] {
var out = [String: Any]()
Mirror.forEachProperty(of: object) { property, value in
// If value is of type Published<Some>, we transform to 'regular' property label and value
if Self.isValuePublished(value) {
Mirror.withProperty("value", of: value) { _, subValue in
out[property.byRemovingFirstCharacter] = subValue
} else {
out[property] = value
return out
// MARK: - KeyPathIterable protocol
protocol KeyPathIterable {
extension KeyPathIterable {
/// Returns all object properties
var allKeyPaths: [String: Any] {
return Mirror.allKeyPaths(for: self)

What is a good alternative for static stored properties of generic types in swift?

Since static stored properties are not (yet) supported for generic types in swift, I wonder what is a good alternative.
My specific use-case is that I want to build an ORM in swift. I have an Entity protocol which has an associatedtype for the primary key, since some entities will have an integer as their id and some will have a string etc. So that makes the Entity protocol generic.
Now I also have an EntityCollection<T: Entity> type, which manages collections of entities and as you can see it is also generic. The goal of EntityCollection is that it lets you use collections of entities as if they were normal arrays without having to be aware that there's a database behind it. EntityCollection will take care of querying and caching and being as optimized as possible.
I wanted to use static properties on the EntityCollection to store all the entities that have already been fetched from the database. So that if two separate instances of EntityCollection want to fetch the same entity from the database, the database will be queried only once.
Do you guys have any idea how else I could achieve that?
The reason that Swift doesn't currently support static stored properties on generic types is that separate property storage would be required for each specialisation of the generic placeholder(s) – there's more discussion of this in this Q&A.
We can however implement this ourselves with a global dictionary (remember that static properties are nothing more than global properties namespaced to a given type). There are a few obstacles to overcome in doing this though.
The first obstacle is that we need a key type. Ideally this would be the metatype value for the generic placeholder(s) of the type; however metatypes can't currently conform to protocols, and so therefore aren't Hashable. To fix this, we can build a wrapper:
/// Hashable wrapper for any metatype value.
struct AnyHashableMetatype : Hashable {
static func ==(lhs: AnyHashableMetatype, rhs: AnyHashableMetatype) -> Bool {
return lhs.base == rhs.base
let base: Any.Type
init(_ base: Any.Type) {
self.base = base
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
// Pre Swift 4.2:
// var hashValue: Int { return ObjectIdentifier(base).hashValue }
The second is that each value of the dictionary can be a different type; fortunately that can be easily solved by just erasing to Any and casting back when we need to.
So here's what that would look like:
protocol Entity {
associatedtype PrimaryKey
struct Foo : Entity {
typealias PrimaryKey = String
struct Bar : Entity {
typealias PrimaryKey = Int
// Make sure this is in a seperate file along with EntityCollection in order to
// maintain the invariant that the metatype used for the key describes the
// element type of the array value.
fileprivate var _loadedEntities = [AnyHashableMetatype: Any]()
struct EntityCollection<T : Entity> {
static var loadedEntities: [T] {
get {
return _loadedEntities[AnyHashableMetatype(T.self), default: []] as! [T]
set {
_loadedEntities[AnyHashableMetatype(T.self)] = newValue
// ...
EntityCollection<Foo>.loadedEntities += [Foo(), Foo()]
print(EntityCollection<Foo>.loadedEntities) // [Foo(), Foo()]
print(EntityCollection<Bar>.loadedEntities) // [Bar()]
We are able to maintain the invariant that the metatype used for the key describes the element type of the array value through the implementation of loadedEntities, as we only store a [T] value for a T.self key.
There is a potential performance issue here however from using a getter and setter; the array values will suffer from copying on mutation (mutating calls the getter to get a temporary array, that array is mutated and then the setter is called).
(hopefully we get generalised addressors soon...)
Depending on whether this is a performance concern, you could implement a static method to perform in-place mutation of the array values:
func with<T, R>(
_ value: inout T, _ mutations: (inout T) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
return try mutations(&value)
extension EntityCollection {
static func withLoadedEntities<R>(
_ body: (inout [T]) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R {
return try with(&_loadedEntities) { dict -> R in
let key = AnyHashableMetatype(T.self)
var entities = (dict.removeValue(forKey: key) ?? []) as! [T]
defer {
dict.updateValue(entities, forKey: key)
return try body(&entities)
EntityCollection<Foo>.withLoadedEntities { entities in
entities += [Foo(), Foo()] // in-place mutation of the array
There's quite a bit going on here, let's unpack it a bit:
We first remove the array from the dictionary (if it exists).
We then apply the mutations to the array. As it's now uniquely referenced (no longer present in the dictionary), it can be mutated in-place.
We then put the mutated array back in the dictionary (using defer so we can neatly return from body and then put the array back).
We're using with(_:_:) here in order to ensure we have write access to _loadedEntities throughout the entirety of withLoadedEntities(_:) to ensure that Swift catches exclusive access violations like this:
EntityCollection<Foo>.withLoadedEntities { entities in
entities += [Foo(), Foo()]
EntityCollection<Foo>.withLoadedEntities { print($0) } // crash!
I'm not sure if I like this yet or not, but I used a static computed property:
private extension Array where Element: String {
static var allIdentifiers: [String] {
get {
return ["String 1", "String 2"]
An hour ago i have a problem almost like yours. I also want to have a BaseService class and many other services inherited from this one with only one static instance. And the problem is all services use their own model (ex: UserService using UserModel..)
In short I tried following code. And it works!.
class BaseService<Model> where Model:BaseModel {
var models:[Model]?;
class UserService : BaseService<User> {
static let shared = UserService();
private init() {}
Hope it helps.
I think the trick was BaseService itself will not be used directly so NO NEED TO HAVE static stored property. (P.S. I wish swift supports abstract class, BaseService should be)
It turns out that, although properties are not allowed, methods and computed properties are. So you can do something like this:
class MyClass<T> {
static func myValue() -> String { return "MyValue" }
class MyClass<T> {
static var myValue: String { return "MyValue" }
This isn't ideal, but this is the solution I came up with to fit my needs.
I'm using a non-generic class to store the data. In my case, I'm using it to store singletons. I have the following class:
private class GenericStatic {
private static var singletons: [String:Any] = [:]
static func singleton<GenericInstance, SingletonType>(for generic: GenericInstance, _ newInstance: () -> SingletonType) -> SingletonType {
let key = "\(String(describing: GenericInstance.self)).\(String(describing: SingletonType.self))"
if singletons[key] == nil {
singletons[key] = newInstance()
return singletons[key] as! SingletonType
This is basically just a cache.
The function singleton takes the generic that is responsible for the singleton and a closure that returns a new instance of the singleton.
It generates a string key from the generic instance class name and checks the dictionary (singletons) to see if it already exists. If not, it calls the closure to create and store it, otherwise it returns it.
From a generic class, you can use a static property as described by Caleb. For example:
open class Something<G> {
open static var number: Int {
return GenericStatic.singleton(for: self) {
print("Creating singleton for \(String(describing: self))")
return 5
Testing the following, you can see that each singleton is only created once per generic type:
print(Something<Int>.number) // prints "Creating singleton for Something<Int>" followed by 5
print(Something<Int>.number) // prints 5
print(Something<String>.number) // prints "Creating singleton for Something<String>"
This solution may offer some insight into why this isn't handled automatically in Swift.
I chose to implement this by making the singleton static to each generic instance, but that may or may not be your intention or need.
Depending on how many types you need to support and whether inheritance is (not) an option for you, conditional conformance could also do the trick:
final class A<T> {}
final class B {}
final class C {}
extension A where T == B {
static var stored: [T] = []
extension A where T == C {
static var stored: [T] = []
let a1 = A<B>()
A<B>.stored = [B()]
let a2 = A<C>()
A<C>.stored = [C()]
Well I also ran into the same problem and was able to device a logical work around for it. I had to create a static instance of urlsession using a generic class as handler.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let neworkHandler = NetworkHandler<String>()
class SessionConfigurator: NSObject{
static var configuration:URLSessionConfiguration{
let sessionConfig = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: "")
sessionConfig.isDiscretionary = true
sessionConfig.allowsCellularAccess = true
return sessionConfig
static var urlSession:URLSession?
class NetworkHandler<T> :NSObject, URLSessionDelegate{
func download(){
if SessionConfigurator.urlSession == nil{
SessionConfigurator.urlSession = URLSession(configuration:SessionConfigurator.configuration, delegate:self, delegateQueue: OperationQueue.main)
All I can come up with is to separate out the notion of source (where the collection comes from) and then collection itself. And then the make the source responsible for caching. At that point the source can actually be an instance, so it can keep whatever caches it wants/needs to and your EntityCollection is just responsible for maintaining a CollectionType and/or SequenceType protocol around the source.
Something like:
protocol Entity {
associatedtype IdType : Comparable
var id : IdType { get }
protocol Source {
associatedtype EntityType : Entity
func first() -> [EntityType]?
func next(_: EntityType) -> [EntityType]?
class WebEntityGenerator <EntityType:Entity, SourceType:Source where EntityType == SourceType.EntityType> : GeneratorType { ... }
class WebEntityCollection : SequenceType { ... }
would work if you have a typical paged web data interface. Then you could do something along the lines of:
class WebQuerySource<EntityType:Entity> : Source {
var cache : [EntityType]
func query(query:String) -> WebEntityCollection {
let source = WebQuerySource<MyEntityType>(some base url)
for result in source.query(some query argument) {
source.query(some query argument)
.map { ... }
.filter { ... }
Something like this?
protocol Entity {
class EntityCollection {
static var cachedResults = [Entity]()
func findById(id: Int) -> Entity? {
// Search cache for entity with id from table
// Return result if exists else...
// Query database
// If entry exists in the database append it to the cache and return it else...
// Return nil

Swift override all setters and getters of a subclass

I would like to override a setter/getter one time for but for all the properties for a class in swift
This my class. I want to call Realm each time I am adding a new value
class House : Object
var a:String
set {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
try realm.write {
a = newValue
catch {
var b:String
set {
do {
let realm = try Realm()
try realm.write {
b = newValue
catch {
There is no way in Swift how you can overwrite setters for all properties at once.
What you could generally do though is use:
overwritten setters per property
abstract computed properties wrapping low-level properties
intercept getters and setters by KVC accessor methods (e.g. is<Key>, get<Key>, …) and rely only on untyped dynamic KVC-based access via valueForKey(Path):, if you want to apply the decorated behavior (which you might want to avoid for this reason)
But Realm is using custom getters and setters under the hood, which are dynamically overwritten in an dynamically inserted intermediate class at runtime and relies on the presence of those. So the only approach, which is really feasible is having dynamic stored properties declared and adding for each of those an extra property, based on those.
var storedPropertyA: String = ""
var computedPropertyA: String {
get {
// add your extra behavior here
return storedPropertyA
set {
// add your extra behavior here
self.storedPropertyA = newValue
Beside that there is an alternative way of using the decorator pattern and decorate your whole object with extra behavior. In Swift, you could have your object and your decorator implement a common protocol, which defines your properties.
protocol HousingProperties {
var a: String { get set }
class House: HousingProperties {
var a: String = ""
class HouseDecorator: HousingProperties {
internal var house: House
init(house: House) { = house }
var a: String {
// add your extra behavior here = a
Still I would NOT recommend to intercept property setters and getters for the purpose you intend here. Instead I'd advise to structure your application's architecture in a way, that allows you to be aware whether there is a write transaction or not and let the responsibility of making a write transaction in the hands of the code, which tries to modify objects.
Let me explain why:
Realm is using a multiversion concurrency control algorithm to manage persisted data and achieve thread-safety. This makes sure that different threads can read data at any point in time without having to read-lock and trying to synchronize these. Instead when a write is happening, all accessors are notified that there is new data and try to move on to the newest transaction. Until that has happened, all versions between the oldest data version, which is still used by a thread and the one written have to be retained. They can be first released when all threads advanced their commit pointers. If you do a lot of small transactions, you risk that your file size will blew up to unnecessary high values. For that reason, we recommend to batch write transactions to large changesets.
There is one hack to kind of attain what the poster is looking for, however possibly not advisable... Anyway; you can can create your own assignment operators that does whatever you want to do in realm prior to assigning the values
class MyType {
var myInt : Int = 0
var myString : String = ""
init(int: Int, string: String) {
myInt = int
myString = string
infix operator === {}
func ===<T>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T? {
Realm() // replace with whatever Realm()-specific stuff you want to do
return rhs
protocol MyAddableTypes {
func + (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self
extension String : MyAddableTypes {}
extension Int : MyAddableTypes {}
infix operator +== {} // ... -== similarily
func +==<T: MyAddableTypes>(lhs: T, rhs: T) -> T? {
Realm() // replace with whatever Realm()-specific stuff you want to do
return lhs+rhs
func Realm() {
// ...
print("Called realm")
var a = MyType(int: 1, string: "foo")
a.myString === "bar" // calls Realm(). After operation: a.myString = "bar"
a.myInt +== 1 // calls Realm(). After operation: a.myInt = 2
I thought I'd also mention that if you only want to do "Realm stuff" when a value is set (from your example: prior to setting a value, specifically), then the willSet method, used with stored properties, doesn't need to look so messy (nested closures), and personally, I would prefer this method
func Realm() {
print("Called realm")
class MyType {
// This isn't so messy, is it?
var myInt : Int = 0 { willSet { priorToSetValue(newValue) } }
var myString : String = "" { willSet { priorToSetValue(newValue) } }
var myDouble : Double = 0.0 { willSet { priorToSetValue(newValue) } }
private func priorToSetValue<T> (myVar: T) {
// replace with whatever Realm()-specific stuff you want to do,
// possibly including doing something with your new value
init(int: Int, double: Double, string: String) {
myInt = int
myDouble = double
myString = string
var a = MyType(int: 1, double: 1.0, string: "foo")
a.myString = "bar"
print(a.myString) // calls Realm(). After operation: a.myString = "bar"
a.myInt += 1 // calls Realm(). After operation: a.myInt = 2

Using reflection to set object properties without using setValue forKey

In Swift it's not possible use .setValue(..., forKey: ...)
nullable type fields like Int?
properties that have an enum as it's type
an Array of nullable objects like [MyObject?]
There is one workaround for this and that is by overriding the setValue forUndefinedKey method in the object itself.
Since I'm writing a general object mapper based on reflection. See EVReflection I would like to minimize this kind of manual mapping as much as possible.
Is there an other way to set those properties automatically?
The workaround can be found in a unit test in my library here
This is the code:
class WorkaroundsTests: XCTestCase {
func testWorkarounds() {
let json:String = "{\"nullableType\": 1,\"status\": 0, \"list\": [ {\"nullableType\": 2}, {\"nullableType\": 3}] }"
let status = Testobject(json: json)
XCTAssertTrue(status.nullableType == 1, "the nullableType should be 1")
XCTAssertTrue(status.status == .NotOK, "the status should be NotOK")
XCTAssertTrue(status.list.count == 2, "the list should have 2 items")
if status.list.count == 2 {
XCTAssertTrue(status.list[0]?.nullableType == 2, "the first item in the list should have nullableType 2")
XCTAssertTrue(status.list[1]?.nullableType == 3, "the second item in the list should have nullableType 3")
class Testobject: EVObject {
enum StatusType: Int {
case NotOK = 0
case OK
var nullableType: Int?
var status: StatusType = .OK
var list: [Testobject?] = []
override func setValue(value: AnyObject!, forUndefinedKey key: String) {
switch key {
case "nullableType":
nullableType = value as? Int
case "status":
if let rawValue = value as? Int {
status = StatusType(rawValue: rawValue)!
case "list":
if let list = value as? NSArray {
self.list = []
for item in list {
self.list.append(item as? Testobject)
NSLog("---> setValue for key '\(key)' should be handled.")
I found a way around this when I was looking to solve a similar problem - that KVO can't set the value of a pure Swift protocol field. The protocol has to be marked #objc, which caused too much pain in my code base.
The workaround is to look up the Ivar using the objective C runtime, get the field offset, and set the value using a pointer.
This code works in a playground in Swift 2.2:
import Foundation
class MyClass
var myInt: Int?
let instance = MyClass()
// Look up the ivar, and it's offset
let ivar: Ivar = class_getInstanceVariable(instance.dynamicType, "myInt")
let fieldOffset = ivar_getOffset(ivar)
// Pointer arithmetic to get a pointer to the field
let pointerToInstance = unsafeAddressOf(instance)
let pointerToField = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int?>(pointerToInstance + fieldOffset)
// Set the value using the pointer
pointerToField.memory = 42
assert(instance.myInt == 42)
This is probably pretty fragile, you really shouldn't use this.
But maybe it could live in a thoroughly tested and updated reflection library until Swift gets a proper reflection API.
It's not that far away from what Mirror does internally, see the code in, around here:
The same technique applies to the other types that KVO rejects, but you need to be careful to use the right UnsafeMutablePointer type. Particularly with protocol vars, which are 40 or 16 bytes, unlike a simple class optional which is 8 bytes (64 bit). See Mike Ash on the topic of Swift memory layout:
Edit: There is now a framework called Runtime at which provides a pure Swift model of the Swift 4+ memory layout, allowing it to safely calculate the equivalent of ivar_getOffset without invoking the Obj C runtime. This allows setting properties like this:
let info = try typeInfo(of: User.self)
let property = try "username")
try property.set(value: "newUsername", on: &user)
This is probably a good way forward until the equivalent capability becomes part of Swift itself.
Swift 5
To set and get properties values with pure swift types you can use internal ReflectionMirror.swift approach with shared functions:
The idea is to gain info about an each property of an object and then set a value to a needed one by its pointer offset.
There is example code with KeyValueCoding protocol for Swift that implements setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) method:
typealias NameFreeFunc = #convention(c) (UnsafePointer<CChar>?) -> Void
struct FieldReflectionMetadata {
let name: UnsafePointer<CChar>? = nil
let freeFunc: NameFreeFunc? = nil
let isStrong: Bool = false
let isVar: Bool = false
fileprivate func swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount(_: Any.Type) -> Int
fileprivate func swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildMetadata(
_: Any.Type
, index: Int
, fieldMetadata: UnsafeMutablePointer<FieldReflectionMetadata>
) -> Any.Type
fileprivate func swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildOffset(_: Any.Type, index: Int) -> Int
protocol Accessors {}
extension Accessors {
static func set(value: Any?, pointer: UnsafeMutableRawPointer) {
if let value = value as? Self {
pointer.assumingMemoryBound(to: self).pointee = value
struct ProtocolTypeContainer {
let type: Any.Type
let witnessTable = 0
var accessors: Accessors.Type {
unsafeBitCast(self, to: Accessors.Type.self)
protocol KeyValueCoding {
extension KeyValueCoding {
private mutating func withPointer<Result>(displayStyle: Mirror.DisplayStyle, _ body: (UnsafeMutableRawPointer) throws -> Result) throws -> Result {
switch displayStyle {
case .struct:
return try withUnsafePointer(to: &self) {
let pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: $0)
return try body(pointer)
case .class:
return try withUnsafePointer(to: &self) {
try $0.withMemoryRebound(to: UnsafeMutableRawPointer.self, capacity: 1) {
try body($0.pointee)
fatalError("Unsupported type")
public mutating func setValue(_ value: Any?, forKey key: String) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
guard let displayStyle = mirror.displayStyle
, displayStyle == .class || displayStyle == .struct
else {
let type = type(of: self)
let count = swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount(type)
for i in 0..<count {
var field = FieldReflectionMetadata()
let childType = swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildMetadata(type, index: i, fieldMetadata: &field)
defer { field.freeFunc?( }
guard let name ={ String(validatingUTF8: $0) }),
name == key
else {
let clildOffset = swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveChildOffset(type, index: i)
try? withPointer(displayStyle: displayStyle) { pointer in
let valuePointer = pointer.advanced(by: clildOffset)
let container = ProtocolTypeContainer(type: childType)
container.accessors.set(value: value, pointer: valuePointer)
This approach works with both class and struct and supports optional, enum and inherited(for classes) properties:
// Class
enum UserType {
case admin
case guest
case none
class User: KeyValueCoding {
let id = 0
let name = "John"
let birthday: Date? = nil
let type: UserType = .none
var user = User()
user.setValue(12345, forKey: "id")
user.setValue("Bob", forKey: "name")
user.setValue(Date(), forKey: "birthday")
user.setValue(UserType.admin, forKey: "type")
print(,, user.birthday!, user.type)
// Outputs: 12345 Bob 2022-04-22 10:41:10 +0000 admin
// Struct
struct Book: KeyValueCoding {
let id = 0
let title = "Swift"
let info: String? = nil
var book = Book()
book.setValue(56789, forKey: "id")
book.setValue("ObjC", forKey: "title")
book.setValue("Development", forKey: "info")
print(, book.title,!)
// Outputs: 56789 ObjC Development
if you are afraid to use #_silgen_name for shared functions you can access to it dynamically with dlsym e.g.: dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "swift_reflectionMirror_recursiveCount") etc.
There is a swift package ( with full implementation of KeyValueCoding protocol for pure Swift and it supports: get/set values to any property by a key, subscript, get a metadata type, list of properties and more.
Unfortunately, this is impossible to do in Swift.
KVC is an Objective-C thing. Pure Swift optionals (combination of Int and Optional) do not work with KVC. The best thing to do with Int? would be to replace with NSNumber? and KVC will work. This is because NSNumber is still an Objective-C class. This is a sad limitation of the type system.
For your enums though, there is still hope. This will not, however, reduce the amount of coding that you would have to do, but it is much cleaner and at its best, mimics the KVC.
Create a protocol called Settable
protocol Settable {
mutating func setValue(value:String)
Have your enum confirm to the protocol
enum Types : Settable {
case FirstType, SecondType, ThirdType
mutating func setValue(value: String) {
if value == ".FirstType" {
self = .FirstType
} else if value == ".SecondType" {
self = .SecondType
} else if value == ".ThirdType" {
self = .ThirdType
} else {
fatalError("The value \(value) is not settable to this enum")
Create a method: setEnumValue(value:value, forKey key:Any)
setEnumValue(value:String forKey key:Any) {
if key == "types" {
} else {
fatalError("No variable found with name \(key)")
You can now call self.setEnumValue(".FirstType",forKey:"types")