mongodb set/update aggregated unwound fields - mongodb

I have a document from mongo database looking like this:
"_id": "00000001",
"category": "Weather",
"city": "Salt Lake City",
"date": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1663236000000"
"logs": {
"2022-09-14 12:00:00": {
"temp": 55,
"humidity": 25
"2022-09-14 14:00:00": {
"temp": 65,
"humidity": 35
I am trying to query it and have it look like this:
"_id": "00000001",
"category": "Weather",
"city": "Salt Lake City",
"date": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1663236000000"
"2022-09-14 12:00:00": "55, 25",
"2022-09-14 14:00:00": "65, 35"
Currently my application query looks like:
$match: {
_id: {
$exists: true
$unwind: "$logs"
$addFields: {
"series._id": "$_id",
"series.category": "$category",
"": "$city",
"": "$date",
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$logs"
which results in:
"_id": "00000001",
"category": "Weather",
"city": "Salt Lake City",
"date": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1663236000000"
"2022-09-14 12:00:00": {
"temp": 55,
"humidity": 25
"2022-09-14 14:00:00": {
"temp": 65,
"humidity": 35
My problem is that the logs will add a new field every n hours, so the field names will be dynamic. I need to set/update the values for the unwound fields from objects to a string representation. How can I set/update field values for fields generated through $unwind aggregation like the example?

When field names are dynamic, one option is to use $objectToArray:
{$match: {_id: {$exists: true}}},
{$set: {logs: {$objectToArray: "$logs"}}},
{$set: {logs: {
$map: {
input: "$logs",
in: {
k: "$$this.k",
v: {$concat: [
{$toString: "$$this.v.temp"},
", ",
{$toString: "$$this.v.humidity"}
{$set: {logs: {$arrayToObject: "$logs"}}}
See how it works on the playground example
BTW, $unwind is for arrays, not for objects, hence the comment by #CharchitKapoor.

Building off of #nimrod serok's answer, still needed to flatten the logs field in my case. Used mergeObjects to flatten the field into the root document, and then used unset to remove the original field. This probably isn't the best way to do this but it is working for me. Thanks
[{$match: {_id: {$exists: true}}},
{$set: {logs: {$objectToArray: "$logs"}}},
{$set: {logs: {
$map: {
input: "$logs",
in: {
k: "$$this.k",
v: {$concat: [
{$toString: "$$this.v.temp"},
", ",
{$toString: "$$this.v.humidity"}
{$replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $mergeObjects: ["$$ROOT", {$arrayToObject: "$logs"}] } } },
{$unset: "logs"}


Mongodb Aggregations - Group by date including condition

I have a series of documents gathered by aggregation grouping. This is the result for one document:
"_id": {
"ip": "",
"myDate": "2022-10-19"
"date": "2022-10-19",
"allVisitedPages": [
"page": "/",
"time": {
"time": "2022-10-19T11:35:44.655Z",
"tz": "-120",
"_id": "634fe1100a011986b7137da0"
"page": "/2",
"time": {
"time": "2022-10-19T12:14:29.536Z",
"tz": "-120",
"_id": "634fea257acb264f23d421f1"
"page": "/",
"time": {
"time": "2022-10-19T15:37:30.002Z",
"tz": "-120",
"_id": "634fea266001ea364eeb38ea"
"visitedPages": 3,
"createdAt": "2022-10-19T11:35:44.920Z"
I want to get this (in this case 2 documents as the time difference between array position 2 and 3 is greater than 2 hours):
"_id": {
"ip": "",
"myDate": "2022-10-19"
"date": "2022-10-19",
"allVisitedPages": [
"page": "/",
"durationInMinutes": "39",
"time": {
"time": "2022-10-19T11:35:44.655Z",
"tz": "-120",
"_id": "634fe1100a011986b7137da0"
"page": "/2",
"durationInMinutes": "2",
"time": {
"time": "2022-10-19T12:14:29.536Z",
"tz": "-120",
"_id": "634fea257acb264f23d421f1"
"visitedPages": 2,
"_id": {
"ip": "",
"myDate": "2022-10-19"
"date": "2022-10-19",
"allVisitedPages": [
"page": "/",
"durationInMinutes": "2",
"time": {
"time": "2022-10-19T15:37:30.002Z",
"tz": "-120",
"_id": "634fea266001ea364eeb38ea"
"visitedPages": 1,
I want to get a new grouping document if the time between an array position and the following array position is greater than 2 hours. On the last array position it show always show "2".
I tried $divide and $datediff. But this is not possible on the group stage as it's an unary operator. An approach I tried is to calculate the sum of start and end time by dividing. But how to execute this on an array level on the group stage? Maybe someone could point me in the right direction if possible at all?
You can group and then reduce, but another option is to use $setWindowFields to calculate your grouping index before grouping:
{$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: {$concat: ["$ip", "$date"]},
sortBy: {"time.time": 1},
output: {prevtime: {
$push: "$time.time",
window: {documents: [-1, "current"]}
{$addFields: {
minutesDiff: {
$toInt: {
$dateDiff: {
startDate: {$first: "$prevtime"},
endDate: {$last: "$prevtime"},
unit: "minute"
{$addFields: {deltaIndex: {$cond: [{$gt: ["$minutesDiff", 120]}, 1, 0]}}},
{$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: {$concat: ["$ip", "$date"]},
sortBy: {"time.time": 1},
output: {
groupIndex: {
$sum: "$deltaIndex",
window: {documents: ["unbounded", "current"]}
duration: {
$push: "$minutesDiff",
window: {documents: ["current", 1]}
{$set: {
duration: {
$cond: [
{$and: [
{$eq: [{$size: "$duration"}, 2]},
{$lte: [{$last: "$duration"}, 120]}
{$last: "$duration"},
{$group: {
_id: {ip: "$ip", myDate: "$date", groupIndex: "$groupIndex"},
date: {$first: "$date"},
allVisitedPages: {$push: {page: "$page", time: "$time", duration: "$duration"}},
visitedPages: {$sum: 1}
{$unset: "_id.groupIndex"}
See how it works on the playground example

How to use $match (multiple conditions) and $group in Mongodb

have list of records with the following fields - postBalance, agentId, createdAt, type. I want to filter by “type” and date. After this is done I want to get the $last postBalance for each agent based on the filter and sum up the postBalance. I have been struggling with this using this query
[{ $match: {
$and: [ {
createdAt: { $gte: ISODate('2022-09-15'), $lt:
('2022-09-16') } },
{ type: "CASH_OUT"}]}},
_id: {createdAt: {$last: "$createdAt"}},
totalAmount: { $sum: "$postBalance" },
An empty array is returned with this query and there are data in the collection.
Below are samples of the documents
"_id": {
"$oid": "6334cefd0048787d5535ff16"
"type": "CASH_OUT",
"postBalance": {
"$numberDecimal": "23287.625"
"createdAt": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1664405245000"
"_id": {
"$oid": "6334d438c1ab8a577677cbf3"
"userID": {
"$oid": "62f27bc29f51747015fdb941"
"aggregatorID": "0000116",
"transactionFee": {
"$numberDecimal": "0.0"
"type": "AIRTIME_VTU",
"postBalance": {
"$numberDecimal": "2114.675"
"walletHistoryID": 613266,
"walletID": 1720,
"walletActionAt": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1664406584000"
"postBalance": {
"$numberDecimal": "36566.39"
"createdAt": {
"$date": {
"$numberLong": "1664407090000"
This is the output I am expecting
"date" : 2022-10-09,
"CASHOUT ": 897663,088,
"FUNDS_TRANSFER": 8900877,
"AIRTIME_VTU": 8890000
How can my query be aggregated to get this? Thanks
It look like you want something like:
{$match: {
createdAt: {
$gte: ISODate("2022-09-15T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt: ISODate("2022-09-30T00:00:00.000Z")
{$group: {
_id: "$type",
createdAt: {$first: "$createdAt"},
totalAmount: {$sum: "$postBalance"}
{$group: {
_id: 0,
createdAt: {$first: "$createdAt"},
data: {$push: {k: "$_id", v: "$totalAmount"}}
{$project: {
data: {$arrayToObject: "$data"},
createdAt: 1,
_id: 0
{$set: {"": "$createdAt"}},
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$data"}}
See how it works on the playground example

mongodb query to find the min price in array of objects

My documents:
"title": "lenovo x-100",
"brand": "lenovo",
"category": "laptops",
"variant": [{
"price": 30000,
"RAM": "4GB",
"storage": "256GB",
"screen": "full hd",
"chip": "i3"
}, {
"price": 35000,
"RAM": "8GB",
"storage": "512GB",
"screen": "full hd",
"chip": "i5"
}, {
"price": 40000,
"RAM": "12GB",
"storage": "2TB",
"screen": "uhd",
"chip": "i7"
"salesCount": 32,
"buysCount": 35,
"viewsCount": 60
"title": "samsung12",
"brand": "lenovo",
"category": "mobile phones",
"variant": [{
"price": 11000,
"RAM": "4GB",
"ROM": "32GB"
}, {
"price": 16000,
"RAM": "6GB",
"ROM": "64GB"
}, {
"price": 21000,
"RAM": "8GB",
"ROM": "128GB"
"salesCount": 48,
"buysCount": 39,
"viewsCount": 74
Expected output
I have tried this method of aggregation
$match: {
brand: 'lenovo'
}, {
$group: {
_id: '$brand',
prices: {
$min: '$variant.price'
}, {
$unwind: {
path: '$prices'
}, {
$group: {
_id: '$_id',
minPrice: {
$min: '$prices'
I want to find the minimum price based on the brand, this query is returning the expected output but is there any better way to get the expected outcome because using $unwind operator in quite expensive in the sense it may take longer execution time, hoping for positive response.Thanks in advance.
You can use $reduce to replace the second $group stage.
$group - Push variant.price into new array and results nested array of array.
3.1. $reduce - Use to flatten the nested array from the result 2 by $concat the arrays into one.
3.2. $min - Select min value from the result 3.1.
$match: {
brand: "lenovo"
$group: {
_id: "$brand",
prices: {
$push: "$variant.price"
$project: {
_id: 1,
minPrice: {
$min: {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$prices",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$concatArrays": [
Sample Mongo Playground

How to count embedded array object elements in mongoDB

"orderNo": "123",
"bags": [{
"type": "small",
"products": [{
"id": "1",
"name": "ABC",
"returnable": true
}, {
"id": "2",
"name": "XYZ"
"type": "big",
"products": [{
"id": "3",
"name": "PQR",
"returnable": true
}, {
"id": "4",
"name": "UVW"
I have orders collection where documents are in this format. I want to get a total count of products which has the returnable flag. e.g: for the above order the count should be 2. I am very new to MongoDB wanted to know how to write a query to find this out, I have tried few things but did not help:
this is what I tried but not worked:
{ "$unwind": "$bags" },
{ "$unwind": "$bags.products" },
{ "$unwind": "$bags.products.returnable" },
{ "$group": {
"_id": "$bags.products.returnable",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
For inner array you can use $filter to check returnable flag and $size to get number of such items. For the outer one you can take advantage of $reduce to sum the values from inner arrays:
$project: {
totalReturnable: {
$reduce: {
input: "$bags",
initialValue: 0,
in: {
$add: [
$size: {
$filter: {
input: "$$this.products",
as: "prod",
cond: {
$eq: [ "$$prod.returnable", true ]
Mongo Playground

MongoDB merge $facet results with corresponding items

Hello I have a collection like this
"_id" :"601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"initialBalance": {"$numberDecimal": "75"},
{"_id": "601bd1542df40f2ca8a769df","payment": {"$numberDecimal": "10"}},
{"_id": "601bd1542df40f2ca8a769de","payment": {"$numberDecimal": "20"}},
I want to calculate active balance (initialBalance - total of paymentHistory) for each payment.
I calculated total payments from paymentHistory for each document in collection.
I get this result for above query.
"info": [
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"title": "Payment-1",
"initialBalance": {"$numberDecimal": "580"},
"subPayments": [
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"total": {"$numberDecimal": "80.75"}
I added following lines to aggregation.
{$project: {payments:{$setUnion:['$info','$subPayments']}}},
{$unwind: '$payments'},
{$replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$payments" }},
Now, I get this result
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"total": {"$numberDecimal": "80.75"}
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"title": "Payment-1",
"initialBalance": {"$numberDecimal": "580"},
I think if I group them via _id, then I calculate activeBalance in $project aggregation.
totalPayment:{$first: "$total"},
$set:{activeBalance:{$subtract:[{$ifNull:["$initialBalance",0]}, {$ifNull:["$totalPayment",0]}]}}
The problem is after $group aggregation fields return null.
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"title": null,
"initialBalance": null,
"totalPayment": {
"$numberDecimal": "80.75"
"activeBalance": {
"$numberDecimal": "-80.75"
How can I solve this problem?
This is what #prasad_ suggested:
$addFields: {
activeBalance: {
$subtract: [
$reduce: {
input: "$paymentHistory",
initialValue: 0,
in: { $sum: ["$$value", "$$this.payment"] }