MongoDB merge $facet results with corresponding items - mongodb

Hello I have a collection like this
"_id" :"601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"initialBalance": {"$numberDecimal": "75"},
{"_id": "601bd1542df40f2ca8a769df","payment": {"$numberDecimal": "10"}},
{"_id": "601bd1542df40f2ca8a769de","payment": {"$numberDecimal": "20"}},
I want to calculate active balance (initialBalance - total of paymentHistory) for each payment.
I calculated total payments from paymentHistory for each document in collection.
I get this result for above query.
"info": [
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"title": "Payment-1",
"initialBalance": {"$numberDecimal": "580"},
"subPayments": [
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"total": {"$numberDecimal": "80.75"}
I added following lines to aggregation.
{$project: {payments:{$setUnion:['$info','$subPayments']}}},
{$unwind: '$payments'},
{$replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$payments" }},
Now, I get this result
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"total": {"$numberDecimal": "80.75"}
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"title": "Payment-1",
"initialBalance": {"$numberDecimal": "580"},
I think if I group them via _id, then I calculate activeBalance in $project aggregation.
totalPayment:{$first: "$total"},
$set:{activeBalance:{$subtract:[{$ifNull:["$initialBalance",0]}, {$ifNull:["$totalPayment",0]}]}}
The problem is after $group aggregation fields return null.
"_id": "601bd0f4be72d839303adcd3",
"title": null,
"initialBalance": null,
"totalPayment": {
"$numberDecimal": "80.75"
"activeBalance": {
"$numberDecimal": "-80.75"
How can I solve this problem?

This is what #prasad_ suggested:
$addFields: {
activeBalance: {
$subtract: [
$reduce: {
input: "$paymentHistory",
initialValue: 0,
in: { $sum: ["$$value", "$$this.payment"] }


How To Count Values Inside Deeply Nested Array Of Objects in Mongodb Aggregation

I want to sum of values inside array of objects which have another array of objects.
In my case; how can I count 'url' values in all documents inside 'urls' array under 'iocs' array;
Mongo playground: open
Here is document example;
"_id": {
"$oid": "63b4993d0625ebe8b6f5b06e"
"iocs": [
"urls": [
"url": "",
"urls": [
"url": "",
"url": "",
"urls": [
"url": "",
type: "2"
"_id": {
"$oid": "63b4993d0624ebe8b6f5b06e"
"iocs": [
"urls": [
"url": "",
"urls": [
"url": "",
"url": "",
"urls": [
"url": "",
type: "3"
"_id": {
"$oid": "63b4993d0615ebe8b6f5b06e"
"iocs": [
"urls": [
"url": "",
"urls": [
"url": "",
"url": "",
"urls": [
"url": "https://123.12",
type: "1"
expected output be like;
url: "",
url: "",
url: "",
I tried unwind iocs then project urls but can't figure out how to get this output. I think i must use group but how ? Newbie in mongodb.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks all.
NOTE: All the answers are working. Thank you all for the contributing.
You could do something like this !
"$unwind": "$iocs"
"$unwind": "$iocs.urls"
"$group": {
"_id": "$iocs.urls.url",
"count": {
"$sum": 1
"types": {
"$addToSet": "$type"
"$project": {
url: "$_id",
_id: 0,
types: 1,
count: 1
Here's one way you could do it.
{"$unwind": "$iocs"},
{"$unwind": "$iocs.urls"},
"$group": {
"_id": "$iocs.urls.url",
"count": {"$count": {}},
"types": {"$addToSet": {"$toInt": "$type"}}
"$set": {
"url": "$_id",
"_id": "$$REMOVE"
Try it on
You can try this query:
Double $unwind to deconstruct the nested array.
Then group by url get the count using $sum nad add the types into a set (to avoid duplicates, otherwise you can use simply $push)
"$unwind": "$iocs"
"$unwind": "$iocs.urls"
"$group": {
"_id": "$iocs.urls.url",
"count": {
"$sum": 1
"types": {
"$addToSet": "$type"
Example here
Since $unwind is considered an inefficient operation, another option is to use $reduce and only $unwind once:
{$project: {
type: 1,
urls: {
$reduce: {
input: "$iocs",
initialValue: [],
in: {$concatArrays: ["$$value", "$$this.urls.url"]}
{$unwind: "$urls"},
{$group: {
_id: "$urls",
type: {$addToSet: "$type"},
count: {$sum: 1}
{$project: {url: "$_id", count: 1, type: 1}}
See how it works on the playground example

MongoDB - Sum the field in an array

How can I get all the sum of fields in an array in Mongoose?
I want to sum up all the amounts in the payments array.
"_id": 0,
"name": "shoe",
"payments": [
"type": "a",
"amount": 10
"type": "b",
"amount": 15
"type": "a",
"amount": 15
"_id": 0,
"name": "shirt",
"payments": [
"type": "a",
"amount": 5
"type": "b",
"amount": 20
Expected result:
"amountSum": 65
There is a shorter and most likely faster solution:
$group: {
_id: null,
amountSum: { $sum: { $sum: "$payments.amount" } }
$group - Group all documents.
1.1. $sum - Sum the value returned from 1.1.1 for the amountSum field.
1.1.1. $reduce - As payments is an array of objects, sum all the amount for the elements and transform the result from the array to number.
$group: {
_id: null,
amountSum: {
$sum: {
$reduce: {
input: "$payments",
initialValue: 0,
in: {
$sum: [
Demo # Mongo Playground

Min nested array in mongo

How can I use the $min function to get the min value within nested arrays (and add it to the document)?
"_id": "a357e77f-a76a-4bc2-8765-923280663e97",
"customers": [
"_id": "97170117-4660-4c6f-b8da-2b34d4d0c9ce",
"orders": [
"amount": 0.5
"amount": 6.400001525878906
"_id": "7b9ccf5b-3acb-4ed1-8df4-e3b5afc49cba",
"orders": [
"amount": 27.29999542236328
"amount": 0.29999542236328125
"_id": "58433224-8162-4f0a-8168-bc11b4306b0a",
"customers": [
"_id": "8a6055d0-9b94-40be-8f96-8fd9088d24aa",
"orders": [
"amount": 19.700000762939453
"_id": "a50a57b8-61e7-4727-a15a-4a4137b2f81a",
"orders": [
"amount": 43.80000305175781
How can I get the min amount value within the $customers.orders.amount path?
I've tried but it returns 0.
$addFields: {
"amount": {
$sum: "$customers.orders.amount"
You can do as below for each customer
"$unwind": "$customers"
"$unwind": "$customers.orders"
{//Group by customer id,
$group: {
"_id": "$customers._id",
min: {
$push: {
"$min": "$customers.orders.amount"
You can use group by null if you want to find min across all the customers.
Found a solution using reduce to create a flat array of the nested arrays and then use $min on that. MongoPlayground
"$addFields": {
"min": {
$min: {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$customers",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$concatArrays": [

MongoDB: Assign document objects to field in '$project' stage

I have a user collection:
{"_id": 1,"name": "John", "age": 25, "valid_user": true}
{"_id": 2, "name": "Bob", "age": 40, "valid_user": false}
{"_id": 3, "name": "Jacob","age": 27,"valid_user": null}
{"_id": 4, "name": "Amelia","age": 29,"valid_user": true}
I run a '$facet' stage on this collection. Checkout this MongoPlayground.
I want to talk about the first output from the facet stage. The following is the response currently:
"user_by_valid_status": [
"_id": false,
"count": 1
"_id": true,
"count": 2
"_id": null,
"count": 1
However, I want to restructure the output in this way:
"analytics": {
"invalid_user": {
"_id": false
"count": 1
"valid_user": {
"_id": true
"count": 2
"user_with_unknown_status": {
"_id": null
"count": 1
The problem with using a '$project' stage along with 'arrayElemAt' is that the order may not be definite for me to associate an index with an attribute like 'valid_users' or others. Also, it gets further complicated because unlike the sample documents that I have shared, my collection may not always contain all the three categories of users.
Is there some way I can do this?
You can use $switch conditional operator,
$project to show value part in v with _id and count field as object, k to put $switch condition
"$facet": {
"user_by_valid_status": [
"$group": {
"_id": "$valid_user",
"count": { "$sum": 1 }
$project: {
_id: 0,
v: { _id: "$_id", count: "$count" },
k: {
$switch: {
branches: [
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", null] }, then: "user_with_unknown_status" },
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", false] }, then: "invalid_user" },
{ case: { $eq: ["$_id", true] }, then: "valid_user" }
"users_above_30": [{ "$match": { "age": { "$gt": 30 } } }]
$project stage in root, convert user_by_valid_status array to object using $arrayToObject
$project: {
analytics: { $arrayToObject: "$user_by_valid_status" },
users_above_30: 1

total of all groups totals using mongodb

i did this Aggregate pipeline , and i want add a field contains the Global Total of all groups total.
{ "$match": query },
{ "$sort": cursor.sort },
{ "$group": {
_id: { key:"$paymentFromId"},
items: {
$push: {
//i want to get
...project groups , goupsTotal , groupsCount
you need to use $facet (avaialble from MongoDB 3.4) to apply multiple pipelines on the same set of docs
first pipeline: skip and limit docs
second pipeline: calculate total of all groups
{ "$match": query },
{ "$sort": cursor.sort },
{ "$group": {
_id: { key:"$paymentFromId"},
items: {
$push: "$$CURRENT"
$facet: {
docs: [
{ $skip:cursor.skip },
{ $limit:cursor.limit }
overall: [
{$group: {
_id: null,
groupsTotal: {$sum: '$total'},
groupsCount:{ $sum: '$count'}
the final output will be
docs: [ .... ], // array of {_id, items, count, total}
overall: { } // object with properties groupsTotal, groupsCount
PS: I've replaced the items in the third pipe stage with $$CURRENT which adds the whole document for the sake of simplicity, if you need custom properties then specify them.
i did it in this way , project the $group result in new field doc and $sum the sub totals.
$project: {
"doc": {
"_id": "$_id",
"total": "$total",
$group: {
"_id": null,
"globalTotal": {
$sum: "$"
"result": {
$push: "$doc"
$project: {
"result": 1,
//paging "result": {$slice: [ "$result", cursor.skip,cursor.limit ] },
"_id": 0,
"globalTotal": 1
the output
globalTotal: 121500,
result: [ [group1], [group2], [group3], ... ]