Unity - Vimeo Player Prefab and scripts can't be loaded - unity3d

Vimeo Player Script
Vimeo Player prefab
I'm trying to use the Vimeo Player script in my project. I'm using Unity 2019.2.11f1 with AVPro 1.9.10 and for some reason, I'm getting some script errors:
Assets/Vimeo/Scripts/Recorder/RecorderController.cs(15,59): error CS0117: 'Path' does not contain a definition for 'GetTempPath'
Assets/Vimeo/Scripts/Recorder/RecorderController.cs(98,36): error CS0117: 'Path' does not contain a definition for 'Combine'
Anyone have a solution?

I was able to remove the errors by adding "System.IO." in front of "Path" on the references throwing the errors. This caused all my errors to go away.


Unity throws FMod Error Loading File in Builds

I'm making a Unity game and in the Editor all audio clips play fine. However, when I try to play them from builds I get this error:
Error: Cannot create FMOD::Sound instance for clip "Variation 1 Master" (FMOD error: Error loading file. )
I've tried loading them in via Resources.Load() instead, and while that works for some of my clips, others continue to throw the same error when I call Resources.Load(). I haven't been able to find anyone else who has seen this issue.
The only thing I can think of is that the size of my project is massive and that is causing problems. My Assets directory is almost 55GB and the build is almost 10GB. Almost all of this is Unity-transcoded videos (which load fine).
Does anyone have any ideas for something I haven't thought of? Thanks!!!

Unity Universal Render Pipelines Error CS0117

I am trying to make a Unity racing game using Universal Vehicle Controller from the asset store. The problem is that after importing this asset (which includes dependencies) I get this message in the console:
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.render-pipelines.universal#10.4.0\Editor\ShaderGraph\Targets\UniversalTarget.cs(191,37): error CS0117: 'Fields' does not contain a definition for 'AlphaClip'
That's pretty much it. I encountered this issue on Unity Version 2021.3.1f1/2f1/8f1 and on asset's version 1.3.121. Thanks!

Error in using VideoSurface script of Agora Video SDK in Unity

I am currently implementing Video call using Agora in Unity. I am facing an error which shows "error CS1061: 'VideoSurface' does not contain a definition for 'mAdjustTransform' and no accessible extension method 'mAdjustTransform' accepting a first argument of type 'VideoSurface' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
Please help me.....:(

Cannot implement leaderboard on Unity

I'm trying to implement leaderboard for scores on my game. That package from git is imported on Unity 5.3 and when I copy-paste resources into the plugin setup dialog I got that errors message:
Plugin error: file not found: Assets/GooglePlayGames/Editor/template-Constants.txt
And this : Invalid classname: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Can someone help me? :)

Unity3D project setup for iOS and Web Player

I'm doing a project for iOS in Unity and all works fine, but I'd like to also build for Web Player for testing purposes. The problem is once I switch platform to Web Player I get the following errors.
Assets/Main.cs(50,45): error CS0117: `System.IO.File' does not contain a definition for `ReadAllText'
Assets/Main.cs(51,29): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(string)' has some invalid arguments
Assets/Main.cs(51,29): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `string'
Obviously it's about unsupported API in Web Player, but how do I get around that?
You need to use "Platform Dependent Compilation" http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PlatformDependentCompilation.html
And include any platform specific code in relevant ifs, elifs and endifs.
using System.IO.File;