Unity throws FMod Error Loading File in Builds - unity3d

I'm making a Unity game and in the Editor all audio clips play fine. However, when I try to play them from builds I get this error:
Error: Cannot create FMOD::Sound instance for clip "Variation 1 Master" (FMOD error: Error loading file. )
I've tried loading them in via Resources.Load() instead, and while that works for some of my clips, others continue to throw the same error when I call Resources.Load(). I haven't been able to find anyone else who has seen this issue.
The only thing I can think of is that the size of my project is massive and that is causing problems. My Assets directory is almost 55GB and the build is almost 10GB. Almost all of this is Unity-transcoded videos (which load fine).
Does anyone have any ideas for something I haven't thought of? Thanks!!!


Suddenly receiving firebase database error when logging in through app: " Evaluation error: NSURLErrorDomain: -1003"

I am currently working on an IOS app built through Swift on Xcode. Firebase packages are installed using Cocoapods, and all pods are updated. Additionally, I double-checked that the Plist and Google-Service Info files are correct.
This is the full error line I receive when logging into the app and trying to retrieve user information from the database:
nw_proxy_resolver_create_parsed_array [C3.1.1 proxy pac] Evaluation
error: NSURLErrorDomain: -1003
I am unable to figure out how to resolve this issue as there were no changes in my code and it was working beforehand perfectly.
I can provide code snippets if needed but since the app was working prior, I am assuming this isn't related to my code.
The only time I was able to solve this issue temporarily was to reset the package caches through XCode, allowing me to view posts and other content pulled from the firebase backend. Unfortunately, after I restarted the app, this solution did not work anymore, and the same error from above popped up. Since resetting the package caches worked initially, I am assuming there is no direct correlation between the error and my source code.
Does anyone have any idea as to ways I can solve this issue? It has prevented me from working on my app for several days now. Thanks for any help!
Update: After looking over my code one more time, I found that there was a missing dot in a line of code, leading to my IOS app not running. This did NOT solve the error of nw_proxy_resolver_create_parsed_array [C3.1.1 proxy pac] Evaluation error: NSURLErrorDomain: -1003, but since the app is working successfully, my problem is solved.

Unity AltspaceVR Uploader Fails - EditorCoroutine.cs "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

I'm trying to upload a Unity project via the AltspaceVR Uploader and I've followed all the steps for migrating to the correct Unity version (2020.3.18f1) and converted all materials to Universal Render Pipeline, but when I attempt to upload I receive these error messages and I don't know how to go about fixing them. Any help would be appreciated.
I've tried creating a fresh blank project and that uploads correctly. I've also tried removing everything from my scene but that still fails, so it seems to be failing because of whatever the issue is with this EditorCoroutine.cs script.
I found this bit that seems promising.
Following those instructions, the bit of code that is causing the exception is:
data = default(ProcessorData);
return enumerator.MoveNext();
return true;

Getting error trying to use UnityEngine.Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly()

I'm using Unity version 5.5.0f3 and getting an error during development. It's showing an error on this line of code:
var assembly = Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(www.bytes);
The error message I'm getting:
UnityEngine.Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(byte[])' is obsolete:This was an internal method which is no longer used'
As per the documentation, this method is used by the Web Player. However:
Note that web player is not supported from 5.4.0, so this function no longer serves a purpose and will be deprecated.
If you really want to continue using this method, you can try downloading a prior version of Unity from the Download Archive - though I would recommend against working on Web Player projects since they will become even more difficult to maintain going forward without official support.

Problems getting OSVR to initialise the HMD Display with Oculus DK2

I am using a Oculus DK2 (v0.8) and OSVR SDK. I'm having a problem getting the HMD to run/display anything.
The Oculus samples and the OSVR samples do work however, so the osvr_server seems to run fine.
My application itself renders a test scene just fine when not using a HMD.
I tried two approaches:
First, just creating a osvr context and creating a DisplayConfig object. This seems to work, but DisplayConfig::checkStartup() fails (I do this in a loop, calling update on the context when the checkStartup call is failing). I used the OpenGLSample.cpp as a guide for this
Second, I tried using a RenderManager, but the call to createRenderManager results in a crash within the RenderManager.dll. I get the same crash wether I create the graphics lib object myself or if I let the library create it.
I am quite stuck now, since the demos and examples do work, I have no idea where to look for the error on my side. Creating the context works, querying interfaces as well, but the crash with createRenderManager is beyond me.
Does anyone have any hints or ideas what the problem could possibly be?
Regards and thanks in advance
RenderManager should not crash during open. There have been a couple of bug fixes recently to avoid that happening, and the latest RenderManager binaries, libraries and header files are available with the SDK download from http://osvr.github.io/using/ along with updated copies of the example programs.
When something goes wrong in RenderManager, it usually reports that to standard error. We're moving that to a logging interface, but for now it should show up on the console. Posting an output of that as an issue at https://github.com/sensics/OSVR-RenderManager/issues is a good way to let the developers know that there is a problem. Of course, providing the same sort of information you provided here will be helpful as well.

How to handle bootstrap error in xcode 4.2,ios5.0

I did two sample applications in ios.Both applications i have done using storyboard.Then after i did i copied the two classes of one application to another.Then i saved and compiled,it worked>But second time when i build the application and when i run that application,am getting error like this:
Couldn't register BundleIdentifier.application name with the bootstrap server.Error:unknown
error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.(gdb)
How to resolve this error?Please give me some suggestions in resolving this issue.
The reason for this error is that you are testing app in either simulator or device and suddenly change for another without stopping it.
For this you need to properly close app from navigator before moving for another ios selection.
if encounter this problem then restart xcode and simultor(also reset simulator).