Unity Universal Render Pipelines Error CS0117 - unity3d

I am trying to make a Unity racing game using Universal Vehicle Controller from the asset store. The problem is that after importing this asset (which includes dependencies) I get this message in the console:
Library\PackageCache\com.unity.render-pipelines.universal#10.4.0\Editor\ShaderGraph\Targets\UniversalTarget.cs(191,37): error CS0117: 'Fields' does not contain a definition for 'AlphaClip'
That's pretty much it. I encountered this issue on Unity Version 2021.3.1f1/2f1/8f1 and on asset's version 1.3.121. Thanks!


Unity - Vimeo Player Prefab and scripts can't be loaded

Vimeo Player Script
Vimeo Player prefab
I'm trying to use the Vimeo Player script in my project. I'm using Unity 2019.2.11f1 with AVPro 1.9.10 and for some reason, I'm getting some script errors:
Assets/Vimeo/Scripts/Recorder/RecorderController.cs(15,59): error CS0117: 'Path' does not contain a definition for 'GetTempPath'
Assets/Vimeo/Scripts/Recorder/RecorderController.cs(98,36): error CS0117: 'Path' does not contain a definition for 'Combine'
Anyone have a solution?
I was able to remove the errors by adding "System.IO." in front of "Path" on the references throwing the errors. This caused all my errors to go away.

Scorm 1.2 is not supported in Chamilo with Unity

I am a student trainee and my company wants to use chamilo to publish language courses using Scorm. Indeed, it uses Unity software to develop a course application.
I used the GitHub project Unity-SCORM-Integration-Kit to generate a zip file of a test project that I want to import on Chamilo.
I succeeded to publish this project with webGL on the LMS chamilo but it contains some errors.
first of all, it shows me below the application:
***Initialize *** SCORM 1.2 not currently supported
then, in the learner data section, when I insert the learner preferences fields, I get this error:
NullReferenceException: Object in the element inspector. (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1)
The test project is present in this link: https://github.com/rstals/Unity-SCORM-Integration-Kit.
a demostration of this project is avalable in this link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GydMMoBR1Ek&t=672s&ab_channel=TechnologyToolkit
I use Unity 2019.4.19f1
how to fix this problem ?
screeshot of the chamilo LMS
I thank you in advance for your answer.

javascript error airconsole generator and unity

Hi I am making a game on unity with airconsole and when I try to import the airconsole controls github repo to my unity project I get a lot of javascript errors, so I can't use the controller generator and it hinders me, A LOT.
Thanks in advance, you would save my skin.
Your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, as well as all additional resources your controller will need (images etc.), need to be in Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole so Unity will not try to compile them into C# or UnityScript.
Your controller HTML file itself can be somewhere else in the project, the file within Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole will be updated automatically to match it as long as it is linked in the AirConsole Object in your scene.
If you add the plugin including example scenes into an empty project, you will see a working folder structure.
Edit/Update: in case you are getting errors along the lines of The type or namespace name 'ILGenerator' could not be found (or the same but with DynamicMethod) please see details on Reddit or StackOverflow.
Essentially: you have to set API Compatibility level o 4.x in your Player Settings for your selected platform.

Getting error trying to use UnityEngine.Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly()

I'm using Unity version 5.5.0f3 and getting an error during development. It's showing an error on this line of code:
var assembly = Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(www.bytes);
The error message I'm getting:
UnityEngine.Security.LoadAndVerifyAssembly(byte[])' is obsolete:This was an internal method which is no longer used'
As per the documentation, this method is used by the Web Player. However:
Note that web player is not supported from 5.4.0, so this function no longer serves a purpose and will be deprecated.
If you really want to continue using this method, you can try downloading a prior version of Unity from the Download Archive - though I would recommend against working on Web Player projects since they will become even more difficult to maintain going forward without official support.

Unity3D project setup for iOS and Web Player

I'm doing a project for iOS in Unity and all works fine, but I'd like to also build for Web Player for testing purposes. The problem is once I switch platform to Web Player I get the following errors.
Assets/Main.cs(50,45): error CS0117: `System.IO.File' does not contain a definition for `ReadAllText'
Assets/Main.cs(51,29): error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `SimpleJSON.JSON.Parse(string)' has some invalid arguments
Assets/Main.cs(51,29): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `string'
Obviously it's about unsupported API in Web Player, but how do I get around that?
You need to use "Platform Dependent Compilation" http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/PlatformDependentCompilation.html
And include any platform specific code in relevant ifs, elifs and endifs.
using System.IO.File;