How to make Test account for app gallery? - flutter

I want to submit an app to the app gallery, but it required a test account and I don't know how to add one like the firebase console.
enter image description here

You just have to provide an account for the person that's going to test manually your app to validate it for the store.
If you are using Firebase, you can just create an account by going to Firebase Console, choosing the project linked to your app, and going to the "Authentication" service in the "Build" category.
Then, just click on the "Add user" button. You'll have to have to user/password provider activated on Firebase.
Enter test credentials and share them on the form that App Gallery is asking to start your review process.


Google Play Services won't work because Firebase creates another oath client ID

My app has been published for a couple years and all was well, Google play services was working and the app was integrated with Firebase. Then I upgraded to app signing, and in doing so somehow I managed to have the wrong OAuth client ID show up in the google_services.json file. In the Firebase developer docs it says you can delete your Firebase project then create a new one, importing existing app. When I do that it creates yet another OAuth client ID, ignoring the one in Game Play Services.
Signing in with Google works, but scores and times are not being posted to Leaderboards. I want to continue using Firebase for analytics, dynamic links and app invites. Does anyone know how to proceed to get back to having functioning leaderboards and achievements?
I have solved this issue. First, you'll know you have this issue if the OAuth client ID in your google_services.json file does not match the Oauth Client ID under "linked apps" in game play services.
The solution is to:
1) Unlink your app in Firebase, by going to settings, integration, and clicking un-link.
2) Next, go to the developer console and under game services, app details, you should be able to click through a link to see your app in the app console. There you'll see the Oauth ID. If it does not match the one in your google_services.json file, delete it.
3) Go to "linked apps" in game services, and create another Oauth client ID by clicking "link another app".
4) Once you have linked your app again, you should see a link that says "Add Firebase to your app". Click that link to add Firebase, and follow the steps.
5) Make sure to download the new google_services.json file into the app\ directory of your Android Studio project.
6) Re-build your project and you should be all set. Note that the Oauth client ID in your google_services.json file will now match the new one you created in the Developer Console.

How to share smart home app to other users before it published?

I am developing a smart home app and want to share it to another Google account before it published.
I follow the steps in
Add a new member and role set to project -> viewer.
But my smart home app does not appear in the home control section of Google Home app when I use the Google account
When I switch back to my own Google account, my smart home app appears in the Google Home app.
Is anyone encountering this issue?
For sharing your smart home actions with other users, follow theses steps,
Click the "3-dots" icon in the upper right corner of the console (
Click Manage user access (this redirects you to the Google Cloud Platform IAM permissions page)
Click ADD at the top of the page
Enter the email address of the user you want to add
Click Select a role and choose Project > Viewer
Click SAVE
In order to add users to a project, you need to be an owner of the project and after you're done with the above steps then all the added users will be able to see the Actions on their Google console. Additionally the users that have shared access to your Action can test it on Assistant-enabled devices such as their smartphones. But, before they can test the smart home Action, the added users must set up for testing. In order to test that Action device testing must be enabled for that device and after doing that it should be linked to the correct Google account. Performing this setup allows users to test on Google Assistant surfaces and on the Google Home app, using the same account you used to sign in to the Actions console. Find out more about setting up testing at

problems with Facebook share button

The goal is to use facebook share button.
"App Not Setup: This app is still in development mode, and you don't have access to it. Switch to a registered test user or ask an app admin for permissions."
This is a message when I want to login with other than my app account. When I login with my app account I can use the button otherwise not. Is it because I use test apps delails? When I use my original website app id it gives the same message. In settings it is available to public. Test application is in development mode, it doesnt change to available to public. Should I remove test version or?
Thanks in advance.
Your application is in development and no one user can use this application except developers and organizers. You can see list of all people who can use your app at menu item "Roles" at application dashboard. To make your application available to other people make next steps:
Go to app dashboard at facebook -> Settings -> set contact email -> App Review -> swith first slider to YES position.
After this manipulations other people can login to your app correctly.

Cannot install my own Facebook app

I haven't done a Facebook app in a while. Today I needed to create a simple application for a customer and I'm still not able to install it.
The app is very basic. The idea is to have an extra "tab" where the app will simply show a jpg stored on an external server.
The main problem at this moment is that when I login as the clients page admin, and navigate to the app page, it does not show the "add app to page" link.
How can I install my app?
Retrieve your app id from
Replace your app id in the following URL where it says YOUR_APP_ID:

How can I create test user for application page?
I read above page, yet I could not get how to do.
I am preparing application with sandbox mode till it has completed.
But I want to let the people in charge available to access on this application.
Could you please let me know how can I make it?
You can add people as a "Tester". Go to your list of apps:
Choose the app you care about. In the "Roles" section, add the person in charge as a Tester. A Tester can use the app even when it's in sandbox mode.
Here are what all the different roles mean: