Android Nearby Connections - google-nearby

I'm developing an app using Nearby Connections. Is there a way to make a device keep on discovering when the app is out of focus and no longer in the foreground? This is possible with devices running Android version code <= M, but not >= Q.


Discussion: Flutter app slow or insecure connection on Huawei devices & Samsung tablets users

I have a flutter app (Something like Udemy)
The app working fine but I noticed that the user with Huawei devices & Samsung tablets facing slowly connections and insecure connections sometimes (old and new devices, some of them working with android 9,10,11)
I don't know what the reason, or how to start to search about this

Flutter run external App after selection?

Is it possible to include an selection of all apps on the device, that the user can select the app? Also the same with Bluetooth connection. The user can select an Bluetooth device and when the device is accessible the selceted app starts? Give it packages for flutter, which can handle this?

Flutter nearby connections on IOS

I want to make chat app using nearby connections/bluetooth. I was using flutter_nearby_connection pack, which should work on both platform (ios + android), but it works only on IOS emulator. Real device is calling methods flutter -> swift.
I gave a lot of permissions (info.plist / permission handler/NSBonjourServices key). Right now I have a error [Core Bluetooth] XPC connection invalid . NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription is added to plist and sandbox is off.
Did someone try this on real IOS? Documentation only has tests on IOS emulator, so idk if its problem by my side. Can u recommend other pack that will allow me to chat between Android - IOS?
MacOs 12.6.2, Xcode 14.2, IOS 15.7.1

Device to device communication with Xamarin

I am developing an application for iOS, Android, UWP and Windows Phone 8.1 device with Xamarin Forms.
In this app I have a key feature witch require the app to send notifications to other device (which are also running the app).
The amout of data is realy low but it has to be fast (don't want to use a backend).
What I want to do:
When the user lunch the app, the app scan network (Wifi and/or bluethooth) to find if another app is already running)
If the app find nothing, it launch a server part.
If the app find someting, it connect to the other device (with allow/disallow screen).
So I am considering the folowing solution :
Wifi (but it requires all devices to be on the same network).
I don't find best pratice or guides for this.
Does someone have already tried and have a solution ?

How do I know if iphone system has powered on?

Is there any mechanism available in ios to get a notification or event of iphone is switch on (ios system has finished booting) like "ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED" intent available in android?
I want to start my application on phone boot up (iphone is switched on) if some flags for auto start functionality is on in my application.
Is it possible ? Can we receive notification of iphone is switch on i.e. system has finished booting in ios?
Unfortunately iOS doesn't support any such broadcast receivers as in Android. Atleast upto iOS 6.