Flutter nearby connections on IOS - swift

I want to make chat app using nearby connections/bluetooth. I was using flutter_nearby_connection pack, which should work on both platform (ios + android), but it works only on IOS emulator. Real device is calling methods flutter -> swift.
I gave a lot of permissions (info.plist / permission handler/NSBonjourServices key). Right now I have a error [Core Bluetooth] XPC connection invalid . NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription is added to plist and sandbox is off.
Did someone try this on real IOS? Documentation only has tests on IOS emulator, so idk if its problem by my side. Can u recommend other pack that will allow me to chat between Android - IOS?
MacOs 12.6.2, Xcode 14.2, IOS 15.7.1


React Native Expo iOS simulator in windows

I am starting a React Native app and I work on Windows (I do not have any ios devices). How do I know how does my app look and work on iOS devices? Is it even possible to run some kind of simulator in windows that will allow me to render my RN app in an iphone? I have android studio and an android phone so android is covered but I wanted to know how I can do the same for iphones. Thanks
Running IOS simulator is only possible on macOS.

Xamarin : iOS Device logic board get damage

Since we started developing App using Xamarin Studio, 4 device's logic board get damaged. i.e. auto restart the device, auto power off etc.
Earlier we developed using xCode and never face this kind of issue. Is this related to Xamarin Studio?
PS: This issue is only for iOS devices and not for Android.

Camera access for iMessage extension on real device

Guys from Apple who talked in 2 sessions dedicated to iMessage app and Stickers showed few demos all using iOS Simulator, but as we know it doesn't emulate camera features. When trying to install iMessage extension on real device it just opens iMessage app with latest received message without being able to tap on "Message App Store" button. I'm interested in testing my extension on real device because it's using device camera, but couldn't make it work.
It was a bug. After updating device to iOS 10 beta 4 and Xcode to version 8 beta 4, the extension is installed and running on device.

test iPhone app without an iPhone

I've been sent an iPhone app package (.zip file) that I would like to test. The app is not yet available in the app store and I don't own an iPhone. What are my options for testing this app? I can probably get my hands on a Mac (with some difficulty), but ideally I'm looking for a way of running the app under windows/Linux.
I was hoping to find a website that would allow me to upload the package, and I could then test the app in a browser, but haven't found anything like this so far.
You try what you want, the app code will not run on any other platform then an iOS device.
The best option is the get the source code so you can run the app on a Mac with Xcode and the iOS simulator.
But this is no real replacement for device testing.
Also be aware that iOS ad-hoc app arre linked to device and can there not be installed on device which are not in the profile with which the app is build. The devices are identified by there UDID.
The app you linked is indeed an ARM only binnary and can only be installed on devices that are in the profile used to build the app.
Festivals.ie: Mach-O executable arm
I also took a look at the app bundle and it seems that the app is native, there for you can not simply extract any thing an present it as a webpage. There is no known app to HTML tool available.
In order to test an iOS app the developer of the app must add your UDID to his Member Center under devices. Without that limit everyone could share apps around the globe with no real use for the appstore.
There's no way for you to test it, even if you'll get a Mac and an iPhone.
If not an iPhone, you can test it on an iPad or an IOS simulator... NO other way possible at all...

How to create an iPhone application?

I want to create an iPhone application. But the build should work for iPhone device 3.0 to 4.0.
Please give me some idea for that. Because, I have created an iPhone application. I have installed that application in a device (version 3.1.3), it is working fine. I have tried in iPhone version 4.0 with the same build. But I am getting some error message.
error message:
"entitlements are not valid".
There are two settings that you should look at (in your project's info on the build tab):
1) Base SDK - this is the SDK that you are going to link your app with - set this as high as you can.
2) iOS Deployment Target - set this to be iOS 3.0
The first one is the one used by the compiler to make your app.
The second one controls which devices your app can run on (iOS 3.0 means 3.0 and anything above that)
Watch out though - if you use any methods that are only available in iOS 4.0 the app will compile fine but will crash if you run it on a 3.x device - you need to thoroughly test it just to be on the safe side. If you look in the docs each method says which version of iOS it's available on.