transactions history using my secret in a live PayPal application - paypal

I have a PayPal application that I just got to live mode using the developer console in PayPal
In this application I will using my PayPal application to transfer money between our users.
So far so good and the transactions are working , the money is getting passed between our users,
I just cannot see any indications or records any where in PayPal user interface.
I tried to create reports using the activity log here :
but I cannot see anything related to the transactions of our users
where I can see the records of all the transactions that are been made in my PayPal application using their Interface ?

If the transaction is not between your account (but rather between users' PayPal accounts), there will be no reporting available on such transactions for you in account nor the transaction reporting API of that account..
To use the transaction reporting API on behalf of third parties (without a client id and secret from their account) requires being a PayPal partner.
If you are facilitating transactions between users, the solution is to record the successful capture in your own database for reporting purposes.


Orders getting created without any payment transactions - Salesforce B2C Commerce Cloud

Seeking guidance, help.
My current instance of Salesforce B2C Commerce is leveraging a third party payment processor/gateway (e.g. Paypal, Stripe, Adyen etc...). Experiencing an issue on certain orders only, where orders are being created but no actual payment transaction. Now this happens to certain orders only, and I am unable to troubleshoot it as there aren't any error logs in Business Manager nor the payment processor/gateway logs.
Anyone experienced the same? Where else could I check for orders sitting in "created" state without an actual payment transaction?
Checked on the following things:
Tested with bad test payment methods like credit cards
Tested with last minute stock changes
Validated webhooks and looked for errors relating to "time-outs" (couldn't find any)
Checked the actual order in business manager

PayPal Auto Payment without logging in

I want to make a payment system in which users can connect their PayPal account to a website. In this step, login required.
When transaction occurs, without having to log in again, users can pay to the site.
This would be quite different from PayPal subscriptions -- just auto payment like upwork client account.
What you are looking seems to be a "Reference Transactions" solution. It can be tested in sandbox, but to use it in live, the business account would need to be approved for this feature by PayPal. To do this the account owner would need to contact their PayPal account manager or PayPal's general customer support (not MTS), and explain the business need for this feature.
As far as implementing the solution, the only public documentation I'm aware of is for classic APIs: . Any newer API or vault solution does not appear to be publicly available at this time, but you could always contact PayPal's support and ask if there's something they'd rather you implement than those classic APIs. The more significant hurdle is the business approval for the feature mentioned earlier.

Populate PayPal sandox account with lots of transactions

I am building a website and I want to import the users PayPal transaction history using the API.
My issue is that the PayPal sandbox accounts do not have any transaction history. I need to be able to test getting a 500+ transactions from the API.
Has anybody got any suggestions on a good way to create or import transaction data into the sandbox account? I have a CSV of the transactions from my account which has a few thousand records but I can't see a way to import it on the sandbox account.
What you'll want to do is access the history of the transactions via the and not the transaction history via the developer portal.
You cannot import history data into PayPal because the data should be in the dashboard; counterintutive
You should be able to see the transactions in each merchant account via using the email and pw you created for each one
Hope this helps

Paypal App is "Conditionally Approved".What is the timeline to get it approved?

I have created and submitted a Paypal application ( using the classic API). The application is in a conditionally approved state. Paypal reached out and asked additional questions which I responded back with details. The application does not use the Paypal API to make payments. It only reads transactions related data and shows useful reports and insights for users. The API permissions requested are
1.Obtain transaction specific information.
2.Obtain your paypal account balance
3.Search your transaction specific information.
4.Search your transactions for items that match specific criteria and display the results
I was able to get a live app id and also have the API username, password and API signature. However since our app uses Paypal oauth, the permissions part doesn't work . My guess is this is because the app is conditionally approved. Is this the right assumption? Also what is the typical timeline for an app to get approved? My Paypal account from which I created and submitted the app is a verified account. I have sent messages from within my developer portal to support but I haven't heard anything back.
So far we have been working with a sandbox account. The live application I created is in a different account than the sandbox account. I am not sure if this is an issue.Would be great if someone who has been through the process can confirm.
Unfortunately there is not really a "typical" time frame for app approvals as too many factors go into the approval process. The best thing would be to call in to PayPal to inquire on the status.

Paypal Payments Pro - Advanced Fraud Protection not working

I need some help with a very annoying problem. We have a Paypal Payments Pro account and use the Paypal_Merchant_SDK (.NET) to process direct payments on our site via API calls using the live credentials we got from We have been live for several months, transactions processing successfully.
Now we want a small change to way we accept payments. We want to reject transactions with wrong CV2 code. So after calls with Paypal support we were told we needed Advanced Fraud protection added to our manager account ( So we added it and set the "CSC Failure" fraud filter to reject transactions on non-matches and deployed it to live (active mode). All status messages say it was deployed successfully. We waited for several hours and tested, it didn't work - still processes transactions with wrong CV2 code and we get this message "This transaction was approved. However, the Card Security Code provided had too few, too many, or invalid character types but, as per your account option settings, was not required in the approval process."
Can anyone tell me why the CSC failure setting is not working and how to get it working?
EDIT: Ok, on the phone with paypal support again and they say that I will have to use the login credentials as part of each transaction in the API calls. Does anyone know where I would do that? I only see fields for API credentials.