enable powermail spamshied is not working - typo3

I am working with powermail in typo3 version 8.7.31 and powermail version 6.1.0.
I want to enable powermail spamshield to the contact form but it not working see my code of typoscript.
I created new template for extension for contact page.
For constant
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.spamshield.enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield._enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.methods.4._enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.factor = 75
Also i added in setup the same code as above but nothing happen when i entered same value to the all fields.
Any help? Thanks

Spamshield is enabled by default in powermail. So no configuration needed. What if you enter "Viagra" in all fields. Is spamshield really not working?


How to make the roles radio button mandatory in the register form. drupal 8

I have Drupal 8 site and I’m using the Select registration roles module to allow the user to choose its role during the registration process. and It works fine. but I want to make it mandatory to choose from the radio buttons.
any idea how to do that?
Thanks in advance.
For making it required, we can alter the form using hook_form_alter() inside .module file.
Add the following code.
if ($form_id == "user_register_form") {
$form['select_roles']['#required'] = TRUE;

TYPO3 backend deeplink to page record

I am using version 8.7 of TYPO3 and intended to use a link that leads directly to the backend to edit a record (page). I tried anything like typo3/backend.php?edit=57 but got a error:
file not found
typo3/backend.php?edit=57 was the way to do it up until TYPO3 6.2, but the backend URL changed to typo3/index.php in TYPO3 7.6. It still works kind of, however you need a security token which is generated by the core. The URL now is typo3/index.php?route=%2Fmain&edit=57&token=.... There isn't really an easy way to generate URL with a valid token like that from outside TYPO3 though.
If you want to create a link inside a custom module to edit a record you can use \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Utility\BackendUtility::editOnClick() or if you're using a Fluid template, the \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\ViewHelpers\Link\EditRecordViewHelper ViewHelper. More on that you can find here: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/CoreApiReference/8.7/ApiOverview/Examples/EditLinks/
Using the extension pxa_siteimprove deep links are of the following form:
The parameter language_uid is optional. An example link to a page with uid 42 looks like this:
Optionally we can include a language uid (e.g. 1). Without a language uid set it defaults to 0:
If you want to create deep links for other purposes, you can look how this extension creates the deep link in Pixelant\PxaSiteimprove\Hooks\DeepLinkingHandler. In a first hook it just saves the page uid to the backend user session and in a later hook reuses this information to redirect to the desired page by setting the following global variable:
$GLOBALS['BE_USER']->uc['startModuleOnFirstLogin'] = 'web_layout->id=' . (int)$pageId . '&SET[language]=' . (int)$languageId;

TYPO3 8.7 EXT:form - Flash messages not shown in finisher until refresh page

I created a custom finisher for EXT:form. Among other things, my finisher has to show a flash message:
class CreateRequestActionFinisher extends \TYPO3\CMS\Form\Domain\Finishers\AbstractFinisher
// Validations ...
$flashMessage = $this->objectManager->get(
'Everything is fine.',
My problem is that, in frontend, my flash message does not appear inmediately when I send my form. When I refresh my browser page (sending my form twice), my flash message appears. ¿What can I do? Thanks.
Workaround for TYPO3 v8.7:
I think this is based on this open issue regarding caching of flash messages. As a workaround, I currently use this additional finisher (last one in finisher array) to get it working properly:
pageUid: '1' # uid of the page with the form
additionalParameters: 'no_cache=1'
identifier: Redirect
TYPO3 v9.5.6 and newer:
I think that this problem has now been solved because of this patch and a workaround is no longer necessary.

How to Spam protect my Typo3 v8 website

How can i protect my email adresses in my Typo3 website v8.
Usually in older version i find this :
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 2
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)
but this is didn't work, what i'm missing ?
This works for me with TYPO3 8.7.1.
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 1
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)
Please make sure that there is no space between the colon and the email address.

CakeDC Users Plugin: Disable/Override Username Validation

How to configure CakeDC's Users plugin to override/disable the username field?
I have reconfigured the plugin to use 'email' field as username for login - and it works great for login - but I no longer need the username field validation in the registration.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Using CakePHP 3.1 and CakeDC User plugin 3.1.3
You can override the Users table and configure your own validation rules, etc following this page in the documentation https://github.com/CakeDC/users/blob/3.1.x/Docs/Documentation/Extending-the-Plugin.md#extending-the-model-tableentity
Once you are done with the new Table, don't forget to pass the new table configuration to Users Plugin Configuration using the parameter
'Users.table' => 'MyUsers',
The plugin was built with extension in mind. You should be able to extend/override any feature in your project.
Please feel free to open a ticket here https://github.com/CakeDC/users/issues if you find something we could improve.