How to Spam protect my Typo3 v8 website - typo3

How can i protect my email adresses in my Typo3 website v8.
Usually in older version i find this :
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 2
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)
but this is didn't work, what i'm missing ?

This works for me with TYPO3 8.7.1.
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses = 1
config.spamProtectEmailAddresses_atSubst = (at)
Please make sure that there is no space between the colon and the email address.


enable powermail spamshied is not working

I am working with powermail in typo3 version 8.7.31 and powermail version 6.1.0.
I want to enable powermail spamshield to the contact form but it not working see my code of typoscript.
I created new template for extension for contact page.
For constant
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.spamshield.enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield._enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.methods.4._enable = 1
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.spamshield.factor = 75
Also i added in setup the same code as above but nothing happen when i entered same value to the all fields.
Any help? Thanks
Spamshield is enabled by default in powermail. So no configuration needed. What if you enter "Viagra" in all fields. Is spamshield really not working?

Email aren't been sent in Aldryn forms, even though email backend is configured

I'm using Aldryn forms to submit contact page. In aldryn forms when the contact form is submitted it can be seen in the admin panel.
Including this, I need to receive email notifications.
As I've already worked on a few email notification projects in Django.
I've provided the relevant code for the email-backend config.
EMAIL_PORT = '587'
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'
When the contact form is submitted I need to receive an email in
please let me know if anything I'm missing out or wrongly configured.
I've resolved the issue after filling "Recipients" section in "Email notifications" inside settings of "Form" plugin (aldryn-forms plugin of Djangocms in my case). Settings are correct - work for me.

Powermail doesn't send mail

I have installed powermail extension 4.4 on typo3 v7.6 project, the test mail is sending good, but when I fill the form on frontend and click submit, no e-mail is delivered/arrives.
I configured the form in backend with name, e-mail, and subject for both receiver and sender.
I have used different e-mail addresses too.
I have also tried to disable the spamshield from typoscript : spamshield._enable = 0.
I have added a defaultEmailAdress in the installtool config : [MAIL][defaultMailFromAddress] .
Does anybody have another idea?
Whats in your LocalConfiguration.php ?
'MAIL' => [
'transport' => 'sendmail',
'transport_sendmail_command' => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i ',
should mostly work fine. But maybe you need to change transport to smtp or something else?
What really works good for me is the setup with Mailhog, to try Emails in Development.
I have fixed that, the problem was that i have used an different email adress in the plugin different from the adress in the smtp setting of installtool, this is was wrong, i have to use the same adress.

I use magento 2, when submit contact form then issue on mail

I use magento 2, when submit contact form then issue on mail, when receive successfully but problem is apostrophe character.
Suppose any Customer write comment like: Can't able to login then in mail
display like: Can &#039 ; t able to login
I use 4-5 latest version all version this common issue,
Please help to resolve if you know
Go to this path "/vendor/magento/module-contact/view/adminhtml/email" and open "submitted_form.html" and replace 19th line code with the below-mentioned code
{{trans "Comment: %comment" comment=$data.comment|raw}}
Adding to the comment of Abhinav Kumar Singh, there's another way for those who are working with copies of the default e-mail templates in admin backend: MARKETING > COMMUNICATIONS > E-MAIL TEMPLATES.
No need to override original Magento files.
After you have imported the Contact-Form Template, you will find the same syntax in the Template Content field. Just add the "|raw" tag there.
{{trans "Comment: %comment" comment=$data.comment|raw}}
{{var data.comment|raw}}

CakePHP Email Does Not Send on Mosso Cloud Sites

I have uploaded a working Cakephp web application to Mosso Cloud Sites hosting. The application is working fine except that emails are no longer being delivered. The site is an exact copy from my previous host, where sending email was working correctly. The app uses the built in Cakephp email component. I have searched Mosso's knowledgebase and followed the directions for php email (htaccess method) here. My script is as follows:
$this->Email->sendAs = 'html'; // both = html + plain text
$this->Email->to = '"'.$data['Customer']['first_name'].' '.$data['Customer']['last_name'].'" <' . $data['Customer']['email']. '>';
$this->Email->bcc = $this->_generateRecipients($data['Booking']['sales_associate_id']);
$this->Email->from = '<noreply#'.env('HTTP_HOST').'>';
$this->Email->replyTo = '<noreply#'.env('HTTP_HOST').'>';
$this->Email->return = '<noreply#'.env('HTTP_HOST').'>';
$this->Email->subject = 'Rental Receipt';
// Select appropraite email template
switch ($this->Session->read('site_id')) {
case '100':
$this->Email->template = 'vac_receipt1';
case '200':
$this->Email->template = 'vac_receipt2';
I would post a comment but don't have the reputations yet..
Anyway, did you check the send() return value? Do you get any errors in your log files? If there are no errors and the return value is fine, you should probably contact the support of your host.
After discussing the issue with the Mosso staff at length one of their linux admins stepped in and after reviewing the code noted that the Mosso Cloud Sites email system does NOT support Bcc or Cc on code generated emails. So since my code was using Bcc to send a copy to our staff as well as to the customer my emails were not being sent and no PHP errors were being thrown.
So if you use Mosso Cloud sites you cannot send emails with Bcc or Cc from code. Lesson learned, but something that should be easier to find in their knowledge base.