How to process what is seen by the player in Unreal Engine? - unreal-engine4

I want to add some custom postprocessing to each frame that is shown to the player in Unreal Engine 4. Simplest example: invert all colors that the player sees. At the moment I'm very confused and clueless where to even start googling. Any hint will be appreciated.

You should use Post Process Materials on a Post Processing Volume.
That allows you to take GBuffer passes and apply modifications to them using Unreal's material graphs.
Details here.


How to edit Motion Blur through script in Unity Engine

I have been trying to use motion blur in my project available in the post-processing volume. But there is little to no documentation on how to access the post-processing properties in a script.
What I basically want to do is, give the player an option to enable or disable the motion blur through a button.
Can you give a bit more detail on your set up for post processing? It can vary depending on the render pipeline you are using I think. For instance, with URP you can have all of your post processing effects as components of an empty object, pretty straight forward to turn on and off.

Unity Shader Graph - Glow motion of an object with Shader Graph

I'm new to shaders and with the new Shader Graph from Unity I'm trying to experiment and archive some effects that I have in mind for my games.
I want to get something like this:
I want a glow effect to go arround my object. In my case it's a square neon light, so it's simple I think.
What I have so far, experimenting and unifying different tutorials, effects, etc.:
This is the current Shader Graph, i know its a mess and maybe there are useless nodes, etc.:
This is the tutorial I think it's the most accurate to what I need:
Thanks in advance for any tip that help me find the correct path to archive the effect.
To make it clear, the real problem for me is the motion effect. I already setup the glow effect with post-processing and bloom. My problem is how to do the effect arround the object. In my case it's a neon tube, so it's easiest I think, as the effect can be on all the object but from the start of the tube to the end. As the tube is closed, it will start again from the begining almost at the same point. Hope it make it clear.
you can use post processing to get the effect your after, specifically bloom and tone mapping effects.
With post processing applied you just need to increase the color into HDR levels in your shader.
Applying a blur outside of post processing is actually extremely expensive and isn't really recommended unless there is absolutely no other option.

How to create a Flashlight in unreal that can be used in Android?

The player carries the flashlight so it is moving all the time. I'm aware of using a spotlight to make a flashlight when developing for the PC but it doesn't work for android. I have tried searching about it and all i have come across is creating a dynamic material that's applied to a certain area to give the illusion of a flashlight and it doesn't look good at all. So i would like to know if there is any other way to achieve this.
I think one option would be to use post processing. I am not sure is this better than using materials, but it is different (perhaps easier) way.
Here is example that I made quickly (obviously you would need to fine tune it):
fake light GIF
This contains ambient light and post processing effect.
Yellow area in middle that you see as light is not point light, it is just effect.
It is possible to change "light" area/intensity/color/... as well as overall darkness.
Also, worth mentioning, I made this quickly since I had already somewhat similar post processing effect, I just adjusted it so it look like flashlight.
You can find more information here:
Post Process Effects
Post Process Materials

Keynote/Powerpoint in Unity

I am working on a project that allow the user to practice presentations in a VR-Room. This includes the use of Powerpoint/Keynote, which is displayed on a plane. Image display is easy possible, just as video's.
There's the problem. Images don't contain movement, but a powerpoint/keynote file often does. Since Unity does not support the file extension of powerpoint and keynote. Exporting to HTML and programming our own phaser for the json files and apply the animations doesnt seem worth the effort.
Current situation:
At this moment we converted all sheets to textures. Not using the animations.
In the past there used to be some plugins to display HTML on a plane (flat surface). But these seem to be outdated. Is there anyone out there who has a solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Although this answer doesn't address the specific request of displaying HTML on a quad (plane, whatever) in Unity, it is a solution that may be worth considering if it fits your scenario.
If the presentations are linear, why not record them as video? You can easily the play the video on a quad in Unity using RenderTexture and pause it at the right moments to wait for the user to trigger the next slide/animation, whereupon the video can be played again until the next stop point.
This will require little programming on your part, but isn't the most flexible solution as it requires a linear slideshow and for you to create pause-points in the video playback at the correct timings to match the points where the slideshow naturally awaits a mouseclick from the user.

How to create animated beam sprite

I am new to coding, so am unfamiliar with many techniques etc, so please bear with!
I was wondering how you would go about recreating the effect seen in 'God of light' (, specifically the animated beams of light, with the awesome 'energy' look to them. In my SpriteKit game, the player reflects a beam (of light) using mirrors they draw. I am currently creating the beam using a CGPath as this lets me change its length easily, and have finished the code for the game without textures and just using SKSpriteNodes and shapes etc but I am clueless as to how I would go about adding an animated texture to the beam, such as the one in God of Light. If anyone would be willing to share any ideas as to the basic plan they would use to go about creating this effect I would be very appreciative!
Sorry its a little vague, but I haven't begun giving the beam a texture yet, and literally have no idea how to go about it.
I would use a separate animation program such as After Effects to create the the animation effect you want and export a series of keyframes. Then I would place the keyframes into an atlas and use SKAction animateWithTextures to animate them. Here is an excellent tutorial on it: Sprite Kit Tutorial: Animations and Texture Atlases: