Unity Shader Graph - Glow motion of an object with Shader Graph - unity3d

I'm new to shaders and with the new Shader Graph from Unity I'm trying to experiment and archive some effects that I have in mind for my games.
I want to get something like this:
I want a glow effect to go arround my object. In my case it's a square neon light, so it's simple I think.
What I have so far, experimenting and unifying different tutorials, effects, etc.:
This is the current Shader Graph, i know its a mess and maybe there are useless nodes, etc.:
This is the tutorial I think it's the most accurate to what I need:
Thanks in advance for any tip that help me find the correct path to archive the effect.
To make it clear, the real problem for me is the motion effect. I already setup the glow effect with post-processing and bloom. My problem is how to do the effect arround the object. In my case it's a neon tube, so it's easiest I think, as the effect can be on all the object but from the start of the tube to the end. As the tube is closed, it will start again from the begining almost at the same point. Hope it make it clear.

you can use post processing to get the effect your after, specifically bloom and tone mapping effects.
With post processing applied you just need to increase the color into HDR levels in your shader.
Applying a blur outside of post processing is actually extremely expensive and isn't really recommended unless there is absolutely no other option.


Using Minecraft character with skin into a unity game

I've decided to use Minecraft like characters in my small game since I do not know how to make 3d models (nor I want to learn how to do such thing in the near future).
However the task now seem a little harder than expected:
I've tried looking in the asset store for prefabs to use but without success.
So, I've decided to try and make a model on blender(by not knowing a thing about non parametric 3d modeling, my knowledge of blender is extremely limited) and import it into my unity game.
And surprisingly, I managed to create the model using McPrep, export it and import it into unity maintaining objects that drive the bones (the output is a bit messy but I think I can manage to clean it up a little).
However the imported version does not have any skin and appears in a gray shade.
Turns out that the output does not keep materials/textures with it!
I've tried getting the texture used by blender and it returns the same skin I fed into mcprep so, by using the same skin, I've tried creating a material with it by getting the .png and using it as texture in a unlit texture material.
However, the result is a bit messy as shown here (left is Blender, right is Unity):
How may I make the texture on unity3d be better and right? (I've heard there is a way using a C# script but I really don't know what it is nor how to do it)
Thanks for the answers before, I did set the filter to point obtaining the texture to be a bit better. However the part that should be transparent is displayed in black on top of the other part (I think).
The image on the right is only filter point and the one on the left is point + alpha is transparency and the transparent shader using unlit transparent
As Bart said, make sure the textures' Filter Mode is set to Point, but additionally:
Minecraft player characters are made of 2 layers, the second layer usually has lots of transparency and is used for clothing or other relief detail. So you need to use a transparency-capable shader on your material in Unity.
You're running into a filtering issue. In your case you want no filtering to happen. So select your texture, and in the inspector change the import settings so that your "Filter Mode" is set to "Point". In this case it will do no filtering of the input and your large pixels should appear sharp as you want.

Unity - how to provide diffuse lighting

I have a simple scene of the interior of a house (less roof). It does not in any way need to look realistic, just to be geometrically correct, therefore the walls and furnishings and fittings are simply constructed from primitive objects - cubes and cylinders etc.
The layout is fine, the problem is the lighting - very black shadows. The scene has the standard single directional light source.
What I need to do is provide overall diffuse lighting - equivalent to an overcast day.
I should point out that I am pretty much a novice on all this - lighting, shaders etc, though I have been reading a lot.
From what I read it appears that this is controlled by shaders, shaders being attached to materials, materials being applied to the objects. However, it doesn't seem to make much sense to me. Surely, a shader, if part of the object by virtue of being attached to the material, can only deal with how light might be reflected off the surface - but the light has to get there first.
Therefore, there must be a way of providing an overall diffuse light in the first place?
Or have I got this completely wrong? How does one get rid of the blackness on the non-illuminated side of an object? So far the only way I have found is to make the surface emit light, ie glow a bit, which surely must not be right.
Your general understanding of how this all works is correct. One way to look at it object request rendering, looks up the material, the material binds shader to a set of parameters. The shader then gets executed, once per light in the scene that affects it (this is simplyfying things but we'll get to that in a bit). This is why lights are expensive (in forward rendering that is), until optimizations start to kick in, this means rendering the scene n times.
So yes, you could just add a constatnt factor in the shader, to achieve the effect of 'ambient' or 'diffuse' lighting. But that shader, in order to support all the features like reflectivity etc, would have to be crazy complicated.
Fortunately, with unity we also get a middle layer called Standard Shader, which does pretty much all of the math underneath, and releases you from the necessity for writing shader code.
For a gentle, diffused look, you definitely want to look at baked Indirect Illumination features of Unity, maybe even lit everything with area lights only.
Its probably also a good idea to looki into light probe groups. They work with spherical harmonics, encoding only the low frequency components of the lighting data, effectively only using slow changing factors like general direction of the light.
Finaly look into reflection probes (and skyboxes while at it), theres few good free HDR probes available that will emit light into your scene (when baking lightmaps and baking lightprobes), enabling surprising realism, compared to default unity skybox.
If you don't want harsh directional light, just disable it (although it's often useful to know what is your strongest light source in your sene - even if its a skybox with some clouds, i would probably keep a scene light just to know faster if anything goes wrong

How can I use baked lighting on sprites? / How to light up a large area in 2D?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to light up large area(s) of sprites in Unity 2D. My previous knowledge on Unity's lighting is zero.
I first tried using a large amount of point lights and using the "Sprites/Diffuse" material, but about only five would actually render at a time, so I guess there's a limit on that.
Then I tried putting in an area light. That didn't do anything, so that's when I started doing research about baked lighting on sprites (and baked lighting in general). I found stuff like this but I couldn't get it to work either because it's outdated or because I don't know what I'm doing. Other answers I've come across seem to assume that the reader knows anything about lighting in Unity in the first place which, to be honest, I don't. Unity's documentation website had some information on it, but no tutorials that go into how to set up baked lighting.
I've tried a bunch of different combinations of materials (like using the "Standard" shader for the sprites instead of "Sprites/Diffuse", emission, ect.) and I enabled "Baked Global Illumination" in Lighting>Settings.
If baked lighting isn't possible on sprites (or isn't worth the trouble), what are the alternatives?
Edit: I made sure not to have the lights pointing the wrong direction, and I do realise that Unity2D is just like painting onto a piece of paper in Unity3D. I was able to get point lights to work, but only a few at a time. I don't need to do the entire screen at once, I need to do a large specific area at once.
some tips...
working with sprites your in 2d... when you add a light, switch to 3d mode, and rotate to make sure your light is pointed at your objects, and oriented so as not to be on the same plane, or level with them, as this will cast all the light behind them.
if your trying to light up everything on the screen(in camera) attach an area light to the camera at the cameras position, point it where the camera points, and then in the inspector on the right, you can change its variables. intensity, range, width, height etc.
Emissive Texture:
For some reason, I never even thought about going into the asset store. I found this for free, and it looks like it will work: Light2D.

How to change character weight in Unity?

So i try to make a adventure game and in one point my character need to eat some food and get fatter and fatter, smoothly every second.I've found only one solution in asset store.The MCS(Morph 3D) has this feature.But problem is i don't want to use one of their character.I have my on low-poly 3d character and i want to use this.
This is an example of what i need :
MCS Morph 3D
So where should i start? What should i look in to? Is there simple way to this or is it really hard?
Thanks already :)
This would normally be done with a frag/vert shader. You would modify the vertices of the mesh in the stomach area based on some value. This could be done really simply in which the distance of the stomach vertices from some given point located in the character's core would just increase based on your given value. I believe your thoughts are imagining something much prettier than this, but anything else would be much more involved for something that is purely visual. If you are not experienced with shaders, I would highly recommend purchasing a visual shader editor, such as Amplify (ASE) or Shader Forge. They make the jump into shaders much easier.

Shadows going through objects

I'm new to Lighting in 3D. Just started working with Unity3D. I was creating a sample for myself to test shadows and there is a problem.
As you can see that i have created two simple walls with two cubes. Also I have setup a directional light. Let's go the backside of the walls to view the problem
Technically the front wall should be blocking the shadow of the back wall. But it is not. I have painted a read line to show that where the shadow of front wall is overlapping the shadow of the other, meaning going all the was through the wall. Why is that happening. Help please...
set your shader to DIFFUSE. i have the same problem and solved this. my spotlight is passing thor
that is interesting indeed, i have used unity3d for 5 plus years and never seen or noticed this. however, this might seem like a weird request, could you set the ground and the two cubes to bumped diffuse and make sure the cubes are touching the ground.
Since the shader that is used might allow shadows to pass, secondly, could you go to player settings and check if you are using forward of differed rendering, since their lighting techniques are very different they might have different results.
but all in all, best guess is that the shader you are using allows shadows to pass.